NK Leader Remarks

입력 2016.05.09 (14:08) 수정 2016.05.10 (14:56)

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브라우저에서만 사용하실 수 있습니다.

[Anchor Lead]

We begin with remarks from North Korean leader Kim Jong-un at the ongoing North Korean ruling Worker’s Party Congress. In a contradiction, he declared the North as a nuclear power while calling for denuclearization. Kim also said that he is open to inter-Korean dialogue, but demanded that South Korea take necessary measures first.


Kim Jong-un began his speech by sayingthat North Korea's nuclear development is due to the U.S.' hostile policy toward Pyongyang.He then made a series of demands for a signing of a peace treaty and the withdrawal of U.S. troops from South Korea.

[Soundbite] Kim Jong-un(Report at the Party Congress) : "The U.S. must scrap its hostile policy toward North Korea, replace the armistice with a peace treaty and pull its forces and weapons out of South Korea."

Kim even blamed the U.S. for incitingconflict between South and North Korea, calling on Washington to take its hands off the Korean Peninsula issues. Regarding cross-border relations, Kim proposed to hold inter-Korean military talks. saying that unification is a task of greatest significance. However, he demanded that South Korea first take necessary measures such as the suspension of psychological propaganda broadcasts.

[Soundbite] "All hostile acts stimulating and slandering the otherparty must be halted without delay, including the psychological propaganda broadcasts and distribution of leaflets."

Turning to national unification,Kim made reconciliatory gestures toward the South, bringing up again the Koryofederation formula, which was proposed by Kim Il-sung in the 1980s. Analysts say that Kim Jong-un's remarks are interpreted as a move to disturb the alliance between South Korea and the U.S.

2. International Pressure

[Anchor Lead]

The South Korean government says it has concluded that North Korea doesn't intend to give up its nuclear ambitions. Subsequently, Seoul has warned that the international community's sanctions and pressure on the regime will continue.


The South Korean government issued a point by point criticism of Kim Jong-un's speech at the North Korean Workers' Party Congress, in the form of a commentary by the Ministry of Unification spokesperson. Seoul pointed out that the North's discussion of global denuclearization while pushing for the joint development of a nuclear program with the economy blatantly demonstrates that the regime has no intention of giving up its nuclear ambitions. The commentary also added that the international community will never allow North Korea to possess nuclear arms and urged Pyongyang to show the sincerity of its denuclearization resolve by taking action. Kim Jong-un's mention of dialogue and negotiation to improve inter-Korean relations was downplayed as an insincere propaganda statement. An official with the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs also said that Kim's speech is merely a summary of North Korea's past claims and again confirmed that North Korea's resolve to develop nuclear arms remains unchanged. Accordingly, Seoul plans to work together with the international community to continue its strong sanctions aimed at pressuring North Korea until the regime demonstrates its sincerity in denuclearization efforts.

3. Nuclear Declaration

[Anchor Lead]

North Korea's seventh congress of its ruling Workers' Party has entered the fourth day. As we reported at the top of the show, Kim Jong-un declared North Korea as a nuclear power. Here is analysis of his declaration.


The highlight of the party congress is a report by Kim Jong-un. After having focused on nuclear development, Kim finally declared the North as a nuclear power in the report at the party congress. When his remarks were first made public on Sunday, there was a little confusion regarding the statement that North Korea would make efforts towards denuclearization of the world. But the meaning turned out to be just the opposite. Kim boldly claimed that the North will work for global denuclearization commensurate with its status as a nuclear power equal to that of the U.S. or China. In a nutshell, the declaration can be interpreted as the expression of the North's willingness to step up its nuclear development and be eventually recognized as a nuclear power. Meanwhile, North Korea's state-run Korea Central News Agency reported that the party's central commission unanimously approved a decision to declare the North as a nuclear power and upgrade Kim Jong-un to supreme leader. The decision says that as a responsible nuclear state, North Korea will not use nuclear weapons before aggressive forces violate its sovereignty with nuclear power.

4. Show of Loyalty

[Anchor Lead]

North Korea's Workers' Party Congress is shaping up as a competition among members to demonstrate their loyalty to Kim Jong-un's dictatorship. Participants poured out statements of praise and oaths of loyalty to the young dictator. Here’s more.


As soon as Kim Jong-un's drawn-out speech ends, some 3,000 participants of the congress stand up and cheer. 87-year-old Workers' Party Secretary Kim Ki-nam, dubbed North Korea's Joseph Goebbels, steps up for the first discussion.

