Summit Canceled

입력 2018.05.25 (15:05) 수정 2018.05.25 (15:44)

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[Anchor Lead]

U.S. President Donald Trump has called off the U.S.-North Korea summit that was scheduled to take place in Singapore on June 12th. Trump sent his message through a letter to the North Korean leader and announced his decision at an official event later. However, Trump did leave the door open for the summit to be resuscitated. And for its part, North Korea also appears willing to keep the door open.


Donald Trump says that holding summit talks with North Korea at this point is inappropriate. He blamed the North for "tremendous anger and open hostility" that it showed in its recent statement.

[Soundbite] Donald Trump (U.S. President)

The U.S. president stressed that Pyongyang has an opportunity to overcome poverty and oppression, but that it would only be possible if the North follows the path of denuclearization and becomes part of the international community.

[Soundbite] Donald Trump (U.S. President)

Donald Trump said he would never compromise America's national security and that his nation's military is more ready than ever to take action. He also vowed to continue the maximum pressure campaign against North Korea. However, the U.S. leader added that he's waiting for Kim Jong-un to engage in constructive dialogue and action. In a letter that Trump sent to Kim Jong-un, the U.S. president urged the North Korean leader to contact him anytime whenever he is ready to change his mind regarding the summit talks, either by phone or mail, leaving the door open for rescheduling his meeting with Kim.

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  • Summit Canceled
    • 입력 2018-05-25 15:21:28
    • 수정2018-05-25 15:44:27
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

U.S. President Donald Trump has called off the U.S.-North Korea summit that was scheduled to take place in Singapore on June 12th. Trump sent his message through a letter to the North Korean leader and announced his decision at an official event later. However, Trump did leave the door open for the summit to be resuscitated. And for its part, North Korea also appears willing to keep the door open.


Donald Trump says that holding summit talks with North Korea at this point is inappropriate. He blamed the North for "tremendous anger and open hostility" that it showed in its recent statement.

[Soundbite] Donald Trump (U.S. President)

The U.S. president stressed that Pyongyang has an opportunity to overcome poverty and oppression, but that it would only be possible if the North follows the path of denuclearization and becomes part of the international community.

[Soundbite] Donald Trump (U.S. President)

Donald Trump said he would never compromise America's national security and that his nation's military is more ready than ever to take action. He also vowed to continue the maximum pressure campaign against North Korea. However, the U.S. leader added that he's waiting for Kim Jong-un to engage in constructive dialogue and action. In a letter that Trump sent to Kim Jong-un, the U.S. president urged the North Korean leader to contact him anytime whenever he is ready to change his mind regarding the summit talks, either by phone or mail, leaving the door open for rescheduling his meeting with Kim.

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