Emergency Meeting

입력 2018.05.25 (15:09) 수정 2018.05.25 (15:44)

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[Anchor Lead]

In the wake of Trump’s surprise announcement to cancel talks with North Korea, President Moon Jae-in convened an emergency meeting with his aides and related ministers. He expressed deep regret over the scrapped U.S.-North Korea summit, and urged the leaders of the two nations to talk to each other more directly.


President Moon Jae-in held an urgent meeting of the National Security Council at the country's top office starting at midnight for about an hour. During the meeting, he said he was perplexed and that it was very regrettable the U.S.-North Korea summit will not be held on June 12th. But he made it clear that denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and lasting peace in the region is an historic mission that can't be given up or postponed. He stressed the sincerity of Pyongyang and Washington remains unchanged. Moon said it may be difficult to resolve sensitive and difficult diplomatic issues through the current method of communication. He expressed hope for the two nations to fix the roadblocks through more direct and close dialogue between their leaders.

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  • Emergency Meeting
    • 입력 2018-05-25 15:21:28
    • 수정2018-05-25 15:44:28
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

In the wake of Trump’s surprise announcement to cancel talks with North Korea, President Moon Jae-in convened an emergency meeting with his aides and related ministers. He expressed deep regret over the scrapped U.S.-North Korea summit, and urged the leaders of the two nations to talk to each other more directly.


President Moon Jae-in held an urgent meeting of the National Security Council at the country's top office starting at midnight for about an hour. During the meeting, he said he was perplexed and that it was very regrettable the U.S.-North Korea summit will not be held on June 12th. But he made it clear that denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and lasting peace in the region is an historic mission that can't be given up or postponed. He stressed the sincerity of Pyongyang and Washington remains unchanged. Moon said it may be difficult to resolve sensitive and difficult diplomatic issues through the current method of communication. He expressed hope for the two nations to fix the roadblocks through more direct and close dialogue between their leaders.

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