[Soundbite] Kim Ki-nam(Workers' Party Propaganda Secretary) : "We give the greatest glory to our Dear Leader Kim Jong-un."

Kim Jong-un and key officials on the stage stand up to applaud enthusiastically.The hall is flooded with the sound of loud cheers.As high-ranking officials take it in turn to deliver speeches of praise,Jo Yong-won, one of Kim Jong-un's closest associates, kneels down to deliver a message. The congress reaches a feverish peak when the party's senior deputy director Jo Yon-jun declares that "the Workers' Party is the party of Kim Jong-un."

[Soundbite] Jo Yon-jun(1st Vice Dir., Workers' Party Org. Guidance Dep.) : "I strongly resolve to eagerly contribute efforts to strengthen and develop it into the party of our great leaders Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-iland Kim Jong-un."

North Korea's top news anchor Ri Chun-hee, who had not been on air during the congress, was spotted in the audience. A discussion attended by 40 top-ranking party and military officials ends with a prayer wishing for Kim Jong-un's well-being.

[Soundbite] Kim Sang-min(Captain, Baekdusan Youth Shock Guard) : "We pray for the well-being of the dear leader of our party and people, Kim Jong-un."

The discussion session, which was supposed to be a recap of the Workers' Party projects over the past 36 years, is turned into an embarrassing contest of officials blindly declaring their loyalty.

5. Diplomacy Footing

[Anchor Lead]

In keeping with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s declaration that the country is a responsible nuclear power, analysts now predict that North Korea will likely propose dialogue with the U.S. and South Korea without bringing up the nuclear issue for the time being.


North Korea's self-declaration as a permanent nuclear power is being interpreted as a move to normalize or improve relations with the U.S. and South Korea in fields outside the nuclear issue.

[Soundbite] Kim Jong-un(Report at the Party Congress) : "We will improve and normalize relations with countries that respect our sovereignty and treat us amicably, although they had been in hostile relations with us."

It is highly likely that the North will propose talks on a peace treaty to the U.S. as an equal nuclear power. Some observers predict that while continuing to propose dialogue, the North will postpone nuclear tests for the time being in an attempt to avoid international sanctions.

[Soundbite] Prof. Nam Sung-wook(Korea Univ.) : "It appears that Kim Jong-un will employ a strategy of shaking inter-Korean relations by making provocations and proposing dialogue for the time being, which is aimed at leading South Korea to make concessions."

However, it is virtually impossible that North Korea's dialogue proposals would be accepted and substantial progress would be made, as the South Korean government and the international community would never recognize North Korea as a nuclear power. If no progress is made with its dialogue proposals, North Korea will likely use it as an excuse for resuming its provocations or conducting nuclear tests or long-range missile launches.

6. Foreign Coverage

[Anchor Lead]

Foreign journalists invited to North Korea thought they would be allowed to access and cover the party congress. That has not been the case so far, as North Korean minders only offer a state-approved glimpse at the country.


This is the "Scientists' Street" in Pyongyang. Solar panels can be seen between the buildings.Reuters news agency reported that electric bicycles have become popular in North Korea recently.

[Soundbite] Kim Cheol-jin(Engineering Student) : "It's operated both manually and automatically, so it's very useful in our lives."

Foreign reporters also visited a subway station in Pyongyang and a maternity hospital. But they were not informed of their itineraries even directly before their departure, and said that they felt like they were locked up in a concentration camp. A brief argument erupts when a reporter takes a picture at the Kim Il-sung museum.

[Soundbite] "North Korean guide The guide confiscates the mobile phone to delete the photos."

[Soundbite] John Sudworth(BBC Reporter) : "Members of the foreign press complained that they were allowed to see the congress only through taped recordings, and that they could only report on the parts disclosed to them."

[Soundbite] Rupert Wingfield-Hayes(BBC Reporter) : "Some cynically observed that at least they were allowed to see even a little of what goes on inside the country as it has thus far been so heavily veiled."

7. Tourism Drive

[Anchor Lead]

Scores of foreign tourists visited Korea during the holiday weekend. Korea continues to make efforts to lure more foreigners by providing diverse tourism products.


Some 40,000 people watched a K-pop concert in the Gangnam area in Seoul. More than 5,000 of them were foreign tourists.

[Soundbite] Chinese Tourist : "I came to Korea because I like to listen to Korean music often and I am a fan of K-pop artists."

