Inspiring Artist

입력 2017.03.22 (15:03) 수정 2017.03.22 (15:07)

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[Anchor Lead]

A man in his 20s who has been unable to use his hands from birth has put on his very first art exhibition. He paints with his foot, producing unbelievable hyper realistic art, and has overcome prejudices against the disabled.


This Eiffel Tower drawn with a ballpoint pen showcases photography-level accuracy. All these pictures including scenes from an animated film or caricatures of famous people were drawn by this 29 year old, using his foot. Pyo Hyeong-min was born with level one physical disability and was raised at a welfare facility. A pen he held with his foot at 5 years old since changed his life. He usually draws extremely detailed pictures using tools such as a pencil or pen that can be easily held by his toes.

[Soundbite] Pyo Hyeong-min(Foot Painting Artist) : "Working 2-3 hours daily makes my bottom, legs, back or neck ache."

An organization that recognized his talent helped him learn under a professional artist and also open a personal exhibition.

[Soundbite] Sim Seon-hee(Chair of Daegu-based Women's Group) : "We told him that we wanted to help him learn from a good teacher and become a great foot painting artist."

The artist has realized through art that the society's perspective of the disabled is not all that cold and cruel.

[Soundbite] Pyo Hyeong-min(Foot Painting Artist) : "When I hear compliments, they boost my confidence and I want to draw even better."

He also found a new goal through art.

[Soundbite] Pyo Hyeong-min(Foot Painting Artist) : "I want to become a household name as a foot painting artist."

We hope to see even more works by the talented foot-painting artist.

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  • Inspiring Artist
    • 입력 2017-03-22 14:51:53
    • 수정2017-03-22 15:07:15
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

A man in his 20s who has been unable to use his hands from birth has put on his very first art exhibition. He paints with his foot, producing unbelievable hyper realistic art, and has overcome prejudices against the disabled.


This Eiffel Tower drawn with a ballpoint pen showcases photography-level accuracy. All these pictures including scenes from an animated film or caricatures of famous people were drawn by this 29 year old, using his foot. Pyo Hyeong-min was born with level one physical disability and was raised at a welfare facility. A pen he held with his foot at 5 years old since changed his life. He usually draws extremely detailed pictures using tools such as a pencil or pen that can be easily held by his toes.

[Soundbite] Pyo Hyeong-min(Foot Painting Artist) : "Working 2-3 hours daily makes my bottom, legs, back or neck ache."

An organization that recognized his talent helped him learn under a professional artist and also open a personal exhibition.

[Soundbite] Sim Seon-hee(Chair of Daegu-based Women's Group) : "We told him that we wanted to help him learn from a good teacher and become a great foot painting artist."

The artist has realized through art that the society's perspective of the disabled is not all that cold and cruel.

[Soundbite] Pyo Hyeong-min(Foot Painting Artist) : "When I hear compliments, they boost my confidence and I want to draw even better."

He also found a new goal through art.

[Soundbite] Pyo Hyeong-min(Foot Painting Artist) : "I want to become a household name as a foot painting artist."

We hope to see even more works by the talented foot-painting artist.

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