NK Nuke Watch

입력 2016.04.18 (14:04) 수정 2016.04.18 (14:35)

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[Anchor Lead]

The South Korean government says it is closely watching developments in North Korea, which is believed to be planning a fifth nuclear test. If Pyongyang proceeds with the test, the result will undoubtedly be higher tensions on the Korean Peninsula.


The South Korean government believes that the North is highly likely to conduct a fifth nuclear test soon because the number of personnel and the use of equipment at the Punggye-ri nuclear site has doubled and even tripled recently. Seoul believes that the staff are technicians in charge of nuclear tests and the equipment is their vehicles. If Pyongyang decides to conduct the nuclear test, it will likely take place at approximately the same time as the next Workers' Party Congress, which is slated for early May. The South Korean military says the North will likely detonate compact nuclear warheads underground. Last month Pyongyang unveiled a replica of an atomic bomb equipped with more than 70 high explosive lenses to show off significant progress in the development of compact nuclear warheads. If Pyongyang's next nuclear test goes successfully, it will signify its ability to use nuclear warheads in all kinds of missiles. Therefore, the fifth nuclear test will pave the way for the deployment of nuclear weapons in times of war.

[Soundbite] Lee Chun-keun(Researcher, STEPI) : "It will set a stage for using tactical weapons, whose quantity will grow rapidly. Pyongyang has entered the phase where its status as a nuclear power will become stronger."

Seoul says that if Pyongyang proceeds with the nuclear test despite the U.N. Security Council's sanctions, it will inevitably face additional tougher sanctions that will be tantamount to a blockade of the North Korean regime.

2. NK Media Claims

[Anchor Lead]

North Korea has made repeated claims that the recent group defection of North Korean restaurant employees to the South is a clear case of abduction. Apparently aware of the impact the story will have on North Korean society, North Korean news outlets have not yet reported on the group escape.


A North Korean propaganda outlet has released interviews with North Korean residents, raising the level of criticism against the group defection of 13 former employees at a North Korean restaurant in China.

[Soundbite] Bae Hyang-mi(N. Korean Resident) : "They are talking about humanitarianism after kidnapping our employees who were volunteering overseas. I cannot control my rage."

The interviewees all bore the gold-colored name tags which are often worn by North Korean restaurant staff. It appears that following the defection of overseas restaurant employees, workers in that same sector were mobilized for international propaganda.

[Soundbite] Park Joo-young(N. Korean Resident) : "The South Korean government should immediately apologize for its instigation and return the kidnapped North Koreans, before a fearsome iron pole drops in the heart of Seoul."

The North’s Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland, Pyongyang's agency in charge of South Korea affairs, also raised the level of its threats, saying that it will retaliate against the Cheong Wa Dae unless Seoul punishes figures involved in the defection and promises to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents. The North's stance regarding the group defection of restaurant employees was publicized only through external outlets, including its first official response on April 12. Major domestic outlets in the North such as Korea Central TV and the Rodong Sinmun have not yet mentioned the case at all. Analysts posit that the North Korean regime is concerned about possible internal unrest caused by news of the group defection, as it is currently focusing on strengthening solidarity ahead of the Workers' Party congress next month, an occasion in which the era of Kim Jong-un is to be announced.

3. Busan Oil Spill

[Anchor Lead]

Over the weekend the southern port city of Busan was hit by strong gusts measuring in at 24 meters a second. As a result, a 3500-ton cargo vessel ran aground causing an oil spill.


A 3,500-ton stranded cargo ship is hit by powerful waves. The ship had been pushed by gusty winds from an anchorage in the sea off Busan for about two kilometers in the early hours on April 17. The two cables that were holding the ship at the time were of little help because of the winds blowing at 20 meters a second and sea waves as high as four meters.

[Soundbite] Lee Joo-seong(Chief, South Regional Headquarters, Korea Coast Guard) : "The ship was pushed to the shore after the cables holding broke."

All five of the ship's crew were rescued, but an oil spill occurred when the ship crashed against the rocks on the shore. The spilled oil has spread all the way to the sea off nearby fish markets. More than 800 coast guard officials and public servants were mobilized to contain the spill. The Korea Coast Guard has summoned people in charge of the ship's operation to investigate the accident and is discussing measures to prevent additional oil spills.

