Arrest Warrant Denied

입력 2018.06.21 (15:04) 수정 2018.06.21 (16:50)

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[Anchor Lead]

The wife of Hanjin Group Chairman Cho Yang-ho has again avoided arrest. The court said that it is not necessary to take Lee Myung-hee into custody for investigations into whether she illegally hired foreign housekeepers, abused her power, or assaulted some employees.


Lee Myung-hee, wife of Hanjin Group Chairman Cho Yang-ho, left a police station shortly before midnight. The court rejected an arrest warrant for her on allegations that she had illegally hired foreign housekeepers. This is the second time the court has turned down a request for Lee's arrest. On June fourth, the court refused to issue an arrest warrant for her regarding charges of assaulting chauffeurs and security guards. The court explained that it is hard to see any reason or need to take Lee into custody for investigations, given the allegations against her and progress in the ongoing probe. Observers are left to interpret that there are no risks that Lee would seek to destroy evidence or flee and that her offenses are not grave enough to be placed under arrest. Previously, immigration authorities requested the court to issue an arrest warrant for Lee on charges of illegally hiring some ten Filipino maids after bringing them into Korea as vocational trainees of Korean Air. Under the current immigration law, those who are deemed equals of Korean citizens, such as Korean expatriates from overseas or foreign spouses of Koreans, can get jobs as housekeepers in the nation. Lee, however, has been denying the allegations and her involvement in the process of bringing in the Filipino maids.

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  • Arrest Warrant Denied
    • 입력 2018-06-21 15:00:38
    • 수정2018-06-21 16:50:32
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

The wife of Hanjin Group Chairman Cho Yang-ho has again avoided arrest. The court said that it is not necessary to take Lee Myung-hee into custody for investigations into whether she illegally hired foreign housekeepers, abused her power, or assaulted some employees.


Lee Myung-hee, wife of Hanjin Group Chairman Cho Yang-ho, left a police station shortly before midnight. The court rejected an arrest warrant for her on allegations that she had illegally hired foreign housekeepers. This is the second time the court has turned down a request for Lee's arrest. On June fourth, the court refused to issue an arrest warrant for her regarding charges of assaulting chauffeurs and security guards. The court explained that it is hard to see any reason or need to take Lee into custody for investigations, given the allegations against her and progress in the ongoing probe. Observers are left to interpret that there are no risks that Lee would seek to destroy evidence or flee and that her offenses are not grave enough to be placed under arrest. Previously, immigration authorities requested the court to issue an arrest warrant for Lee on charges of illegally hiring some ten Filipino maids after bringing them into Korea as vocational trainees of Korean Air. Under the current immigration law, those who are deemed equals of Korean citizens, such as Korean expatriates from overseas or foreign spouses of Koreans, can get jobs as housekeepers in the nation. Lee, however, has been denying the allegations and her involvement in the process of bringing in the Filipino maids.

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