Around 180,000 foreigners visited Korea during the holiday period last week. Most of them came to Korea to experience firsthand Korean products and music that they have seen on TV. But efforts are needed to develop more impressive tourism programs to make foreigners come back to Korea again and again. A group dance on Yeongdongdaero Boulevard, a chicken and beer party, and a samgyetang party at the Hangang River area are good examples.

[Soundbite] Chang Yoo-jae(CEO, Mode Tour International) : "Until recently we attracted foreign tourists by offering mostly low-cost packages, but we decided to make a bold move and develop more differentiated products to make tourists come again."

Countries that are popular among foreign tourists have one thing in common - a high percentage of tourists choose them as their next travel destination. Therefore, it's about time for Korea to come up with more attractive tourism programs to make tourists want to come back again.

8. Decades of Generosity

[Anchor Lead]

Living up to filial piety, a virtue of respect for one’s parents or elders, is a challenging task for many these days. Next, we bring you the story of a barber who has provided free services to the elderly for decades. Take a look.


This shabby barbershop is located in the basement at the entrance of a back alley. Customers pay for their haircuts not with money but with paper coupons. These are free haircut coupons that the owner of the shop, Min Byung-hak, distributes to the needy.

[Soundbite] Min Byung-hak(Barber) : "I provide haircuts to those in need. I don't provide free services to rich customers."

Min had to take care of his four younger siblings all on his own when he was a child. His childhood dream was to help the underprivileged when he grew up. He began to put his resolution into action right after opening his barbershop in 1966.Min distributed free haircut coupons in welfare facilities and visited the needy to provide his services every Wednesday, which was his only day-off.

[Soundbite] Kwon Yi-ha(Customer) : "He gives me a haircut free of charge and even visits people who need his help."

Over the past 50 years he has provided his services free of charge to more than 300,000 people.

[Soundbite] Min Byung-hak(Barber) : "All the elderly are like parents to me, all the young people are like siblings to me, and all the children are like my own kids."

After receiving leg surgery last year, Min can no longer visit those who need his help, but he never once stopped providing his services to those who visit his shop.

9. Raw Food Desserts

[Anchor Lead]

It's known that many foods are better for us raw than cooked, but it's also true that we often don't find raw foods as appetizing. Coming now, we bring you a look at some raw food desserts here to satisfy your sweet tooth.


They look like ordinary desserts, but looks can be deceiving.

[Soundbite] GyeongMi-ni(Raw Food Instructor) : "These are raw food desserts. Heat is not used when making raw food desserts and even when heat is used, it remains below 45℃so all the enzymes are preserved."

The raw food diet involves enjoying the natural flavors inherent in largely uncooked or unprocessed ingredients. So there's absolutely no flour, butter, or sugar used in raw food desserts. The raw food diet has grown so popular in Korea lately that there are now a number of classes on raw foods available. Let's learn some recipes for delicious and healthy raw food desserts. Use a food processor to blend a cup of almonds that have been soaked in water with two tablespoons of agave syrup. Then add a third cup of dried cranberries before blending some more. Roll the blended almond and cranberry mix into bite-size balls and now you have raw cranberry energy balls.

[Soundbite] Koo Jeong-hyeon(Raw Food Instructor) : "Cranberry energy balls are great as they are, but the dough can be used for a tart crust."

So let's make a tart with the cranberry dough. Blend one banana, one and a half tablespoons of cocoa powder, and one tablespoon of agave syrup to make the chocolate mousse filling. Spread the chocolate mousse on top of the cranberry base. Then place strawberries on top and sprinkle some almond slices and coconut powder to make a scrumptious chocolate tart. Instead of baking the tart in the oven, allow it to set in the refrigerator for about 10 minutes. The finished raw food tart is just as smooth and scrumptious as the ordinary variety. Here is a homemaker who makes raw food desserts at home.

[Soundbite] Park Min-jeong(Homemaker) : "Ever since I started having raw food juice and desserts, I've lost some weight and my muscles don't ache as much. My digestion has gotten better, too."

This is her favorite, the raw apple crunchy roll. Blend one banana, two tablespoons of cocoa powder, agave syrup and a little bit of water to make chocolate sauce. Mix some chopped almonds into the chocolate sauce. Spread the chocolate sauce all over thick apple slices and let them set in the freezer for about ten minutes. Now enjoy the raw apple crunchy roll. These raw food desserts are delicious even without a grain of sugar and crispy even without baking. So try these sweet and healthy desserts at home.

