North Korean Artists

입력 2017.07.25 (14:13) 수정 2017.07.25 (14:27)

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[Anchor Lead]

The life of an artist can be a tough one wherever they live, but it is particularly harsh for North Korean refugee artists. Though many escaped to South Korea to paint freely, poverty may prevent them from indulging in their art.


A body divided in half in front of a barbed wire fence. This painting depicts the reality of the divided Korean Peninsula. From the painful memories of his escape from North Korea to his fervent wish for reunification...the paintings of this artist, who fled to South Korea in search of artistic freedom, are uncompromising and powerful.

[Soundbite] Hwaseon(Nickname/North Korean Refugee Artist) : "In North Korea I painted to please the party. I always yearned to paint more freely."

However, he had to work in various jobs, from being an optician to a gemologist, to make a living. It took him 17 long years to open his first exhibit.

[Soundbite] Hwaseon(Nickname/North Korean Refugee Artist) : "I painted these paintings hoping that they would inspire thoughts about reunification."

North Korean refugee artist Oh Seong-cheol, who resumed his painting career five years ago, still cannot give up his part-time job.

[Soundbite] Oh Seong-cheol(North Korean Refugee Artist) : "I would like to paint full-time if I can make a stable living. But in reality it's hard to tell if I'm a painter or a part-time worker."

[Soundbite] Hwang Eui-cheol(Federation of Artistic and Cultural Organizations of Korea) : "Frankly, institutional support for North Korean refugee artists is inadequate. There needs to be a program where they can adjust to and exchange with South Korean artists."

It's estimated that there are about five North Korean painters, who are active in the South Korean art scene. Their arduous journey to wholly express their artistic spirits on canvases continues on.

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  • North Korean Artists
    • 입력 2017-07-25 14:01:58
    • 수정2017-07-25 14:27:47
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

The life of an artist can be a tough one wherever they live, but it is particularly harsh for North Korean refugee artists. Though many escaped to South Korea to paint freely, poverty may prevent them from indulging in their art.


A body divided in half in front of a barbed wire fence. This painting depicts the reality of the divided Korean Peninsula. From the painful memories of his escape from North Korea to his fervent wish for reunification...the paintings of this artist, who fled to South Korea in search of artistic freedom, are uncompromising and powerful.

[Soundbite] Hwaseon(Nickname/North Korean Refugee Artist) : "In North Korea I painted to please the party. I always yearned to paint more freely."

However, he had to work in various jobs, from being an optician to a gemologist, to make a living. It took him 17 long years to open his first exhibit.

[Soundbite] Hwaseon(Nickname/North Korean Refugee Artist) : "I painted these paintings hoping that they would inspire thoughts about reunification."

North Korean refugee artist Oh Seong-cheol, who resumed his painting career five years ago, still cannot give up his part-time job.

[Soundbite] Oh Seong-cheol(North Korean Refugee Artist) : "I would like to paint full-time if I can make a stable living. But in reality it's hard to tell if I'm a painter or a part-time worker."

[Soundbite] Hwang Eui-cheol(Federation of Artistic and Cultural Organizations of Korea) : "Frankly, institutional support for North Korean refugee artists is inadequate. There needs to be a program where they can adjust to and exchange with South Korean artists."

It's estimated that there are about five North Korean painters, who are active in the South Korean art scene. Their arduous journey to wholly express their artistic spirits on canvases continues on.

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