4. Safety Education

[Anchor Lead]

A wide array of safety measures have been devised following the sinking of the Sewol ferry two years ago. Many local governments created facilities to provide hands-on safety experiences and the central government is planning to establish a similar facility itself. However, critics say that the plan is not realistic.


This is a lifestyle safety experience center that opened in March last year. However, safety education will not be possible until the end of the year, as the center uses part of a civil defense drill site and additional facilities are still under construction.

[Soundbite] City Official : "The construction will be carried out in June, July and August. If it is finished early, then it could be opened in August."

More than 160 safety experience facilities nationwide are operated in a similarly disorganized way.

[Soundbite] Ministry of Public Safety & Security Official(Voice modified) : "Our ministry did not pay to build it. It is not under our complete jurisdiction."

Despite this situation, the Education Ministry plans to build comprehensive safety experience facilities in eight additional regions, including Gyeonggi and South Chungcheong provinces. This involves tax-payer money of over 52 million U.S. dollars. Even so, the ministry requires schools to shoulder the expense for safety personnel when students use the facilities. This is why some are voicing criticisms that the government's safety measures are not realistic.

[Soundbite] Prof. Chung Jong-soo(Soongsil Univ.) : "There is a lack of systematic education. A system should be in place to promote task continuity."

Experts stress the need for additional measures, such as a focus on fostering instructors specializing in disaster management, who can diagnose on-site problems.

5. Corporate Cars

[Anchor Lead]

More than 60 percent of high-end imported cars in Korea are registered under corporate names. However, many are used by the companies' owners and their families for private purposes. The government has revised relevant laws to prevent tax evasion by owners of expensive imported vehicles. Here's how things have changed since the new regulations took effect.


Imported cars are easy to see on the streets of Korea these days. You can also see them parked in the parking lots of apartment complexes during the day... long after the morning commute. Many of them remain parked in the same spot for a long time because their owners do not use them for daily commute.

[Soundbite] Industry Insider(Voice altered) : "People mostly use domestic cars for their commute, but they use imported cars for private use."

Surprisingly, you can see many high-end imported cars in the evening in front of private tutoring schools. One in every three cars parked in front of tutoring schools is an imported car. Their owners are parents who come to pick up their children late in the evening. We tried to find out who the owners of luxurious imported cars are.

[Soundbite] Imported Car Dealer(Voice altered) : "Many of our customers are doctors. They buy cars for their wives."

While looking through data provided by the Korea Automobile Importers and Distributors Association, something drew suspicion. Imported cars costing between 43,000 and 52,000 dollars were mostly owned by individuals, whereas imported vehicles costing over 87,000 dollars were owned by corporations. Last year 59 Rolls Royces costing over 340,000 dollars each were sold in the nation, but all of them were purchased by corporations. About 61 percent of these imported leisure vehicles that sell for over 80,000 dollars a unit are registered under corporate names. Corporations that receive loans for cars get significantly more benefits than individuals. Corporations owning cars are responsible for paying all costs, but they also receive tax exemptions. Such tax exemptions surpass two billion dollars annually.

[Soundbite] Entrepreneur(Voice altered) : "It's hard to draw a line between business and personal use. So we register cars under corporate names and use them for personal reasons when necessary."

To prevent tax evasion by owners of imported vehicles, the government revised the law back in February. Under the new law, tax exemptions are only provided for car-related costs of under 8,700 dollars. For costs that exceed the limit, car owners are mandated to submit documents proving that they used their vehicles for business purposes. Sales of imported cars declined temporarily after the new regulations took effect, but they have been on the rise since March. Car dealers even tell customers how to evade taxes.

[Soundbite] "(What about operation records?) Just write it down."

The new regulations were eased when a bill was passed by the parliament.

[Soundbite] Park Ji-ho(Citizens' Coalition for Economic Justice) : "The new regulation was of little help to ordinary citizens because the lawmakers tried to please certain corporations."

The government is facing numerous obstacles in preventing tax evasion by owners of imported cars because tax authorities are only responsible for conducting follow-up inspections.

6. Island Goat Capture

[Anchor Lead]

Goats are wreaking havoc on uninhabited islands in national maritime parks. The animals are destroying the ecosystem on the islands by eating too much of the vegetation there. The National Park Service has launched a new campaign to capture the goats.


