Entering China Market

입력 2015.12.22 (13:59) 수정 2015.12.22 (14:26)

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브라우저에서만 사용하실 수 있습니다.

[Anchor Lead]

The bilateral free trade agreement between Korea and China will likely pave the way for small and mid-sized Korean firms looking to establish their presence in the massive Chinese market. Some firms have already begun to advance into China joining hands with large Chinese retailers.


The fashion industry is regarded as the biggest beneficiary of the bilateral free trade deal between Korea and China. Although exports of Korean fashion items have been on the rise thanks to the popularity of Korean culture overseas, small and mid-sized firms are still struggling. They face numerous hurdles in establishing their presence in the Chinese market, due to complicated customs procedures and difficulties in securing distribution channels.

[Soundbite] Lee Ok-hwa(CEO, Fashion Firm) : "It takes a lot of time and costs a lot of money for small firms to distribute and sell their products directly in China."

Korean small and mid-sized firms have decided to join hands with a large Chinese retailer in a bid to export their products en mass. Products made by Korean SMEs will go on sale at more than 70 stores in China, starting with the city of Wenzhou in February 2016. More than a thousand Korean firms will be able to sell some ten thousand items in the Chinese market. In March next year 500 firms will hold a business fair in China to appeal to customers. Local governments in China, including the government of Wenzhou City, have pledged proactive support in terms of customs and certifications.

2. Biomedicine Growth

[Anchor Lead]

The biomedicine industry has the potential to be designated by the government as a new economic growth engine. We take you to the scene of a groundbreaking ceremony for the world's largest biomedicine plant in Songdo, Incheon.


Samsung Biologics' third factory, for which ground has been broken, is the world's largest in size. Production will be doubled once the factory is completed in 2018, making Samsung the world's largest contract biomedicine producer.

[Soundbite] Kim Tae-han(President, Samsung Biologics) : "With the completion of our third factory, Samsung Biologics is expected to become a leading producer in the global biomedicine industry."

While attending the ground-breaking ceremony, President Park Geun-hye promised comprehensive support, saying that the bio-health industry is a core of creative economy, creating high added value and quality jobs.

[Soundbite] Park Geun-hye(President) : "The government will foster the biomedicine industry as a core industry to lead the nation's economic development."

Selecting the biomedicine sector as a new profitable field, Samsung has unveiled plans to operate the factory 365 days a year for the first time in the industry and attain success to rival the company's achievements in semiconductors by producing the world's finest products.

3. NK Nuclear Program

[Anchor Lead]

A Defense Ministry official says North Korea has probably already developed a boosted fission nuclear weapon. The official also claims Pyongyang is maintaining its nuclear test site in Punggyeri so that it's always ready to conduct nuclear tests at anytime.


An official from South Korea's Ministry of National Defense said that chances are high North Korea has already developed a boosted fission nuclear weapon, which is 2-5 times more destructive than an atomic bomb. At a special seminar organized by the Korean Association of North Korean Studies on Monday, Korea Arms Control Verification Agency President Lee Sang-chul said that Kim Jong-un's recent statement about Pyongyang's hydrogen bomb was made for propaganda reasons. However, Lee added that Pyongyang is highly likely to have already developed a boosted fission weapon, which is the stage between an atomic bomb and a hydrogen bomb. Lee expressed his concern over boosted fission weapons, which are 2-5 times more destructive than the atomic bomb, despite their light weight and compact size. Lee added that Pyongyang is maintaining its nuclear test site in Punggye-ri so that it's always ready to conduct tests and that a new tunnel is currently being built at the site.

4. Frozen Border Scenes

[Anchor Lead]

Winter is in full swing in the North Korea-China border area. There’s already heavy snow, with the mercury hovering around negative 20 degrees Celsius. KBS has obtained exclusive video showing North Korea's troops working in the harsh, freezing conditions. Let's take a look.


