Korean Farming Tech

입력 2017.09.27 (14:09) 수정 2017.09.27 (14:17)

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브라우저에서만 사용하실 수 있습니다.

[Anchor Lead]

A project is underway to disseminate Korea's advanced farming techniques to developing nations. This effort has been especially fruitful in Uzbekistan, planting the seeds of a so-called agricultural Korean Wave in the Central Asian region.


This is a rural village in Uzbekistan. Livestock farmers here are learning how to raise their cattle using cattle feed.

[Soundbite] Asst. Director, Uzbek Livestock Research Center : "It was confirmed that the cattle raised the Korean way were 50 to 60 kilograms heavier than the ones raised in the local style. Once this system is introduced, the economic efficiency will go up by 10% to 15%."

Uzbekistan used to import all of its seed potatoes from the Netherlands. But now 5% of the supply have been replaced with Korean ones, following the introduction of Korean technology.

[Soundbite] Director, Uzbek Agricultural Research Center : "Our researchers grew 4 hectares of seed potatoes at the seed potato cultivation facility for two years. We plan to harvest 80 tons of this variety in the fall."

Korean farming techniques are helping Uzbekistan overcome chronic vegetable shortages in winter. Double-layered greenhouses where crops can be grown without heating have been built and the techniques to produce high quality cabbages, radishes, strawberries and tomatoes are taught to local farmers.

[Soundbite] Ahn Hee-seong(Rural Development Administration) : "We will step up the effort to boost the income of ethnic Korean farmers in Uzbekistan."

Korea's advanced farming techniques are nurturing the saplings of "agricultural Hallyu" in Uzbekistan.

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  • Korean Farming Tech
    • 입력 2017-09-27 14:02:01
    • 수정2017-09-27 14:17:48
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

A project is underway to disseminate Korea's advanced farming techniques to developing nations. This effort has been especially fruitful in Uzbekistan, planting the seeds of a so-called agricultural Korean Wave in the Central Asian region.


This is a rural village in Uzbekistan. Livestock farmers here are learning how to raise their cattle using cattle feed.

[Soundbite] Asst. Director, Uzbek Livestock Research Center : "It was confirmed that the cattle raised the Korean way were 50 to 60 kilograms heavier than the ones raised in the local style. Once this system is introduced, the economic efficiency will go up by 10% to 15%."

Uzbekistan used to import all of its seed potatoes from the Netherlands. But now 5% of the supply have been replaced with Korean ones, following the introduction of Korean technology.

[Soundbite] Director, Uzbek Agricultural Research Center : "Our researchers grew 4 hectares of seed potatoes at the seed potato cultivation facility for two years. We plan to harvest 80 tons of this variety in the fall."

Korean farming techniques are helping Uzbekistan overcome chronic vegetable shortages in winter. Double-layered greenhouses where crops can be grown without heating have been built and the techniques to produce high quality cabbages, radishes, strawberries and tomatoes are taught to local farmers.

[Soundbite] Ahn Hee-seong(Rural Development Administration) : "We will step up the effort to boost the income of ethnic Korean farmers in Uzbekistan."

Korea's advanced farming techniques are nurturing the saplings of "agricultural Hallyu" in Uzbekistan.

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