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  • NK Leader Remarks
    • 입력 2016-05-09 11:08:01
    • 수정2016-05-10 14:56:38
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

We begin with remarks from North Korean leader Kim Jong-un at the ongoing North Korean ruling Worker’s Party Congress. In a contradiction, he declared the North as a nuclear power while calling for denuclearization. Kim also said that he is open to inter-Korean dialogue, but demanded that South Korea take necessary measures first.


Kim Jong-un began his speech by sayingthat North Korea's nuclear development is due to the U.S.' hostile policy toward Pyongyang.He then made a series of demands for a signing of a peace treaty and the withdrawal of U.S. troops from South Korea.

[Soundbite] Kim Jong-un(Report at the Party Congress) : "The U.S. must scrap its hostile policy toward North Korea, replace the armistice with a peace treaty and pull its forces and weapons out of South Korea."

Kim even blamed the U.S. for incitingconflict between South and North Korea, calling on Washington to take its hands off the Korean Peninsula issues. Regarding cross-border relations, Kim proposed to hold inter-Korean military talks. saying that unification is a task of greatest significance. However, he demanded that South Korea first take necessary measures such as the suspension of psychological propaganda broadcasts.

[Soundbite] "All hostile acts stimulating and slandering the otherparty must be halted without delay, including the psychological propaganda broadcasts and distribution of leaflets."

Turning to national unification,Kim made reconciliatory gestures toward the South, bringing up again the Koryofederation formula, which was proposed by Kim Il-sung in the 1980s. Analysts say that Kim Jong-un's remarks are interpreted as a move to disturb the alliance between South Korea and the U.S.

2. International Pressure

[Anchor Lead]

The South Korean government says it has concluded that North Korea doesn't intend to give up its nuclear ambitions. Subsequently, Seoul has warned that the international community's sanctions and pressure on the regime will continue.


The South Korean government issued a point by point criticism of Kim Jong-un's speech at the North Korean Workers' Party Congress, in the form of a commentary by the Ministry of Unification spokesperson. Seoul pointed out that the North's discussion of global denuclearization while pushing for the joint development of a nuclear program with the economy blatantly demonstrates that the regime has no intention of giving up its nuclear ambitions. The commentary also added that the international community will never allow North Korea to possess nuclear arms and urged Pyongyang to show the sincerity of its denuclearization resolve by taking action. Kim Jong-un's mention of dialogue and negotiation to improve inter-Korean relations was downplayed as an insincere propaganda statement. An official with the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs also said that Kim's speech is merely a summary of North Korea's past claims and again confirmed that North Korea's resolve to develop nuclear arms remains unchanged. Accordingly, Seoul plans to work together with the international community to continue its strong sanctions aimed at pressuring North Korea until the regime demonstrates its sincerity in denuclearization efforts.

3. Nuclear Declaration

[Anchor Lead]

North Korea's seventh congress of its ruling Workers' Party has entered the fourth day. As we reported at the top of the show, Kim Jong-un declared North Korea as a nuclear power. Here is analysis of his declaration.


The highlight of the party congress is a report by Kim Jong-un. After having focused on nuclear development, Kim finally declared the North as a nuclear power in the report at the party congress. When his remarks were first made public on Sunday, there was a little confusion regarding the statement that North Korea would make efforts towards denuclearization of the world. But the meaning turned out to be just the opposite. Kim boldly claimed that the North will work for global denuclearization commensurate with its status as a nuclear power equal to that of the U.S. or China. In a nutshell, the declaration can be interpreted as the expression of the North's willingness to step up its nuclear development and be eventually recognized as a nuclear power. Meanwhile, North Korea's state-run Korea Central News Agency reported that the party's central commission unanimously approved a decision to declare the North as a nuclear power and upgrade Kim Jong-un to supreme leader. The decision says that as a responsible nuclear state, North Korea will not use nuclear weapons before aggressive forces violate its sovereignty with nuclear power.

4. Show of Loyalty

[Anchor Lead]

North Korea's Workers' Party Congress is shaping up as a competition among members to demonstrate their loyalty to Kim Jong-un's dictatorship. Participants poured out statements of praise and oaths of loyalty to the young dictator. Here’s more.


As soon as Kim Jong-un's drawn-out speech ends, some 3,000 participants of the congress stand up and cheer. 87-year-old Workers' Party Secretary Kim Ki-nam, dubbed North Korea's Joseph Goebbels, steps up for the first discussion.