Hyesan in Ryanggang Province, North Korea, is blanketed with snow. Dozens of youth shock troops and civilians were mobilized to repair a section of the Mt. Baekdu tourism railway running from Hyesan to Lake Samji.

[Soundbite] "(Is a new railroad being built?) Yes, on top of the original railroad."

The outside temperature stands at minus 20 degrees Celsius. Workers dig at the ground on a mountainside, but no heavy equipment can be seen. The workers use their hands to dig up soil with shovels and pickaxes and place it into sacks. There are only one or two trucks, so the youth shock troopers must carry the sacks themselves.

[Soundbite] "We will go to Mt. Baekdu."

On site, propaganda officials encourage the workers, singing songs praising the regime and waving red flags. The Mt. Baekdu tourism railway was destroyed by floods in the 1990s. 30,000 shock troops were mobilized to repair it in 2007, but operations were halted only four months later due to budget constraints. North Korean authorities resumed the repairs in June this year to promote tours to Mt. Baekdu. They are mobilizing youth troops in order to attain the goal of finishing foundation work by the end of the year.

5. Elite Flight School

[Anchor Lead]

A university in South Chungcheong Province has received the designation as a jet engine service station from a U.S. aircraft manufacturer in recognition of its superb aircraft maintenance technologies. Follow us as we pay a visit to the Flight Education Center at Hanseo University.


Small jets take off and land in succession. This university has been training aviation experts for ten years since the construction of an aerodrome on its campus.

[Soundbite] Park Su-bok(Flight Education Center, Hanseo Univ.) : "We train pilots, mechanics, dispatchers and controllers, who can find jobs at large aircraft companies upon graduation and make use of their professional skills."

Over the past three years, the median employment rate of the graduates of the university's aviation-related departments surpassed 70 percent. Recently, U.S. aircraft manufacturer Cessna designated this university as its jet engine service station. It's the first time that Cessna chose a university over a professional maintenance center to take care of its jets. The aircraft maker highly lauded the university's aviation facilities, such as its hangar, as well as its vast pool of aviation experts.

[Soundbite] Ham Kee-sun(President, Hanseo Univ.) : "In addition to high-quality training, we also seek to help our students get job offers from overseas."

This university illustrates a good example of how academic institutions can not only help their graduates find jobs by providing specialized training but also enhance their competitiveness in the industry.

6. Year-End Parties

[Anchor Lead]

The year-end party season is upon us, meaning more frequent occasions to drink. However, some people prefer to opt for alcohol-free year-end celebrations, such as watching a play or participating in community service.


Office workers gather at a small theater after work. They chose to watch a play, instead of having an year-end office dinner.

[Soundbite] Lee Eun-mi(Hansallim Cooperative Daejeon Branch) : "I think the best part is that we promote empathy through a play, a cultural event."

Some workers opt to boost teamwork by participating in sports. While enjoying a round of bowling, they relieve stress built up throughout the year and give high-fives to cheer for their colleagues.

[Soundbite] Chung Seung-du(Examiner, Korean Intellectual Property Office) : "We can strengthen teamwork by exercising together. We can also promote good health, so this is a very meaningful year-end celebration."

These workers have visited a welfare facility wearing Santa hats. They play games with children and give them gifts.

[Soundbite] Kim Soo-jeong(Official, Hanwha Daejeon Office) : "We collect donations from our wages to hold this Christmas event. It warms my heart."

The culture of year-end parties marked by constant drinking is transforming into occasions to thoughtfully wrap up the year.

7. Hope & Photography

[Anchor Lead]

A special photo exhibition is underway featuring pictures taken by homeless people. These aspiring photographers find hope for a new future through the art of photography. Let’s take a look.


The deep wrinkles around the mouth of a former sex slave for the Japanese military, wacky expressions of underground band members and a dancer's intense gaze are captured in these black-and-white photos. The photographers of these works at their first photo exhibit are homeless people who were wandering the streets as recently as only a few months ago. Photography opened the door to a new world for Kim Chang-hoon, a gambling addict who had been living on the streets for more than 10 years.

