Military Parade

입력 2018.01.25 (15:11) 수정 2018.01.25 (16:57)

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[Anchor Lead]

A civilian satellite has captured signs that North Korea is preparing a military parade at Mirim Airport in North Korea. The parade will likely take place on February 8, when the North marks the 70th founding anniversary of its Regular Army.


This image of Mirim Airport in Pyongyang was captured by a civilian satellite on January 6. It shows hundreds of military equipment units including trucks lined up at the airport. A makeshift facility blocked by a shield is where missiles and mobile launch vehicles are presumed to be. Another satellite image that was taken two days earlier shows military troops marching along with trucks. Voice of America, which has been observing satellite imagery on a regular basis, has reported that vehicles began to gather at the site in late November of last year and that even larger vehicles were deployed in late December. A South Korean military official said that North Korea has deployed some 12,000 troops and more than 200 units of machinery to prepare for a military parade. Signs of preparation for an air show have also been captured, such as Suhoi fighter jets, low-altitude penetration aircraft and helicopters. Observers say that the North Korean army has again moved its Army Foundation Day from April to February 8 and will likely hold a military parade marking the 70th anniversary of its army the day before the start of the PyeongChang Winter Olympics. The parade may feature new weapons such as intercontinental and submarine powered ballistic missiles in line with Kim Jong-un's New Year's resolution to complete his regime's nuclear arsenal.

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  • Military Parade
    • 입력 2018-01-25 14:56:48
    • 수정2018-01-25 16:57:18
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

A civilian satellite has captured signs that North Korea is preparing a military parade at Mirim Airport in North Korea. The parade will likely take place on February 8, when the North marks the 70th founding anniversary of its Regular Army.


This image of Mirim Airport in Pyongyang was captured by a civilian satellite on January 6. It shows hundreds of military equipment units including trucks lined up at the airport. A makeshift facility blocked by a shield is where missiles and mobile launch vehicles are presumed to be. Another satellite image that was taken two days earlier shows military troops marching along with trucks. Voice of America, which has been observing satellite imagery on a regular basis, has reported that vehicles began to gather at the site in late November of last year and that even larger vehicles were deployed in late December. A South Korean military official said that North Korea has deployed some 12,000 troops and more than 200 units of machinery to prepare for a military parade. Signs of preparation for an air show have also been captured, such as Suhoi fighter jets, low-altitude penetration aircraft and helicopters. Observers say that the North Korean army has again moved its Army Foundation Day from April to February 8 and will likely hold a military parade marking the 70th anniversary of its army the day before the start of the PyeongChang Winter Olympics. The parade may feature new weapons such as intercontinental and submarine powered ballistic missiles in line with Kim Jong-un's New Year's resolution to complete his regime's nuclear arsenal.

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