[Soundbite] Kim Ki-nam(Workers' Party Propaganda Secretary) : "We give the greatest glory to our Dear Leader Kim Jong-un."

Kim Jong-un and key officials on the stage stand up to applaud enthusiastically.The hall is flooded with the sound of loud cheers.As high-ranking officials take it in turn to deliver speeches of praise,Jo Yong-won, one of Kim Jong-un's closest associates, kneels down to deliver a message. The congress reaches a feverish peak when the party's senior deputy director Jo Yon-jun declares that "the Workers' Party is the party of Kim Jong-un."

[Soundbite] Jo Yon-jun(1st Vice Dir., Workers' Party Org. Guidance Dep.) : "I strongly resolve to eagerly contribute efforts to strengthen and develop it into the party of our great leaders Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-iland Kim Jong-un."

North Korea's top news anchor Ri Chun-hee, who had not been on air during the congress, was spotted in the audience. A discussion attended by 40 top-ranking party and military officials ends with a prayer wishing for Kim Jong-un's well-being.

[Soundbite] Kim Sang-min(Captain, Baekdusan Youth Shock Guard) : "We pray for the well-being of the dear leader of our party and people, Kim Jong-un."

The discussion session, which was supposed to be a recap of the Workers' Party projects over the past 36 years, is turned into an embarrassing contest of officials blindly declaring their loyalty.

5. Diplomacy Footing

[Anchor Lead]

In keeping with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s declaration that the country is a responsible nuclear power, analysts now predict that North Korea will likely propose dialogue with the U.S. and South Korea without bringing up the nuclear issue for the time being.


North Korea's self-declaration as a permanent nuclear power is being interpreted as a move to normalize or improve relations with the U.S. and South Korea in fields outside the nuclear issue.

[Soundbite] Kim Jong-un(Report at the Party Congress) : "We will improve and normalize relations with countries that respect our sovereignty and treat us amicably, although they had been in hostile relations with us."

It is highly likely that the North will propose talks on a peace treaty to the U.S. as an equal nuclear power. Some observers predict that while continuing to propose dialogue, the North will postpone nuclear tests for the time being in an attempt to avoid international sanctions.

[Soundbite] Prof. Nam Sung-wook(Korea Univ.) : "It appears that Kim Jong-un will employ a strategy of shaking inter-Korean relations by making provocations and proposing dialogue for the time being, which is aimed at leading South Korea to make concessions."

However, it is virtually impossible that North Korea's dialogue proposals would be accepted and substantial progress would be made, as the South Korean government and the international community would never recognize North Korea as a nuclear power. If no progress is made with its dialogue proposals, North Korea will likely use it as an excuse for resuming its provocations or conducting nuclear tests or long-range missile launches.

6. Foreign Coverage

[Anchor Lead]

Foreign journalists invited to North Korea thought they would be allowed to access and cover the party congress. That has not been the case so far, as North Korean minders only offer a state-approved glimpse at the country.


This is the "Scientists' Street" in Pyongyang. Solar panels can be seen between the buildings.Reuters news agency reported that electric bicycles have become popular in North Korea recently.

[Soundbite] Kim Cheol-jin(Engineering Student) : "It's operated both manually and automatically, so it's very useful in our lives."

Foreign reporters also visited a subway station in Pyongyang and a maternity hospital. But they were not informed of their itineraries even directly before their departure, and said that they felt like they were locked up in a concentration camp. A brief argument erupts when a reporter takes a picture at the Kim Il-sung museum.

[Soundbite] "North Korean guide The guide confiscates the mobile phone to delete the photos."

[Soundbite] John Sudworth(BBC Reporter) : "Members of the foreign press complained that they were allowed to see the congress only through taped recordings, and that they could only report on the parts disclosed to them."

[Soundbite] Rupert Wingfield-Hayes(BBC Reporter) : "Some cynically observed that at least they were allowed to see even a little of what goes on inside the country as it has thus far been so heavily veiled."

7. Tourism Drive

[Anchor Lead]

Scores of foreign tourists visited Korea during the holiday weekend. Korea continues to make efforts to lure more foreigners by providing diverse tourism products.


Some 40,000 people watched a K-pop concert in the Gangnam area in Seoul. More than 5,000 of them were foreign tourists.

[Soundbite] Chinese Tourist : "I came to Korea because I like to listen to Korean music often and I am a fan of K-pop artists."

