Urge for Resignation

입력 2016.11.28 (14:04) 수정 2016.11.28 (14:23)

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[Anchor Lead]

Elder politicians and social leaders have proposed that forming a neutral Cabinet followed by an orderly resignation of President Park would be better than a lengthy, contentious impeachment proceeding. Here’s more.


Roughly 20 political and religious elder leaders including a former National Assembly speaker have issued a statement urging President Park Geun-hye to declare her resignation. They agreed that Park must step down no later than April, given the time necessary for each party to prepare for a presidential election.

[Soundbite] Park Kwan-yong(Former National Assembly Speaker) : "Given the political timetable of a presidential election and the need to address the current crisis, the president must step down by no later than April 2017."

The leaders also called on parliament to quickly recommend a new prime minister who will be tasked with forming a neutral Cabinet. They said the president must delegate all authority on both domestic and foreign affairs to the new PM and retire from state governance. Their assessment was that the imperialistic presidential system is a key reason for the current national crisis, and urged rival parties to push for a constitutional amendment. The elder leaders also asked parties to exercise statesmanship so that the president can step down honorably after declaring her resignation. The proposals appear to reflect concerns regarding a possible power vacuum and chaos in state affairs if the president is impeached with no predetermined alternative. Some analysts believe that the elder leaders are seeking to eliminate any uncertainty that may emerge from the unpredictable impeachment vote, by having the president declare her resignation herself.

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  • Urge for Resignation
    • 입력 2016-11-28 14:06:16
    • 수정2016-11-28 14:23:56
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Elder politicians and social leaders have proposed that forming a neutral Cabinet followed by an orderly resignation of President Park would be better than a lengthy, contentious impeachment proceeding. Here’s more.


Roughly 20 political and religious elder leaders including a former National Assembly speaker have issued a statement urging President Park Geun-hye to declare her resignation. They agreed that Park must step down no later than April, given the time necessary for each party to prepare for a presidential election.

[Soundbite] Park Kwan-yong(Former National Assembly Speaker) : "Given the political timetable of a presidential election and the need to address the current crisis, the president must step down by no later than April 2017."

The leaders also called on parliament to quickly recommend a new prime minister who will be tasked with forming a neutral Cabinet. They said the president must delegate all authority on both domestic and foreign affairs to the new PM and retire from state governance. Their assessment was that the imperialistic presidential system is a key reason for the current national crisis, and urged rival parties to push for a constitutional amendment. The elder leaders also asked parties to exercise statesmanship so that the president can step down honorably after declaring her resignation. The proposals appear to reflect concerns regarding a possible power vacuum and chaos in state affairs if the president is impeached with no predetermined alternative. Some analysts believe that the elder leaders are seeking to eliminate any uncertainty that may emerge from the unpredictable impeachment vote, by having the president declare her resignation herself.

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