Remastered Films

입력 2016.06.27 (14:25) 수정 2016.06.27 (14:28)

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[Anchor Lead]

Thanks to digital restoration technologies, movie fans can once again enjoy classic films produced decades ago and in sharper resolution than ever before. Take a look.


The chariot race from the world-renowned movie "Ben-Hur" appears more magnificent than ever. Scenes from "Chariots of Fire" also look vivid enough to remind viewers of the emotions they felt while watching it more than 30 years ago. Such restoration of old, damaged films is made possible thanks to digital remastering.

[Soundbite] Shin Dong-min(Film Restorator) : "We cut the film smoothly so that it doesn't get stuck in the scanner, and connect the severed parts."

After scanning the damaged tapes using a digital scanner, technicians must remove each stain and vibration by hand. Many classic Korean movies have been re-released recently after their damaged scenes were restored and their original colors recreated.

[Soundbite] Sohn Ki-soo(Korea Film Archive) : "Few people have probably seen classic movies, especially the younger generation. It's rewarding to know that people have more opportunities to see classic movies these days."

Thanks to rapidly evolving digital restoration technologies, the greatest movies of all time that moved the hearts of viewers back in the day are being brought back to life.

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  • Remastered Films
    • 입력 2016-06-27 14:11:50
    • 수정2016-06-27 14:28:23
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Thanks to digital restoration technologies, movie fans can once again enjoy classic films produced decades ago and in sharper resolution than ever before. Take a look.


The chariot race from the world-renowned movie "Ben-Hur" appears more magnificent than ever. Scenes from "Chariots of Fire" also look vivid enough to remind viewers of the emotions they felt while watching it more than 30 years ago. Such restoration of old, damaged films is made possible thanks to digital remastering.

[Soundbite] Shin Dong-min(Film Restorator) : "We cut the film smoothly so that it doesn't get stuck in the scanner, and connect the severed parts."

After scanning the damaged tapes using a digital scanner, technicians must remove each stain and vibration by hand. Many classic Korean movies have been re-released recently after their damaged scenes were restored and their original colors recreated.

[Soundbite] Sohn Ki-soo(Korea Film Archive) : "Few people have probably seen classic movies, especially the younger generation. It's rewarding to know that people have more opportunities to see classic movies these days."

Thanks to rapidly evolving digital restoration technologies, the greatest movies of all time that moved the hearts of viewers back in the day are being brought back to life.

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