Customs Inspections

입력 2018.01.29 (15:02) 수정 2018.01.29 (17:09)

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[Anchor Lead]

Customs authorities have stepped up their enforcement ahead of the PyeongChang Games. As such, customs inspections for inbound passengers may take longer than usual. Here’s more.​​


Inbound passengers stand in a long line, awaiting a customs inspection. The officials thoroughly check their luggage using X-rays.

[Soundbite] (Incheon Customs Official) : "Your luggage over there... Hold on."

The officials make sure to unpack and check every suspicious item.

[Soundbite] (Incheon Customs Official) : "Specialty products are not allowed in Korea. (Not allowed?) No. Don't bring them next time. (I won't. I'm sorry.)"

This woman was caught for carrying cigarettes inside her coat. Bundles of cigarettes were also found at the bottom of her bag and in the hidden pockets of another coat. Customs authorities have strengthened inspections of arriving passengers ahead of the PyeongChang Olympic Games. Up to 20 percent of all inbound passengers are now subject to customs inspections, nearly seven times more than usual. Some 200 more officials have been dispatched to conduct inspections.

[Soundbite] Moon Mi-ho(Incheon Customs) : "Our priority is on blocking dangerous items to prevent terrorism. The arrivals section is expected to be congested, so we ask the public for cooperation."

inspections will continue at all airports and ports in Korea through the end of the Winter Olympics and Paralympics, which will end on March 18th. During that period, customs inspections for inbound passengers, which usually take 30 minutes, may take as long as three hours.

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  • Customs Inspections
    • 입력 2018-01-29 15:04:36
    • 수정2018-01-29 17:09:31
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Customs authorities have stepped up their enforcement ahead of the PyeongChang Games. As such, customs inspections for inbound passengers may take longer than usual. Here’s more.​​


Inbound passengers stand in a long line, awaiting a customs inspection. The officials thoroughly check their luggage using X-rays.

[Soundbite] (Incheon Customs Official) : "Your luggage over there... Hold on."

The officials make sure to unpack and check every suspicious item.

[Soundbite] (Incheon Customs Official) : "Specialty products are not allowed in Korea. (Not allowed?) No. Don't bring them next time. (I won't. I'm sorry.)"

This woman was caught for carrying cigarettes inside her coat. Bundles of cigarettes were also found at the bottom of her bag and in the hidden pockets of another coat. Customs authorities have strengthened inspections of arriving passengers ahead of the PyeongChang Olympic Games. Up to 20 percent of all inbound passengers are now subject to customs inspections, nearly seven times more than usual. Some 200 more officials have been dispatched to conduct inspections.

[Soundbite] Moon Mi-ho(Incheon Customs) : "Our priority is on blocking dangerous items to prevent terrorism. The arrivals section is expected to be congested, so we ask the public for cooperation."

inspections will continue at all airports and ports in Korea through the end of the Winter Olympics and Paralympics, which will end on March 18th. During that period, customs inspections for inbound passengers, which usually take 30 minutes, may take as long as three hours.

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