Baekya Island is a 30-minute boat ride away from Jin Island. The island has been taken over by goats, which were released to graze on the uninhabited island in the past, and have since propagated. 90 goats are devastating the island, eating away even the bark and roots of trees. A goat removal team has launched a mission to capture the wild animals and protect the ecosystem of the island. The team isolate the goats, which follow their leader, in one corner of the island. However, some of the goats hide in cliffs, which cannot be accessed by people.

[Soundbite] Jin Byung-ha(Jin Island Resident) : "The island is so rough that it is difficult to catch the goats."

The team gives up on capturing the animals with nets. A new strategy is employed to lure the goats to the edge of a rock. The team finally succeeds in loading the animals onto a boat which has been brought to the rock. Some 900 wild goats currently reside on 20 islands in national maritime parks.

[Soundbite] Park Bo-hwan(Chairman, National Park Service) : "We will rescue the goats from 20 islands over the course of three years and do our utmost to restore their ecosystems."

The National Park Service has decided to return the goats to their owners upon receiving a guarantee that the animals will not be released again.

7. Pest Control Measures

[Anchor Lead]

Due to higher-than-usual temperatures last winter and this spring, there are growing fears that harmful insects will cause greater damage on farms this spring. KBS brings you this report on the government's pest control measures.


The branches of peach trees are covered with a white foreign substance that resembles snow. Underneath the bark, the branches are filled with planthopper eggs. Nearby persimmon trees are also in a similar plight. Even insecticides are useless if they are not sprayed at the proper time. The higher number of harmful pests that have survived the winter is due to the warmer temperatures. The average temperature in Korea during the three months leading up to last month was 2.3 degrees Celsius, 0.6 degrees higher than usual. The area affected by lantern flies has increased by 51 percent from last year, and the number of farms affected by planthopper eggs has jumped ten percent. As a result, eggs stuck to the branches must be removed in advance, and pesticides must be applied earlier than usual.

[Soundbite] Ra Joon-jin(N. Jeolla Agricultural R&E Services) : "Pest control must be carried out four or five days earlier than in previous years, when the eggs are hatched between April and May."

The Jeolla-Bukdo Agricultural Research and Extension Services and the Korea Forest Service will launch a joint effort to remove harmful pests flying in to orchards from nearby mountains, and provide measures to make use of the vermin's natural predators.

8. Detergent Tips

[Anchor Lead]

If you ever take a look at the packaging of your most commonly used detergents, you will see the numbers 1, 2 or 3 which indicate how they’re supposed to be used. Today we let you in on this crucial information about kitchen detergents that many may not know.


Here, housewives appear especially thorough in choosing a dishwashing detergent. How do they choose? What are their standards?

[Soundbite] Kim Dong-mi(Seoul Resident) : "We use detergents for washing dishes. Eco-friendly ones naturally draw my attention."

The very first thing you need to check when choosing a washing liquid... is this number which indicates the detergent's use. Kitchen detergents are divided into three groups denoted by 1, 2 and 3. The first group of cleaners can be used to wash food that goes into people's mouths including veggies and fruit. Detergent group 2 is mainly used to wash utensils while group 3 is for washing food processing apparatus and tools.

[Soundbite] Prof. Ha Sang-do(Chung-Ang Univ.) : "Group 2 and 3 products contain bleaching agents such as sodium hydroxide. They have better washing power than Group 1. But it's best not to use 2 or 3 for washing food including veggies and fruit."

Some products do not bear a number. In this case, read the label to ensure the proper use. To be even safer, try this. Dilute the detergent in water. The level of surface active agents is reduced this way and will be better for your skin. There's also a way to make your own homemade detergent using natural ingredients.

[Soundbite] Jo Su-min(Expert, Natural Detergents) : "EM (effective micro-organisms) is a liquid mix of beneficial organisms and is effective in removing odor or purifying water. It can also suppress harmful bacteria and therefore can be used as a detergent."

Don't throw away used water from washing rice and keep it in a 1.5 liter plastic bottle. Then add 20 milliliters of effective micro-organisms (EM) liquid. Also add a spoon each of sugar and bay salt, and shake the liquid for a good mix. Keep it as it is for one week. As the natural detergent ferments, the plastic bottle will swell up so make sure to open the lid every other day to let out the gas. After a week, you can use the all natural cleaning liquid made with leftover water from washing rice. With today's tips, use your detergents now in the proper, safer way.