[Soundbite] Kim Chang-hoon(Homeless Man-turned-photographer) : "I was able to quit gambling as I came out to the world through these photographs."

Socially responsible company Big Issue Korea, which helps the homeless to become self-reliant, established a photography program together with renowned photographer Cho Seihon. For about a dozen homeless people, the program provided a chance to heal their scarred hearts with writing and photos.

[Soundbite] Ahn Byung-hoon(Big Issue Korea) : "While looking for a way to help the homeless, we came to trust the power of photography and writing, and so we decided to provide this program."

The homeless have come out of their shells to join the world again. Now they're working as photographers taking pictures of people at landmarks.

8. Entertainment News

[Anchor Lead]

Once upon a time Korean dramas were centered around big stars. But now hallyu dramas are relying more on the power of storytelling, instead of celebrities, to pioneer new markets for a fresh wave of Korean pop culture. Here’s more.


TV drama "Descendants of the Sun" tells the story of the loves and dreams of soldiers and doctors plagued by war and disease in a foreign land. Scheduled to air simultaneously in Korea and China, contracts to export the show were signed even before the main roles were cast. Digital cartoon "The Purloined Book" portrays the psyche of a writer yearning for success. Negotiations for this thriller webtoon are underway with a foreign production company, thanks to its solid plot.

[Soundbite] Yoo Seon-dong(Director and Contents Producer) : "The formula for success dependent on hallyu stars has been shattered. Now the power of storytelling, direction, and overall production is becoming more important."

Korean scripts have notably won the attention of production companies in Europe and America, where top hallyu stars are not particularly well-known. Abandoning the past practice of remaking successful works, today's Korean producers are looking for interesting subject matter in original stories noticed at various contests. Star actors no longer guarantee success at the box office or on the small screen. The new wave of Korean pop culture is gaining momentum through fresh stories that appeal to global audiences.

9. Yum Yum TV Series #7

[Anchor Lead]

Our special Yum Yum TV series continues as we look at the calorie counts of foods many people consider healthy. You may be shocked at some of these high-calorie foods lurking around us contributing to love handles and spare tires.


Chicken is known as a good food for those who are on diet. However samgyetang or the traditional Korean soup of chicken and ginseng is an exception. A bowl of samgyetang comes it at 920 calories. It amounts to nearly half the daily calorie recommendation for adult women at 2,000 calories.

[Soundbite] Prof. Kang Jae-heon(Inje Univ. Paik Hospital) : "You can reduce the calories if you don't eat the skin and leave the broth."

Many peoplebelieve that the traditional Korean distilled liquor "soju" is low in calories. However, soju has a surprising flip side. Soju's calorie count comes to 141 calories per 100 milliliters. That's three times higher than that of beer at 43 calories.

[Soundbite] "Soju contains a thicker concentration of alcohol than beer so soju's calorie count is far higher than beer per the same amount."

Dried squid, a favorite side dish among Koreans, also has quite a high calorie count. A raw squid has a calorie count of 369. When squid is dried, it's completely dehydrated, weighing only a fourth of the original weight without a significant decrease in the calorie count. In other words, dried squid has a calorie count more than three times higher than foods of the same weight.

[Soundbite] "It would be better not to eat dried squids too much, since they have a high count of sodium and cholesterol."

Unsalted popcorn is known for its low calorie count. However, an entire pack has a calorie count of 697 calories, which is tantamount to that of the Chinese jjajang noodles at 672 calories.

[Soundbite] Prof. Jeon Hyung-joo(Jangan Univ.) : "For a balanced diet, it is best to eat high-protein fish as well as vegetables and seaweeds, rich in vitamins and minerals. It is also better to exercise after eating high-caloried foods."

To stay in shape, remember to choose low-calorie, high-protein foods and get sufficient exercise.

