Quitting Smoking

입력 2017.01.11 (14:14) 수정 2017.01.11 (14:17)

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[Anchor Lead]

Undoubtedly many smokers will have made the New Year resolution to quit the harmful habit. That explains why at this time of year, anti-smoking clinics are packed with patients. Here’s more.


Participants of this five-day anti-smoking camp begin their day with exercises to avoid the urge to smoke. This expansive anti-smoking program, which includes health checkups, professional counseling and workouts, was fully booked one month in advance.

[Soundbite] Baek Mun-hyun(Anti-smoking Camp Participant) : "My top resolution for this year is to quit smoking. I can't do anything unless I'm healthy."

This anti-smoking clinic is operated by a public health center free of charge. The clinic checks patients' smoking habits and teaches them how to use anti-smoking patches. Those who succeed in kicking the habit receive up to 250 dollars in cash and gift vouchers.

[Soundbite] Resident who quit smoking in 12 months : "It feels good. My wife has her hopes high."

In January, the clinic sees as many as 90 patients a day, nine times more than in other months.

[Soundbite] Hong Jong-seung(Anti-smoking Camp Participant) : "I decided to quit smoking because I must protect my health to ensure my family's health as well."

For many, the beginning of the New Year means the beginning of a tough battle against smoking.

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  • Quitting Smoking
    • 입력 2017-01-11 14:15:41
    • 수정2017-01-11 14:17:39
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Undoubtedly many smokers will have made the New Year resolution to quit the harmful habit. That explains why at this time of year, anti-smoking clinics are packed with patients. Here’s more.


Participants of this five-day anti-smoking camp begin their day with exercises to avoid the urge to smoke. This expansive anti-smoking program, which includes health checkups, professional counseling and workouts, was fully booked one month in advance.

[Soundbite] Baek Mun-hyun(Anti-smoking Camp Participant) : "My top resolution for this year is to quit smoking. I can't do anything unless I'm healthy."

This anti-smoking clinic is operated by a public health center free of charge. The clinic checks patients' smoking habits and teaches them how to use anti-smoking patches. Those who succeed in kicking the habit receive up to 250 dollars in cash and gift vouchers.

[Soundbite] Resident who quit smoking in 12 months : "It feels good. My wife has her hopes high."

In January, the clinic sees as many as 90 patients a day, nine times more than in other months.

[Soundbite] Hong Jong-seung(Anti-smoking Camp Participant) : "I decided to quit smoking because I must protect my health to ensure my family's health as well."

For many, the beginning of the New Year means the beginning of a tough battle against smoking.

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