Nostalgic Barbershops

입력 2018.10.01 (15:11) 수정 2018.10.01 (15:19)

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[Anchor Lead]

Finding a barbershop is no easy task these days. Very few remain and those that survive have withstood the trial of times and serve as a valuable meet and greet kind of place filled with nostalgia.


This small barber shop first opened in 1955. Entering the shop, which is about 17 square meters, it's as if time has stopped and you walk into history. A faded poster of the bygone era is still found on the wall while a washstand still remains, a type that's rarely seen in the modern day. Barber Park Hae-jin has been running this shop for nearly 60 years now.

[Soundbite] Age 70 is still young, it's youth.

In skillful moves, he whips up soap foam and shaves the client's beard with a sharp blade. A shave and haircut takes about 40 minutes during which conversations continue back and forth with customers. Some regular patrons who have been visiting for decades have become Park's closest pals. Just a stare is enough to read each other's mind.

[Soundbite] Han Hyeon-tae(Customer) : "I very much like his shaving style. He treats me like a friend. We also enjoy food and drinks together."

The boy who first picked up a pair of scissors at age 14 is now an elderly man. Old barber gear and blunt scissors are of no use but they are precious treasures he wants to cherish forever.

[Soundbite] Park Hae-jin(Barber(56 years experience)) : "I started out from nothing and come this far thanks to my customers. I'm very grateful. How can I repay them..."

In today's fast changing world, local barbershops continue in their timeless tradition as special neighborhood landmarks.

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  • Nostalgic Barbershops
    • 입력 2018-10-01 15:13:15
    • 수정2018-10-01 15:19:29
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Finding a barbershop is no easy task these days. Very few remain and those that survive have withstood the trial of times and serve as a valuable meet and greet kind of place filled with nostalgia.


This small barber shop first opened in 1955. Entering the shop, which is about 17 square meters, it's as if time has stopped and you walk into history. A faded poster of the bygone era is still found on the wall while a washstand still remains, a type that's rarely seen in the modern day. Barber Park Hae-jin has been running this shop for nearly 60 years now.

[Soundbite] Age 70 is still young, it's youth.

In skillful moves, he whips up soap foam and shaves the client's beard with a sharp blade. A shave and haircut takes about 40 minutes during which conversations continue back and forth with customers. Some regular patrons who have been visiting for decades have become Park's closest pals. Just a stare is enough to read each other's mind.

[Soundbite] Han Hyeon-tae(Customer) : "I very much like his shaving style. He treats me like a friend. We also enjoy food and drinks together."

The boy who first picked up a pair of scissors at age 14 is now an elderly man. Old barber gear and blunt scissors are of no use but they are precious treasures he wants to cherish forever.

[Soundbite] Park Hae-jin(Barber(56 years experience)) : "I started out from nothing and come this far thanks to my customers. I'm very grateful. How can I repay them..."

In today's fast changing world, local barbershops continue in their timeless tradition as special neighborhood landmarks.

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