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  • Entering China Market
    • 입력 2015-12-22 14:19:20
    • 수정2015-12-22 14:26:22
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

The bilateral free trade agreement between Korea and China will likely pave the way for small and mid-sized Korean firms looking to establish their presence in the massive Chinese market. Some firms have already begun to advance into China joining hands with large Chinese retailers.


The fashion industry is regarded as the biggest beneficiary of the bilateral free trade deal between Korea and China. Although exports of Korean fashion items have been on the rise thanks to the popularity of Korean culture overseas, small and mid-sized firms are still struggling. They face numerous hurdles in establishing their presence in the Chinese market, due to complicated customs procedures and difficulties in securing distribution channels.

[Soundbite] Lee Ok-hwa(CEO, Fashion Firm) : "It takes a lot of time and costs a lot of money for small firms to distribute and sell their products directly in China."

Korean small and mid-sized firms have decided to join hands with a large Chinese retailer in a bid to export their products en mass. Products made by Korean SMEs will go on sale at more than 70 stores in China, starting with the city of Wenzhou in February 2016. More than a thousand Korean firms will be able to sell some ten thousand items in the Chinese market. In March next year 500 firms will hold a business fair in China to appeal to customers. Local governments in China, including the government of Wenzhou City, have pledged proactive support in terms of customs and certifications.

2. Biomedicine Growth

[Anchor Lead]

The biomedicine industry has the potential to be designated by the government as a new economic growth engine. We take you to the scene of a groundbreaking ceremony for the world's largest biomedicine plant in Songdo, Incheon.


Samsung Biologics' third factory, for which ground has been broken, is the world's largest in size. Production will be doubled once the factory is completed in 2018, making Samsung the world's largest contract biomedicine producer.

[Soundbite] Kim Tae-han(President, Samsung Biologics) : "With the completion of our third factory, Samsung Biologics is expected to become a leading producer in the global biomedicine industry."

While attending the ground-breaking ceremony, President Park Geun-hye promised comprehensive support, saying that the bio-health industry is a core of creative economy, creating high added value and quality jobs.

[Soundbite] Park Geun-hye(President) : "The government will foster the biomedicine industry as a core industry to lead the nation's economic development."

Selecting the biomedicine sector as a new profitable field, Samsung has unveiled plans to operate the factory 365 days a year for the first time in the industry and attain success to rival the company's achievements in semiconductors by producing the world's finest products.

3. NK Nuclear Program

[Anchor Lead]

A Defense Ministry official says North Korea has probably already developed a boosted fission nuclear weapon. The official also claims Pyongyang is maintaining its nuclear test site in Punggyeri so that it's always ready to conduct nuclear tests at anytime.


An official from South Korea's Ministry of National Defense said that chances are high North Korea has already developed a boosted fission nuclear weapon, which is 2-5 times more destructive than an atomic bomb. At a special seminar organized by the Korean Association of North Korean Studies on Monday, Korea Arms Control Verification Agency President Lee Sang-chul said that Kim Jong-un's recent statement about Pyongyang's hydrogen bomb was made for propaganda reasons. However, Lee added that Pyongyang is highly likely to have already developed a boosted fission weapon, which is the stage between an atomic bomb and a hydrogen bomb. Lee expressed his concern over boosted fission weapons, which are 2-5 times more destructive than the atomic bomb, despite their light weight and compact size. Lee added that Pyongyang is maintaining its nuclear test site in Punggye-ri so that it's always ready to conduct tests and that a new tunnel is currently being built at the site.

4. Frozen Border Scenes

[Anchor Lead]

Winter is in full swing in the North Korea-China border area. There’s already heavy snow, with the mercury hovering around negative 20 degrees Celsius. KBS has obtained exclusive video showing North Korea's troops working in the harsh, freezing conditions. Let's take a look.