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  • NK Nuke Watch
    • 입력 2016-04-18 13:57:09
    • 수정2016-04-18 14:35:38
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

The South Korean government says it is closely watching developments in North Korea, which is believed to be planning a fifth nuclear test. If Pyongyang proceeds with the test, the result will undoubtedly be higher tensions on the Korean Peninsula.


The South Korean government believes that the North is highly likely to conduct a fifth nuclear test soon because the number of personnel and the use of equipment at the Punggye-ri nuclear site has doubled and even tripled recently. Seoul believes that the staff are technicians in charge of nuclear tests and the equipment is their vehicles. If Pyongyang decides to conduct the nuclear test, it will likely take place at approximately the same time as the next Workers' Party Congress, which is slated for early May. The South Korean military says the North will likely detonate compact nuclear warheads underground. Last month Pyongyang unveiled a replica of an atomic bomb equipped with more than 70 high explosive lenses to show off significant progress in the development of compact nuclear warheads. If Pyongyang's next nuclear test goes successfully, it will signify its ability to use nuclear warheads in all kinds of missiles. Therefore, the fifth nuclear test will pave the way for the deployment of nuclear weapons in times of war.

[Soundbite] Lee Chun-keun(Researcher, STEPI) : "It will set a stage for using tactical weapons, whose quantity will grow rapidly. Pyongyang has entered the phase where its status as a nuclear power will become stronger."

Seoul says that if Pyongyang proceeds with the nuclear test despite the U.N. Security Council's sanctions, it will inevitably face additional tougher sanctions that will be tantamount to a blockade of the North Korean regime.

2. NK Media Claims

[Anchor Lead]

North Korea has made repeated claims that the recent group defection of North Korean restaurant employees to the South is a clear case of abduction. Apparently aware of the impact the story will have on North Korean society, North Korean news outlets have not yet reported on the group escape.


A North Korean propaganda outlet has released interviews with North Korean residents, raising the level of criticism against the group defection of 13 former employees at a North Korean restaurant in China.

[Soundbite] Bae Hyang-mi(N. Korean Resident) : "They are talking about humanitarianism after kidnapping our employees who were volunteering overseas. I cannot control my rage."

The interviewees all bore the gold-colored name tags which are often worn by North Korean restaurant staff. It appears that following the defection of overseas restaurant employees, workers in that same sector were mobilized for international propaganda.

[Soundbite] Park Joo-young(N. Korean Resident) : "The South Korean government should immediately apologize for its instigation and return the kidnapped North Koreans, before a fearsome iron pole drops in the heart of Seoul."

The North’s Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland, Pyongyang's agency in charge of South Korea affairs, also raised the level of its threats, saying that it will retaliate against the Cheong Wa Dae unless Seoul punishes figures involved in the defection and promises to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents. The North's stance regarding the group defection of restaurant employees was publicized only through external outlets, including its first official response on April 12. Major domestic outlets in the North such as Korea Central TV and the Rodong Sinmun have not yet mentioned the case at all. Analysts posit that the North Korean regime is concerned about possible internal unrest caused by news of the group defection, as it is currently focusing on strengthening solidarity ahead of the Workers' Party congress next month, an occasion in which the era of Kim Jong-un is to be announced.

3. Busan Oil Spill

[Anchor Lead]

Over the weekend the southern port city of Busan was hit by strong gusts measuring in at 24 meters a second. As a result, a 3500-ton cargo vessel ran aground causing an oil spill.


A 3,500-ton stranded cargo ship is hit by powerful waves. The ship had been pushed by gusty winds from an anchorage in the sea off Busan for about two kilometers in the early hours on April 17. The two cables that were holding the ship at the time were of little help because of the winds blowing at 20 meters a second and sea waves as high as four meters.

[Soundbite] Lee Joo-seong(Chief, South Regional Headquarters, Korea Coast Guard) : "The ship was pushed to the shore after the cables holding broke."

All five of the ship's crew were rescued, but an oil spill occurred when the ship crashed against the rocks on the shore. The spilled oil has spread all the way to the sea off nearby fish markets. More than 800 coast guard officials and public servants were mobilized to contain the spill. The Korea Coast Guard has summoned people in charge of the ship's operation to investigate the accident and is discussing measures to prevent additional oil spills.

