Road Rage Arrest

입력 2017.03.22 (14:58) 수정 2017.03.22 (15:01)

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[Anchor Lead]

The police have arrested a man for road rage after learning that a collision between a motorcycle and an automobile was not just a mere accident. Here’s more.


This video shows a passenger car following a motorcycle. The car suddenly changes lanes and speeds up, hitting the motorbike from the side. The motorcycle driver ended up with serious injuries - a broken collarbone and two broken ribs.

[Soundbite] Lee Sang-won(Motorcycle Driver) : "I was just riding my motorbike when something flashed before my eyes and I lost consciousness."

This accident was first reported as a simple collision. But the police found this dashboard camera footage taken by another car and realized it was a crime caused by road rage.

[Soundbite] Park Jong-chan(Daejeon Yuseong Police Station) : "I think he was angry because he thought the motorcycle was blocking his way. This video shows him forcing the motorcycle from one lane to another, demonstrating his intention to retaliate."

Despite tougher penalties and crackdowns, road rage incidents are not diminishing. In fact, last year alone nine drivers were arrested and around 2,100 people were charged with retaliatory driving.

[Soundbite] Koh Yun-kyung(Road Traffic Authority) : "Road rage is a serious crime. People need to give way and be a little more considerate of other drivers' mistakes."

If a person is caught for retaliatory driving, the driver will be slapped with a special battery charge and can be sentenced to a maximum of 10 years in prison.

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  • Road Rage Arrest
    • 입력 2017-03-22 14:51:53
    • 수정2017-03-22 15:01:22
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

The police have arrested a man for road rage after learning that a collision between a motorcycle and an automobile was not just a mere accident. Here’s more.


This video shows a passenger car following a motorcycle. The car suddenly changes lanes and speeds up, hitting the motorbike from the side. The motorcycle driver ended up with serious injuries - a broken collarbone and two broken ribs.

[Soundbite] Lee Sang-won(Motorcycle Driver) : "I was just riding my motorbike when something flashed before my eyes and I lost consciousness."

This accident was first reported as a simple collision. But the police found this dashboard camera footage taken by another car and realized it was a crime caused by road rage.

[Soundbite] Park Jong-chan(Daejeon Yuseong Police Station) : "I think he was angry because he thought the motorcycle was blocking his way. This video shows him forcing the motorcycle from one lane to another, demonstrating his intention to retaliate."

Despite tougher penalties and crackdowns, road rage incidents are not diminishing. In fact, last year alone nine drivers were arrested and around 2,100 people were charged with retaliatory driving.

[Soundbite] Koh Yun-kyung(Road Traffic Authority) : "Road rage is a serious crime. People need to give way and be a little more considerate of other drivers' mistakes."

If a person is caught for retaliatory driving, the driver will be slapped with a special battery charge and can be sentenced to a maximum of 10 years in prison.

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