Diplomatic Challenges

입력 2017.01.11 (14:08) 수정 2017.01.11 (14:12)

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[Anchor Lead]

Amid diplomatic friction with its neighbors, China and Japan, South Korea finds itself in a bind. Opposition parties have called on the National Assembly to take on a leading role to resolve a number of pending diplomatic issues.


The main opposition Democratic Party of Korea has said the latest conflicts with China and Japan over THAAD deployment and Tokyo's wartime sex slavery issue is all due to the diplomatic failures of the Park Geun-hye administration. The party said diplomatic disasters have ensued because the presidential office pushed ahead with matters that needed to be dealt with gradually over time. The DP called on rival parties to join hands to address pending diplomatic concerns, and urged the National Assembly speaker to form a parliamentarian friendship association.

[Soundbite] Woo Sang-ho(Floor Leader, Democratic Party) : "We ask the speaker to swiftly form a friendship association this month so the organization can take initiative in diplomacy with Korea's 4 neighboring powers."

In addition to Seoul's friction with China and Japan, the minor opposition People's Party also commented on U.S. and North Korea relations. The party said South Korea must get off on the right foot with the Trump administration and must not continue to neglect inter-Korean relations. The People's Party also argued to reform the existing policy consultation group involving rival camps and the government. It is mainly focused on economic measures, but in order to tackle pending diplomatic issues, the People's Party argues that it should be expanded into a discussion body on overall state affairs.

[Soundbite] Joo Seung-yong(Floor Leader, People's Party) : "We propose that Acting President Hwang Kyo-ahn, Assembly Speaker Chung Sye-kyun and the heads or floor leaders of the 4 parties set up a body to discuss state affairs."

The two opposition parties are also united in their call for legislative reforms to introduce commercial law to overhaul the conglomerates and install a new investigative bureau to deal with corruption of senior public officials. Their united stance is expected to spur momentum during the parliament's extraordinary session next month.

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  • Diplomatic Challenges
    • 입력 2017-01-11 14:09:43
    • 수정2017-01-11 14:12:42
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Amid diplomatic friction with its neighbors, China and Japan, South Korea finds itself in a bind. Opposition parties have called on the National Assembly to take on a leading role to resolve a number of pending diplomatic issues.


The main opposition Democratic Party of Korea has said the latest conflicts with China and Japan over THAAD deployment and Tokyo's wartime sex slavery issue is all due to the diplomatic failures of the Park Geun-hye administration. The party said diplomatic disasters have ensued because the presidential office pushed ahead with matters that needed to be dealt with gradually over time. The DP called on rival parties to join hands to address pending diplomatic concerns, and urged the National Assembly speaker to form a parliamentarian friendship association.

[Soundbite] Woo Sang-ho(Floor Leader, Democratic Party) : "We ask the speaker to swiftly form a friendship association this month so the organization can take initiative in diplomacy with Korea's 4 neighboring powers."

In addition to Seoul's friction with China and Japan, the minor opposition People's Party also commented on U.S. and North Korea relations. The party said South Korea must get off on the right foot with the Trump administration and must not continue to neglect inter-Korean relations. The People's Party also argued to reform the existing policy consultation group involving rival camps and the government. It is mainly focused on economic measures, but in order to tackle pending diplomatic issues, the People's Party argues that it should be expanded into a discussion body on overall state affairs.

[Soundbite] Joo Seung-yong(Floor Leader, People's Party) : "We propose that Acting President Hwang Kyo-ahn, Assembly Speaker Chung Sye-kyun and the heads or floor leaders of the 4 parties set up a body to discuss state affairs."

The two opposition parties are also united in their call for legislative reforms to introduce commercial law to overhaul the conglomerates and install a new investigative bureau to deal with corruption of senior public officials. Their united stance is expected to spur momentum during the parliament's extraordinary session next month.

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