NIS Wiretap Suit

입력 2017.10.12 (14:10) 수정 2017.10.12 (14:22)

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[Anchor Lead]

A police officer has sued a National Intelligence Service official and a former supervisor after it was found that the NIS official in question purchased and used illegal wiretap programs en masse, but the investigation into the case was suspended by senior management. We met with the whistleblower who reported the irregularities.


Three years ago, this detective from the National Police Agency was tracing illegal smartphone wiretapping programs.

[Soundbite] (Detective (Voice modified)) : "I investigated illegal wiretap and shadowing programs. I indicted more than ten ordinary people and held them accountable for using them."

One day, the detective learned that a person named David Cho purchased 65 wiretap programs worth over 14 million won via a broker. He found that David Cho was a man in his 30s. Prior to searching the suspect's house, the detective received a call from his supervisor.

[Soundbite] (Detective (Voice modified)) : "I was told to cancel the search because it was the residence of an NIS official."

The detective wanted to find out if David Cho engaged in illegal wiretapping, what his motive was and who his targets were, but the investigation ground to a halt. Even a high-ranking police officer in charge of the case hampered the detective from continuing the investigation because it involved the National Intelligence Service.

[Soundbite] (Detective (Voice modified)) : "I suggested that we investigate whether the illegal wiretapping was committed as a personal act or on part of the NIS. But my supervisor ordered me to clear the charges and close the case."

The detective eventually sued the NIS official and his supervisor.

[Soundbite] Rep. Kwon Eun-hee(People's Party) : "We must find out if anything was concealed or any pressure was exercised, whether the NIS obtained any information illegally, and whether anyone sustained damages from wiretapping."

The National Police Agency said the investigation was suspended because the agency failed to receive cooperation from the NIS chief, which is required by law. The NIS, for its part, said that the case is being investigated by the NIS reform committee.

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  • NIS Wiretap Suit
    • 입력 2017-10-12 14:07:18
    • 수정2017-10-12 14:22:44
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

A police officer has sued a National Intelligence Service official and a former supervisor after it was found that the NIS official in question purchased and used illegal wiretap programs en masse, but the investigation into the case was suspended by senior management. We met with the whistleblower who reported the irregularities.


Three years ago, this detective from the National Police Agency was tracing illegal smartphone wiretapping programs.

[Soundbite] (Detective (Voice modified)) : "I investigated illegal wiretap and shadowing programs. I indicted more than ten ordinary people and held them accountable for using them."

One day, the detective learned that a person named David Cho purchased 65 wiretap programs worth over 14 million won via a broker. He found that David Cho was a man in his 30s. Prior to searching the suspect's house, the detective received a call from his supervisor.

[Soundbite] (Detective (Voice modified)) : "I was told to cancel the search because it was the residence of an NIS official."

The detective wanted to find out if David Cho engaged in illegal wiretapping, what his motive was and who his targets were, but the investigation ground to a halt. Even a high-ranking police officer in charge of the case hampered the detective from continuing the investigation because it involved the National Intelligence Service.

[Soundbite] (Detective (Voice modified)) : "I suggested that we investigate whether the illegal wiretapping was committed as a personal act or on part of the NIS. But my supervisor ordered me to clear the charges and close the case."

The detective eventually sued the NIS official and his supervisor.

[Soundbite] Rep. Kwon Eun-hee(People's Party) : "We must find out if anything was concealed or any pressure was exercised, whether the NIS obtained any information illegally, and whether anyone sustained damages from wiretapping."

The National Police Agency said the investigation was suspended because the agency failed to receive cooperation from the NIS chief, which is required by law. The NIS, for its part, said that the case is being investigated by the NIS reform committee.

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