Health Tips on Nuts

입력 2018.07.12 (15:09) 수정 2018.07.12 (15:18)

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[Anchor Lead]

With rising public interest in health and wellbeing, many folks these days love to munch on nuts. The more unfamiliar, unusual nuts are also becoming more well known. On today’s close up: tips on nuts.


This place may look like an ordinary cafe but it's not. It doesn't sell coffee but rather, all sorts of nuts. It's a nut cafe.

[Soundbite] Gang Hyeon-joo(Gyeongsangnam-do Prov. Resident) : "Considering my age and my family's health, I want to try out some nuts. I come here often because of the varieties."

On display at the store are some peculiar nuts we don't often come by. This is a Brazil nut, about the twice the size of an almond. It is the seed of a tree that grows in the Amazon tropical rain forest, thus the name Brazil nut. Brazil nuts are known for anticancer effects and also rich in selenium, containing 130 times more than what's in garlic. Consumed together with cabbage or broccoli, selenium is even more effective in preventing cancer. When having Brazil nuts in raw form, it's better to have them in the early morning before breakfast and only about two nuts per day.

[Soundbite] Sim Seon-ah(Korea Nutrition Research Institute) : "Eating too much can cause hair loss, damage to teeth and nails or fatigue."

The Sacha Inchi nut is also popular. Also known as star seeds, this nut is comes from a plant that grows in South America, in countries such as Peru. It's also called the omega nut for its high omega content. Six to eight nuts of the Sacha Inchi are good for one day. It's even better to have this nut with salmon or squash that are rich in vitamin B. Last but not least, there's the tiger nut, named as such for its pattern resembling that of a tiger. Tiger nut is technically not a nut but actually the root of a tuberous plant. But its shape and taste is similar to that of a nut and therefore it's commonly called the tiger nut. Eating too much of it can cause stomachache or diarrhea so make sure to eat no more than ten a day. Various nuts have different flavors and health effects. Know these tips and stay healthy with the crunchy snack!.

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  • Health Tips on Nuts
    • 입력 2018-07-12 15:09:30
    • 수정2018-07-12 15:18:21
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

With rising public interest in health and wellbeing, many folks these days love to munch on nuts. The more unfamiliar, unusual nuts are also becoming more well known. On today’s close up: tips on nuts.


This place may look like an ordinary cafe but it's not. It doesn't sell coffee but rather, all sorts of nuts. It's a nut cafe.

[Soundbite] Gang Hyeon-joo(Gyeongsangnam-do Prov. Resident) : "Considering my age and my family's health, I want to try out some nuts. I come here often because of the varieties."

On display at the store are some peculiar nuts we don't often come by. This is a Brazil nut, about the twice the size of an almond. It is the seed of a tree that grows in the Amazon tropical rain forest, thus the name Brazil nut. Brazil nuts are known for anticancer effects and also rich in selenium, containing 130 times more than what's in garlic. Consumed together with cabbage or broccoli, selenium is even more effective in preventing cancer. When having Brazil nuts in raw form, it's better to have them in the early morning before breakfast and only about two nuts per day.

[Soundbite] Sim Seon-ah(Korea Nutrition Research Institute) : "Eating too much can cause hair loss, damage to teeth and nails or fatigue."

The Sacha Inchi nut is also popular. Also known as star seeds, this nut is comes from a plant that grows in South America, in countries such as Peru. It's also called the omega nut for its high omega content. Six to eight nuts of the Sacha Inchi are good for one day. It's even better to have this nut with salmon or squash that are rich in vitamin B. Last but not least, there's the tiger nut, named as such for its pattern resembling that of a tiger. Tiger nut is technically not a nut but actually the root of a tuberous plant. But its shape and taste is similar to that of a nut and therefore it's commonly called the tiger nut. Eating too much of it can cause stomachache or diarrhea so make sure to eat no more than ten a day. Various nuts have different flavors and health effects. Know these tips and stay healthy with the crunchy snack!.

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