Valley Trekking

입력 2016.08.05 (14:02) 수정 2016.08.05 (14:31)

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[Anchor Lead]

The entire country is under a sweltering heat spell and heatwave advisories. In this sultry weather, trekking in the valleys is growing in popularity as a cool activity. Take a look.


People trek through a valley as they gaze into the clear waters of the stream. The ice cold water instantly blows away the heat.

[Soundbite] Yoo Gab-jong(Incheon Resident) : "I'm a hiker, but I didn't know about this great course. I think it's really the best trekking course for the summer in all of Korea."

There are no predetermined paths in valley trekking. Hikers go wherever the paths lead them, whether in water or on gravel tracks. This random spontaneity is the prime draw of valley trekking. Hikers sweat profusely as they walk through the mountains but they can dunk their bodies in the cool refreshing water afterwards.

[Soundbite] No Ha-sun(Icheon, Gyeonggi-do Prov. Resident) : "I came with my son. It's so amazing. I would have regretted it if I hadn't come."

5 to 6-hour valley trekking courses of some ten kilometers in length are growing in popularity through word of mouth, with up to 40 or 50 participants every day.

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  • Valley Trekking
    • 입력 2016-08-05 14:11:16
    • 수정2016-08-05 14:31:26
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

The entire country is under a sweltering heat spell and heatwave advisories. In this sultry weather, trekking in the valleys is growing in popularity as a cool activity. Take a look.


People trek through a valley as they gaze into the clear waters of the stream. The ice cold water instantly blows away the heat.

[Soundbite] Yoo Gab-jong(Incheon Resident) : "I'm a hiker, but I didn't know about this great course. I think it's really the best trekking course for the summer in all of Korea."

There are no predetermined paths in valley trekking. Hikers go wherever the paths lead them, whether in water or on gravel tracks. This random spontaneity is the prime draw of valley trekking. Hikers sweat profusely as they walk through the mountains but they can dunk their bodies in the cool refreshing water afterwards.

[Soundbite] No Ha-sun(Icheon, Gyeonggi-do Prov. Resident) : "I came with my son. It's so amazing. I would have regretted it if I hadn't come."

5 to 6-hour valley trekking courses of some ten kilometers in length are growing in popularity through word of mouth, with up to 40 or 50 participants every day.

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