Inter-Korean Delegations

입력 2018.01.24 (14:48) 수정 2018.01.24 (16:47)

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[Anchor Lead]

A South Korean delegation has begun its survey of North Korean facilities in the Kumgangsan Mountain area to prepare for an inter-Korean cultural event. On Thursday, the delegation will return home, as another North Korean delegation visits the South. The North Korean women’s ice hockey athletes will begin training as part of a unified Korean team.


The 12 members of the South Korean delegation who arrived in the North on Tuesday have finished the first round of inspections of the venue of the upcoming inter-Korean cultural event in the Kumgangsan Mountain area. They then visited the Masikryong Ski Resort. The purpose of their visit is to check if the resort is ready for Alpine and cross-country skiing training. On Wednesday, the delegation toured the Kalma Airport. Two aviation experts were included to check if South Korean athletes can travel to the North by air. The delegation is to return home on Thursday. Meanwhile, another North Korean delegation will visit the South shortly. The Ministry of Unification said that the North Korean delegation will include 15 female ice hockey athletes. The athletes will reportedly head to a training base in Jincheon upon arrival. North Korea has also notified the South that its orchestra will perform at the Gangneung Arts Center on February 8, the day before the PyeongChang Olympic Games, and at the National Theater of Korea in Seoul on February 11. The orchestra will arrive in the South on February 6 by train via the Gyeongui Line and return home on February 12.

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  • Inter-Korean Delegations
    • 입력 2018-01-24 15:01:00
    • 수정2018-01-24 16:47:49
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

A South Korean delegation has begun its survey of North Korean facilities in the Kumgangsan Mountain area to prepare for an inter-Korean cultural event. On Thursday, the delegation will return home, as another North Korean delegation visits the South. The North Korean women’s ice hockey athletes will begin training as part of a unified Korean team.


The 12 members of the South Korean delegation who arrived in the North on Tuesday have finished the first round of inspections of the venue of the upcoming inter-Korean cultural event in the Kumgangsan Mountain area. They then visited the Masikryong Ski Resort. The purpose of their visit is to check if the resort is ready for Alpine and cross-country skiing training. On Wednesday, the delegation toured the Kalma Airport. Two aviation experts were included to check if South Korean athletes can travel to the North by air. The delegation is to return home on Thursday. Meanwhile, another North Korean delegation will visit the South shortly. The Ministry of Unification said that the North Korean delegation will include 15 female ice hockey athletes. The athletes will reportedly head to a training base in Jincheon upon arrival. North Korea has also notified the South that its orchestra will perform at the Gangneung Arts Center on February 8, the day before the PyeongChang Olympic Games, and at the National Theater of Korea in Seoul on February 11. The orchestra will arrive in the South on February 6 by train via the Gyeongui Line and return home on February 12.

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