Philanthropy in China

입력 2017.10.25 (15:16) 수정 2017.10.25 (15:36)

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[Anchor Lead]

Relations between Korea and China remain strained over the deployment of the U.S. missile defense system on the Korean Peninsula. Korean businesses based in China have been actively involved in philanthropy recently. Their efforts are expected to move Chinese consumers.


A touchscreen has been installed in this classroom at a Chinese elementary school instead of an old blackboard. It was provided by a Korean airline company after establishing a sister relationship with Chinese schools.

[Soundbite] (Elementary School Student) : "Our computer was slow and the monitor did not work well. It's more convenient now because of the touchscreen."

[Soundbite] "Greet by bowing at 45 degrees. One, two, three! (Welcome!)"

Korean businesses have maintained their ties with local communities despite plummeting revenues and halted business transactions due to the row over the U.S. missile defense system. This year, the bilateral ties between Korea and China faced more challenges than ever, but Korean businesses never once stopped their social philanthropy in China. Their social contribution activities, which began more than ten years ago in a bid to improve their reputation, have now grown to address China's environmental protection, poverty and education problems.

[Soundbite] Baek Yong-cheon(S. Korean Embassy in China) : "It's part of public diplomacy efforts. We hope that it will help further improve the ties between Korea and China."

The hidden efforts of Korean firms in China are expected to help thaw icy relationship between South Korea and China.

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  • Philanthropy in China
    • 입력 2017-10-25 15:22:03
    • 수정2017-10-25 15:36:09
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Relations between Korea and China remain strained over the deployment of the U.S. missile defense system on the Korean Peninsula. Korean businesses based in China have been actively involved in philanthropy recently. Their efforts are expected to move Chinese consumers.


A touchscreen has been installed in this classroom at a Chinese elementary school instead of an old blackboard. It was provided by a Korean airline company after establishing a sister relationship with Chinese schools.

[Soundbite] (Elementary School Student) : "Our computer was slow and the monitor did not work well. It's more convenient now because of the touchscreen."

[Soundbite] "Greet by bowing at 45 degrees. One, two, three! (Welcome!)"

Korean businesses have maintained their ties with local communities despite plummeting revenues and halted business transactions due to the row over the U.S. missile defense system. This year, the bilateral ties between Korea and China faced more challenges than ever, but Korean businesses never once stopped their social philanthropy in China. Their social contribution activities, which began more than ten years ago in a bid to improve their reputation, have now grown to address China's environmental protection, poverty and education problems.

[Soundbite] Baek Yong-cheon(S. Korean Embassy in China) : "It's part of public diplomacy efforts. We hope that it will help further improve the ties between Korea and China."

The hidden efforts of Korean firms in China are expected to help thaw icy relationship between South Korea and China.

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