Around 180,000 foreigners visited Korea during the holiday period last week. Most of them came to Korea to experience firsthand Korean products and music that they have seen on TV. But efforts are needed to develop more impressive tourism programs to make foreigners come back to Korea again and again. A group dance on Yeongdongdaero Boulevard, a chicken and beer party, and a samgyetang party at the Hangang River area are good examples.

[Soundbite] Chang Yoo-jae(CEO, Mode Tour International) : "Until recently we attracted foreign tourists by offering mostly low-cost packages, but we decided to make a bold move and develop more differentiated products to make tourists come again."

Countries that are popular among foreign tourists have one thing in common - a high percentage of tourists choose them as their next travel destination. Therefore, it's about time for Korea to come up with more attractive tourism programs to make tourists want to come back again.

8. Decades of Generosity

[Anchor Lead]

Living up to filial piety, a virtue of respect for one’s parents or elders, is a challenging task for many these days. Next, we bring you the story of a barber who has provided free services to the elderly for decades. Take a look.


This shabby barbershop is located in the basement at the entrance of a back alley. Customers pay for their haircuts not with money but with paper coupons. These are free haircut coupons that the owner of the shop, Min Byung-hak, distributes to the needy.

[Soundbite] Min Byung-hak(Barber) : "I provide haircuts to those in need. I don't provide free services to rich customers."

Min had to take care of his four younger siblings all on his own when he was a child. His childhood dream was to help the underprivileged when he grew up. He began to put his resolution into action right after opening his barbershop in 1966.Min distributed free haircut coupons in welfare facilities and visited the needy to provide his services every Wednesday, which was his only day-off.

[Soundbite] Kwon Yi-ha(Customer) : "He gives me a haircut free of charge and even visits people who need his help."

Over the past 50 years he has provided his services free of charge to more than 300,000 people.

[Soundbite] Min Byung-hak(Barber) : "All the elderly are like parents to me, all the young people are like siblings to me, and all the children are like my own kids."

After receiving leg surgery last year, Min can no longer visit those who need his help, but he never once stopped providing his services to those who visit his shop.

9. Raw Food Desserts

[Anchor Lead]

It's known that many foods are better for us raw than cooked, but it's also true that we often don't find raw foods as appetizing. Coming now, we bring you a look at some raw food desserts here to satisfy your sweet tooth.


They look like ordinary desserts, but looks can be deceiving.

[Soundbite] GyeongMi-ni(Raw Food Instructor) : "These are raw food desserts. Heat is not used when making raw food desserts and even when heat is used, it remains below 45℃so all the enzymes are preserved."

The raw food diet involves enjoying the natural flavors inherent in largely uncooked or unprocessed ingredients. So there's absolutely no flour, butter, or sugar used in raw food desserts. The raw food diet has grown so popular in Korea lately that there are now a number of classes on raw foods available. Let's learn some recipes for delicious and healthy raw food desserts. Use a food processor to blend a cup of almonds that have been soaked in water with two tablespoons of agave syrup. Then add a third cup of dried cranberries before blending some more. Roll the blended almond and cranberry mix into bite-size balls and now you have raw cranberry energy balls.

[Soundbite] Koo Jeong-hyeon(Raw Food Instructor) : "Cranberry energy balls are great as they are, but the dough can be used for a tart crust."

So let's make a tart with the cranberry dough. Blend one banana, one and a half tablespoons of cocoa powder, and one tablespoon of agave syrup to make the chocolate mousse filling. Spread the chocolate mousse on top of the cranberry base. Then place strawberries on top and sprinkle some almond slices and coconut powder to make a scrumptious chocolate tart. Instead of baking the tart in the oven, allow it to set in the refrigerator for about 10 minutes. The finished raw food tart is just as smooth and scrumptious as the ordinary variety. Here is a homemaker who makes raw food desserts at home.

[Soundbite] Park Min-jeong(Homemaker) : "Ever since I started having raw food juice and desserts, I've lost some weight and my muscles don't ache as much. My digestion has gotten better, too."

This is her favorite, the raw apple crunchy roll. Blend one banana, two tablespoons of cocoa powder, agave syrup and a little bit of water to make chocolate sauce. Mix some chopped almonds into the chocolate sauce. Spread the chocolate sauce all over thick apple slices and let them set in the freezer for about ten minutes. Now enjoy the raw apple crunchy roll. These raw food desserts are delicious even without a grain of sugar and crispy even without baking. So try these sweet and healthy desserts at home.

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