Dokdo Evidence

입력 2016.08.11 (14:22) 수정 2016.08.11 (14:31)

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브라우저에서만 사용하실 수 있습니다.

[Anchor Lead]

A new piece of evidence has been revealed to support the claim that Dokdo Islets are Korean territory. A photo taken in 1947, immediately after Korea was liberated from Japanese rule, shows a sign on the islets proclaiming Dokdo as Korean territory.


Dokdo in Ulleungdo Island's Nam-myeon in Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, Joseon. This location is clearly visible on a wooden sign that claims Korea's dominium over Dokdo. This is the original photo taken in 1947 immediately after Korea's liberation, which shows the first sign erected on Dokdo to indicate that the islets are Korean territory.

[Soundbite] Lee Sang-hyeon(Owner of the Photo) : "This is the earliest photo of Dokdo that clearly shows when it was taken. This is objective material proving that Dokdo is Korean territory."

The sign on Dokdo was put up by a team of academic investigators affiliated with the Chosun Alpine Club. It was comprised of scholars and journalists of the time. Their presence on Dokdo is interpreted as action taken by the Korean government and people who had realized the importance of the islets under the U.S. Army Military Government when Korea's sovereignty wasn't yet completely restored.

[Soundbite] Kim Young-soo(Chief, Dokdo & East Sea Research, NAHF) : "This is real proof that Dokdo was returned to us after the liberation in 1945 and that Koreans attempted to guard the islets."

The Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs will use this photo as evidence to support the country's claim over the Dokdo Islets.

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  • Dokdo Evidence
    • 입력 2016-08-11 14:23:38
    • 수정2016-08-11 14:31:57
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

A new piece of evidence has been revealed to support the claim that Dokdo Islets are Korean territory. A photo taken in 1947, immediately after Korea was liberated from Japanese rule, shows a sign on the islets proclaiming Dokdo as Korean territory.


Dokdo in Ulleungdo Island's Nam-myeon in Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, Joseon. This location is clearly visible on a wooden sign that claims Korea's dominium over Dokdo. This is the original photo taken in 1947 immediately after Korea's liberation, which shows the first sign erected on Dokdo to indicate that the islets are Korean territory.

[Soundbite] Lee Sang-hyeon(Owner of the Photo) : "This is the earliest photo of Dokdo that clearly shows when it was taken. This is objective material proving that Dokdo is Korean territory."

The sign on Dokdo was put up by a team of academic investigators affiliated with the Chosun Alpine Club. It was comprised of scholars and journalists of the time. Their presence on Dokdo is interpreted as action taken by the Korean government and people who had realized the importance of the islets under the U.S. Army Military Government when Korea's sovereignty wasn't yet completely restored.

[Soundbite] Kim Young-soo(Chief, Dokdo & East Sea Research, NAHF) : "This is real proof that Dokdo was returned to us after the liberation in 1945 and that Koreans attempted to guard the islets."

The Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs will use this photo as evidence to support the country's claim over the Dokdo Islets.

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