Unexpected Communication

입력 2018.09.21 (15:08) 수정 2018.09.21 (15:13)

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[Anchor Lead]

Chairman Kim showed the world an unexpectedly courteous side of himself during the recent inter-Korean summit. His humble way of speaking and frank reactions caught people's attention.


Chairman Kim was unsparing in his open reactions from the moment President Moon Jae-in landed in Pyongyang. He applauded fervently when the South Korean leader walked down the steps from the plane. And gave his counterpart a warm embrace as they touched cheeks several times. He spoke frankly, even voluntarily bringing up the country's shortcomings.

[Soundbite] Kim Jong-un(N. Korean Chairman) : "You have traveled to many countries around the world. Compared to the advanced countries, our accommodations are shabby."

He communicated his feelings using words such as sincerity and heart.

[Soundbite] Kim Jong-un(N. Korean Chairman) : "The accommodations and schedules show our utmost sincerity. They are from our hearts."

When he made a surprise stop at the seafood restaurant in Pyongyang, he even gave slight bows to Pyongyang residents there. The bows were not as deep as the ones given by President Moon, but past North Korean leaders had not been nearly as accommodating. When they visited Baekdusan Mountain, Kim was the one who suggested taking photographs to the South Korean president.

[Soundbite] Kim Jong-un(N. Korean Chairman) : "You can't see it when you go down. This is the best spot to view Cheonji. How about all of us taking pictures here?"

He even offered to take pictures of the South Korean delegates.

[Soundbite] Kim Jong-un(N. Korean Chairman) : "Why don't the South Korean delegates take pictures with the president? I'll take them for you."

During the three-day summit, North Korean leader Kim had been very attentive to President Moon throughout the stay, personally guiding the South Korean First Couple to the children welcoming them with flowers or when they were getting ready to inspect the North Korean honor guard.

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  • Unexpected Communication
    • 입력 2018-09-21 15:10:03
    • 수정2018-09-21 15:13:41
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Chairman Kim showed the world an unexpectedly courteous side of himself during the recent inter-Korean summit. His humble way of speaking and frank reactions caught people's attention.


Chairman Kim was unsparing in his open reactions from the moment President Moon Jae-in landed in Pyongyang. He applauded fervently when the South Korean leader walked down the steps from the plane. And gave his counterpart a warm embrace as they touched cheeks several times. He spoke frankly, even voluntarily bringing up the country's shortcomings.

[Soundbite] Kim Jong-un(N. Korean Chairman) : "You have traveled to many countries around the world. Compared to the advanced countries, our accommodations are shabby."

He communicated his feelings using words such as sincerity and heart.

[Soundbite] Kim Jong-un(N. Korean Chairman) : "The accommodations and schedules show our utmost sincerity. They are from our hearts."

When he made a surprise stop at the seafood restaurant in Pyongyang, he even gave slight bows to Pyongyang residents there. The bows were not as deep as the ones given by President Moon, but past North Korean leaders had not been nearly as accommodating. When they visited Baekdusan Mountain, Kim was the one who suggested taking photographs to the South Korean president.

[Soundbite] Kim Jong-un(N. Korean Chairman) : "You can't see it when you go down. This is the best spot to view Cheonji. How about all of us taking pictures here?"

He even offered to take pictures of the South Korean delegates.

[Soundbite] Kim Jong-un(N. Korean Chairman) : "Why don't the South Korean delegates take pictures with the president? I'll take them for you."

During the three-day summit, North Korean leader Kim had been very attentive to President Moon throughout the stay, personally guiding the South Korean First Couple to the children welcoming them with flowers or when they were getting ready to inspect the North Korean honor guard.

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