Hyesan in Ryanggang Province, North Korea, is blanketed with snow. Dozens of youth shock troops and civilians were mobilized to repair a section of the Mt. Baekdu tourism railway running from Hyesan to Lake Samji.

[Soundbite] "(Is a new railroad being built?) Yes, on top of the original railroad."

The outside temperature stands at minus 20 degrees Celsius. Workers dig at the ground on a mountainside, but no heavy equipment can be seen. The workers use their hands to dig up soil with shovels and pickaxes and place it into sacks. There are only one or two trucks, so the youth shock troopers must carry the sacks themselves.

[Soundbite] "We will go to Mt. Baekdu."

On site, propaganda officials encourage the workers, singing songs praising the regime and waving red flags. The Mt. Baekdu tourism railway was destroyed by floods in the 1990s. 30,000 shock troops were mobilized to repair it in 2007, but operations were halted only four months later due to budget constraints. North Korean authorities resumed the repairs in June this year to promote tours to Mt. Baekdu. They are mobilizing youth troops in order to attain the goal of finishing foundation work by the end of the year.

5. Elite Flight School

[Anchor Lead]

A university in South Chungcheong Province has received the designation as a jet engine service station from a U.S. aircraft manufacturer in recognition of its superb aircraft maintenance technologies. Follow us as we pay a visit to the Flight Education Center at Hanseo University.


Small jets take off and land in succession. This university has been training aviation experts for ten years since the construction of an aerodrome on its campus.

[Soundbite] Park Su-bok(Flight Education Center, Hanseo Univ.) : "We train pilots, mechanics, dispatchers and controllers, who can find jobs at large aircraft companies upon graduation and make use of their professional skills."

Over the past three years, the median employment rate of the graduates of the university's aviation-related departments surpassed 70 percent. Recently, U.S. aircraft manufacturer Cessna designated this university as its jet engine service station. It's the first time that Cessna chose a university over a professional maintenance center to take care of its jets. The aircraft maker highly lauded the university's aviation facilities, such as its hangar, as well as its vast pool of aviation experts.

[Soundbite] Ham Kee-sun(President, Hanseo Univ.) : "In addition to high-quality training, we also seek to help our students get job offers from overseas."

This university illustrates a good example of how academic institutions can not only help their graduates find jobs by providing specialized training but also enhance their competitiveness in the industry.

6. Year-End Parties

[Anchor Lead]

The year-end party season is upon us, meaning more frequent occasions to drink. However, some people prefer to opt for alcohol-free year-end celebrations, such as watching a play or participating in community service.


Office workers gather at a small theater after work. They chose to watch a play, instead of having an year-end office dinner.

[Soundbite] Lee Eun-mi(Hansallim Cooperative Daejeon Branch) : "I think the best part is that we promote empathy through a play, a cultural event."

Some workers opt to boost teamwork by participating in sports. While enjoying a round of bowling, they relieve stress built up throughout the year and give high-fives to cheer for their colleagues.

[Soundbite] Chung Seung-du(Examiner, Korean Intellectual Property Office) : "We can strengthen teamwork by exercising together. We can also promote good health, so this is a very meaningful year-end celebration."

These workers have visited a welfare facility wearing Santa hats. They play games with children and give them gifts.

[Soundbite] Kim Soo-jeong(Official, Hanwha Daejeon Office) : "We collect donations from our wages to hold this Christmas event. It warms my heart."

The culture of year-end parties marked by constant drinking is transforming into occasions to thoughtfully wrap up the year.

7. Hope & Photography

[Anchor Lead]

A special photo exhibition is underway featuring pictures taken by homeless people. These aspiring photographers find hope for a new future through the art of photography. Let’s take a look.


The deep wrinkles around the mouth of a former sex slave for the Japanese military, wacky expressions of underground band members and a dancer's intense gaze are captured in these black-and-white photos. The photographers of these works at their first photo exhibit are homeless people who were wandering the streets as recently as only a few months ago. Photography opened the door to a new world for Kim Chang-hoon, a gambling addict who had been living on the streets for more than 10 years.

