Web-foot Octopus

입력 2016.09.19 (14:09) 수정 2016.09.19 (14:23)

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[Anchor Lead]

The web-foot octopus is in high season in the Yellow Sea these days. The west coast of Korea is crowded with tourists as just about anyone can catch web-foot octopus without any special gear.


People in fishing boats catch web-foot octopus with fishing rods. It doesn't take long before the octopuses take the bait and get caught. Even novice fishermen can easily catch the web-foot octopus with a fishing rod. In just an hour, the net becomes full of dozens of octopuses.

[Soundbite] Yoo Young-chang(Fisherman) : "I tried catching the octopus after listening to the captain's instructions for just two minutes, and I caught it. Anyone can do it easily, men and women alike."

On weekends, some 300 boats in Cheonsuman Bay in Chungcheongnam-do Province are deployed to transport tourists who flock to the area from all over the country to catch web-foot octopuses.

[Soundbite] Kim Hae-jong(Captain) : "There are plenty of web-foot octopuses in this area because it's rich in small prey such as crabs and because this species is non-migratory."

The autumn web-foot octopus fishing season will continue through early November.

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  • Web-foot Octopus
    • 입력 2016-09-19 14:10:24
    • 수정2016-09-19 14:23:34
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

The web-foot octopus is in high season in the Yellow Sea these days. The west coast of Korea is crowded with tourists as just about anyone can catch web-foot octopus without any special gear.


People in fishing boats catch web-foot octopus with fishing rods. It doesn't take long before the octopuses take the bait and get caught. Even novice fishermen can easily catch the web-foot octopus with a fishing rod. In just an hour, the net becomes full of dozens of octopuses.

[Soundbite] Yoo Young-chang(Fisherman) : "I tried catching the octopus after listening to the captain's instructions for just two minutes, and I caught it. Anyone can do it easily, men and women alike."

On weekends, some 300 boats in Cheonsuman Bay in Chungcheongnam-do Province are deployed to transport tourists who flock to the area from all over the country to catch web-foot octopuses.

[Soundbite] Kim Hae-jong(Captain) : "There are plenty of web-foot octopuses in this area because it's rich in small prey such as crabs and because this species is non-migratory."

The autumn web-foot octopus fishing season will continue through early November.

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