Park Geun-hye Defense

입력 2017.03.15 (14:09) 수정 2017.03.15 (14:12)

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[Anchor Lead]

Following the Constitutional Court decision to uphold her impeachment, former President Park Geun-hye has hired more attorneys to prepare for the prosecutors’ investigation. Here are the latest developments.


Former President Park Geun-hye, who has returned to her private residence in Samseong-dong, Seoul, has hired more attorneys to prepare defensive strategies, as the prosecutors are about to summon her for questioning. Park's attorneys include some of the lawyers who represented her in the impeachment trial. On Tuesday, four attorneys submitted their written appointments as Park's lawyers to prosecutors. Two more attorneys handed in their appointments on Wednesday.

[Soundbite] Sohn Beom-kyu(Park Geun-hye's Attorney) : "We will comply with the prosecutors' schedule barring any special circumstances and will cooperate with the investigators."

Attorney Yoo Young-ha, who was appointed in November last year when Park was investigated by the Special Investigation Unit, will continue to defend Park. Rep. Kim Jin-tae is also likely to provide legal counseling to the ousted president. Observers say that Park's attorneys may join hands with Attorney Lee Kyung-jae, who is defending Choi Soon-sil. Park has vehemently denied all 13 accusations against her by the prosecutors and the special counsel. She has repeatedly stated that she never abused her presidential powers to pursue her own interests or to help certain individuals. Park and her attorneys are setting concrete strategies ahead of her questioning by prosecutors.

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  • Park Geun-hye Defense
    • 입력 2017-03-15 14:06:19
    • 수정2017-03-15 14:12:54
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Following the Constitutional Court decision to uphold her impeachment, former President Park Geun-hye has hired more attorneys to prepare for the prosecutors’ investigation. Here are the latest developments.


Former President Park Geun-hye, who has returned to her private residence in Samseong-dong, Seoul, has hired more attorneys to prepare defensive strategies, as the prosecutors are about to summon her for questioning. Park's attorneys include some of the lawyers who represented her in the impeachment trial. On Tuesday, four attorneys submitted their written appointments as Park's lawyers to prosecutors. Two more attorneys handed in their appointments on Wednesday.

[Soundbite] Sohn Beom-kyu(Park Geun-hye's Attorney) : "We will comply with the prosecutors' schedule barring any special circumstances and will cooperate with the investigators."

Attorney Yoo Young-ha, who was appointed in November last year when Park was investigated by the Special Investigation Unit, will continue to defend Park. Rep. Kim Jin-tae is also likely to provide legal counseling to the ousted president. Observers say that Park's attorneys may join hands with Attorney Lee Kyung-jae, who is defending Choi Soon-sil. Park has vehemently denied all 13 accusations against her by the prosecutors and the special counsel. She has repeatedly stated that she never abused her presidential powers to pursue her own interests or to help certain individuals. Park and her attorneys are setting concrete strategies ahead of her questioning by prosecutors.

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