[Soundbite] Kim Chang-hoon(Homeless Man-turned-photographer) : "I was able to quit gambling as I came out to the world through these photographs."

Socially responsible company Big Issue Korea, which helps the homeless to become self-reliant, established a photography program together with renowned photographer Cho Seihon. For about a dozen homeless people, the program provided a chance to heal their scarred hearts with writing and photos.

[Soundbite] Ahn Byung-hoon(Big Issue Korea) : "While looking for a way to help the homeless, we came to trust the power of photography and writing, and so we decided to provide this program."

The homeless have come out of their shells to join the world again. Now they're working as photographers taking pictures of people at landmarks.

8. Entertainment News

[Anchor Lead]

Once upon a time Korean dramas were centered around big stars. But now hallyu dramas are relying more on the power of storytelling, instead of celebrities, to pioneer new markets for a fresh wave of Korean pop culture. Here’s more.


TV drama "Descendants of the Sun" tells the story of the loves and dreams of soldiers and doctors plagued by war and disease in a foreign land. Scheduled to air simultaneously in Korea and China, contracts to export the show were signed even before the main roles were cast. Digital cartoon "The Purloined Book" portrays the psyche of a writer yearning for success. Negotiations for this thriller webtoon are underway with a foreign production company, thanks to its solid plot.

[Soundbite] Yoo Seon-dong(Director and Contents Producer) : "The formula for success dependent on hallyu stars has been shattered. Now the power of storytelling, direction, and overall production is becoming more important."

Korean scripts have notably won the attention of production companies in Europe and America, where top hallyu stars are not particularly well-known. Abandoning the past practice of remaking successful works, today's Korean producers are looking for interesting subject matter in original stories noticed at various contests. Star actors no longer guarantee success at the box office or on the small screen. The new wave of Korean pop culture is gaining momentum through fresh stories that appeal to global audiences.

9. Yum Yum TV Series #7

[Anchor Lead]

Our special Yum Yum TV series continues as we look at the calorie counts of foods many people consider healthy. You may be shocked at some of these high-calorie foods lurking around us contributing to love handles and spare tires.


Chicken is known as a good food for those who are on diet. However samgyetang or the traditional Korean soup of chicken and ginseng is an exception. A bowl of samgyetang comes it at 920 calories. It amounts to nearly half the daily calorie recommendation for adult women at 2,000 calories.

[Soundbite] Prof. Kang Jae-heon(Inje Univ. Paik Hospital) : "You can reduce the calories if you don't eat the skin and leave the broth."

Many peoplebelieve that the traditional Korean distilled liquor "soju" is low in calories. However, soju has a surprising flip side. Soju's calorie count comes to 141 calories per 100 milliliters. That's three times higher than that of beer at 43 calories.

[Soundbite] "Soju contains a thicker concentration of alcohol than beer so soju's calorie count is far higher than beer per the same amount."

Dried squid, a favorite side dish among Koreans, also has quite a high calorie count. A raw squid has a calorie count of 369. When squid is dried, it's completely dehydrated, weighing only a fourth of the original weight without a significant decrease in the calorie count. In other words, dried squid has a calorie count more than three times higher than foods of the same weight.

[Soundbite] "It would be better not to eat dried squids too much, since they have a high count of sodium and cholesterol."

Unsalted popcorn is known for its low calorie count. However, an entire pack has a calorie count of 697 calories, which is tantamount to that of the Chinese jjajang noodles at 672 calories.

[Soundbite] Prof. Jeon Hyung-joo(Jangan Univ.) : "For a balanced diet, it is best to eat high-protein fish as well as vegetables and seaweeds, rich in vitamins and minerals. It is also better to exercise after eating high-caloried foods."

To stay in shape, remember to choose low-calorie, high-protein foods and get sufficient exercise.

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