4. Safety Education

[Anchor Lead]

A wide array of safety measures have been devised following the sinking of the Sewol ferry two years ago. Many local governments created facilities to provide hands-on safety experiences and the central government is planning to establish a similar facility itself. However, critics say that the plan is not realistic.


This is a lifestyle safety experience center that opened in March last year. However, safety education will not be possible until the end of the year, as the center uses part of a civil defense drill site and additional facilities are still under construction.

[Soundbite] City Official : "The construction will be carried out in June, July and August. If it is finished early, then it could be opened in August."

More than 160 safety experience facilities nationwide are operated in a similarly disorganized way.

[Soundbite] Ministry of Public Safety & Security Official(Voice modified) : "Our ministry did not pay to build it. It is not under our complete jurisdiction."

Despite this situation, the Education Ministry plans to build comprehensive safety experience facilities in eight additional regions, including Gyeonggi and South Chungcheong provinces. This involves tax-payer money of over 52 million U.S. dollars. Even so, the ministry requires schools to shoulder the expense for safety personnel when students use the facilities. This is why some are voicing criticisms that the government's safety measures are not realistic.

[Soundbite] Prof. Chung Jong-soo(Soongsil Univ.) : "There is a lack of systematic education. A system should be in place to promote task continuity."

Experts stress the need for additional measures, such as a focus on fostering instructors specializing in disaster management, who can diagnose on-site problems.

5. Corporate Cars

[Anchor Lead]

More than 60 percent of high-end imported cars in Korea are registered under corporate names. However, many are used by the companies' owners and their families for private purposes. The government has revised relevant laws to prevent tax evasion by owners of expensive imported vehicles. Here's how things have changed since the new regulations took effect.


Imported cars are easy to see on the streets of Korea these days. You can also see them parked in the parking lots of apartment complexes during the day... long after the morning commute. Many of them remain parked in the same spot for a long time because their owners do not use them for daily commute.

[Soundbite] Industry Insider(Voice altered) : "People mostly use domestic cars for their commute, but they use imported cars for private use."

Surprisingly, you can see many high-end imported cars in the evening in front of private tutoring schools. One in every three cars parked in front of tutoring schools is an imported car. Their owners are parents who come to pick up their children late in the evening. We tried to find out who the owners of luxurious imported cars are.

[Soundbite] Imported Car Dealer(Voice altered) : "Many of our customers are doctors. They buy cars for their wives."

While looking through data provided by the Korea Automobile Importers and Distributors Association, something drew suspicion. Imported cars costing between 43,000 and 52,000 dollars were mostly owned by individuals, whereas imported vehicles costing over 87,000 dollars were owned by corporations. Last year 59 Rolls Royces costing over 340,000 dollars each were sold in the nation, but all of them were purchased by corporations. About 61 percent of these imported leisure vehicles that sell for over 80,000 dollars a unit are registered under corporate names. Corporations that receive loans for cars get significantly more benefits than individuals. Corporations owning cars are responsible for paying all costs, but they also receive tax exemptions. Such tax exemptions surpass two billion dollars annually.

[Soundbite] Entrepreneur(Voice altered) : "It's hard to draw a line between business and personal use. So we register cars under corporate names and use them for personal reasons when necessary."

To prevent tax evasion by owners of imported vehicles, the government revised the law back in February. Under the new law, tax exemptions are only provided for car-related costs of under 8,700 dollars. For costs that exceed the limit, car owners are mandated to submit documents proving that they used their vehicles for business purposes. Sales of imported cars declined temporarily after the new regulations took effect, but they have been on the rise since March. Car dealers even tell customers how to evade taxes.

[Soundbite] "(What about operation records?) Just write it down."

The new regulations were eased when a bill was passed by the parliament.

[Soundbite] Park Ji-ho(Citizens' Coalition for Economic Justice) : "The new regulation was of little help to ordinary citizens because the lawmakers tried to please certain corporations."

The government is facing numerous obstacles in preventing tax evasion by owners of imported cars because tax authorities are only responsible for conducting follow-up inspections.

6. Island Goat Capture

[Anchor Lead]

Goats are wreaking havoc on uninhabited islands in national maritime parks. The animals are destroying the ecosystem on the islands by eating too much of the vegetation there. The National Park Service has launched a new campaign to capture the goats.


