Workplace Harassment

입력 2018.02.01 (14:50) 수정 2018.02.01 (16:43)

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[Anchor Lead]

Prosecutors have formed a special team to examine sexual harassment allegations lodged by a female prosecutor against her male colleagues. The team is also considering looking into cases of sexual discrimination and even sexual assault among prosecutors.


Prosecutors have launched an examination after a female prosecutor named Seo Ji-hyun revealed that she had been sexually harassed. The team comprises about ten members, who will work to find out if the allegation is true and help the victim recover. The team consists of prosecutors and detectives specializing in cases involving sexual violence, and is being headed by Seoul Eastern District Public Prosecutors' Office chief Cho Hee-jin. The team will first examine the victim's allegation of sexual harassment in 2010 and find out if she was put at a disadvantage in terms of her career. But the team may hit snags when interrogating the perpetrator and the high-ranking prosecutor who tried to conceal the case. That's because they don't have the authority to investigate them in person. The team says it will try to uncover the truth using other methods. It added that it might launch an official INVESTIGATION if needed. The team is also determined to collect cases of sexual discrimination and sexual violence among prosecutors while devising countermeasures. This may include a total inspection. Prosecutor Seo, who was allegedly sexually harassed by her male colleagues, said through her attorney that this case is not solely about harassment.

[Soundbite] Kim Jae-ryun(Seo Ji-hyun's Attorney) : "My client wants the investigators to find out why her organization did not listen to her when she raised this issue alone, and devise measures to improve the situation."

She added that she hopes that this case will help build a safety network in Korean society in the future.

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  • Workplace Harassment
    • 입력 2018-02-01 15:04:19
    • 수정2018-02-01 16:43:25
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Prosecutors have formed a special team to examine sexual harassment allegations lodged by a female prosecutor against her male colleagues. The team is also considering looking into cases of sexual discrimination and even sexual assault among prosecutors.


Prosecutors have launched an examination after a female prosecutor named Seo Ji-hyun revealed that she had been sexually harassed. The team comprises about ten members, who will work to find out if the allegation is true and help the victim recover. The team consists of prosecutors and detectives specializing in cases involving sexual violence, and is being headed by Seoul Eastern District Public Prosecutors' Office chief Cho Hee-jin. The team will first examine the victim's allegation of sexual harassment in 2010 and find out if she was put at a disadvantage in terms of her career. But the team may hit snags when interrogating the perpetrator and the high-ranking prosecutor who tried to conceal the case. That's because they don't have the authority to investigate them in person. The team says it will try to uncover the truth using other methods. It added that it might launch an official INVESTIGATION if needed. The team is also determined to collect cases of sexual discrimination and sexual violence among prosecutors while devising countermeasures. This may include a total inspection. Prosecutor Seo, who was allegedly sexually harassed by her male colleagues, said through her attorney that this case is not solely about harassment.

[Soundbite] Kim Jae-ryun(Seo Ji-hyun's Attorney) : "My client wants the investigators to find out why her organization did not listen to her when she raised this issue alone, and devise measures to improve the situation."

She added that she hopes that this case will help build a safety network in Korean society in the future.

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