Baekya Island is a 30-minute boat ride away from Jin Island. The island has been taken over by goats, which were released to graze on the uninhabited island in the past, and have since propagated. 90 goats are devastating the island, eating away even the bark and roots of trees. A goat removal team has launched a mission to capture the wild animals and protect the ecosystem of the island. The team isolate the goats, which follow their leader, in one corner of the island. However, some of the goats hide in cliffs, which cannot be accessed by people.

[Soundbite] Jin Byung-ha(Jin Island Resident) : "The island is so rough that it is difficult to catch the goats."

The team gives up on capturing the animals with nets. A new strategy is employed to lure the goats to the edge of a rock. The team finally succeeds in loading the animals onto a boat which has been brought to the rock. Some 900 wild goats currently reside on 20 islands in national maritime parks.

[Soundbite] Park Bo-hwan(Chairman, National Park Service) : "We will rescue the goats from 20 islands over the course of three years and do our utmost to restore their ecosystems."

The National Park Service has decided to return the goats to their owners upon receiving a guarantee that the animals will not be released again.

7. Pest Control Measures

[Anchor Lead]

Due to higher-than-usual temperatures last winter and this spring, there are growing fears that harmful insects will cause greater damage on farms this spring. KBS brings you this report on the government's pest control measures.


The branches of peach trees are covered with a white foreign substance that resembles snow. Underneath the bark, the branches are filled with planthopper eggs. Nearby persimmon trees are also in a similar plight. Even insecticides are useless if they are not sprayed at the proper time. The higher number of harmful pests that have survived the winter is due to the warmer temperatures. The average temperature in Korea during the three months leading up to last month was 2.3 degrees Celsius, 0.6 degrees higher than usual. The area affected by lantern flies has increased by 51 percent from last year, and the number of farms affected by planthopper eggs has jumped ten percent. As a result, eggs stuck to the branches must be removed in advance, and pesticides must be applied earlier than usual.

[Soundbite] Ra Joon-jin(N. Jeolla Agricultural R&E Services) : "Pest control must be carried out four or five days earlier than in previous years, when the eggs are hatched between April and May."

The Jeolla-Bukdo Agricultural Research and Extension Services and the Korea Forest Service will launch a joint effort to remove harmful pests flying in to orchards from nearby mountains, and provide measures to make use of the vermin's natural predators.

8. Detergent Tips

[Anchor Lead]

If you ever take a look at the packaging of your most commonly used detergents, you will see the numbers 1, 2 or 3 which indicate how they’re supposed to be used. Today we let you in on this crucial information about kitchen detergents that many may not know.


Here, housewives appear especially thorough in choosing a dishwashing detergent. How do they choose? What are their standards?

[Soundbite] Kim Dong-mi(Seoul Resident) : "We use detergents for washing dishes. Eco-friendly ones naturally draw my attention."

The very first thing you need to check when choosing a washing liquid... is this number which indicates the detergent's use. Kitchen detergents are divided into three groups denoted by 1, 2 and 3. The first group of cleaners can be used to wash food that goes into people's mouths including veggies and fruit. Detergent group 2 is mainly used to wash utensils while group 3 is for washing food processing apparatus and tools.

[Soundbite] Prof. Ha Sang-do(Chung-Ang Univ.) : "Group 2 and 3 products contain bleaching agents such as sodium hydroxide. They have better washing power than Group 1. But it's best not to use 2 or 3 for washing food including veggies and fruit."

Some products do not bear a number. In this case, read the label to ensure the proper use. To be even safer, try this. Dilute the detergent in water. The level of surface active agents is reduced this way and will be better for your skin. There's also a way to make your own homemade detergent using natural ingredients.

[Soundbite] Jo Su-min(Expert, Natural Detergents) : "EM (effective micro-organisms) is a liquid mix of beneficial organisms and is effective in removing odor or purifying water. It can also suppress harmful bacteria and therefore can be used as a detergent."

Don't throw away used water from washing rice and keep it in a 1.5 liter plastic bottle. Then add 20 milliliters of effective micro-organisms (EM) liquid. Also add a spoon each of sugar and bay salt, and shake the liquid for a good mix. Keep it as it is for one week. As the natural detergent ferments, the plastic bottle will swell up so make sure to open the lid every other day to let out the gas. After a week, you can use the all natural cleaning liquid made with leftover water from washing rice. With today's tips, use your detergents now in the proper, safer way.

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