Entertainment News

입력 2018.11.12 (15:08) 수정 2018.11.12 (15:23)

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[Anchor Lead]

Young actresses have successfully gained university entry this year through rolling admissions. Every year, news of celebrities' college entrance drew controversy over favoritism but this year, congratulations dominate the reaction. This and more on today's entertainment news


Actresses Kim Hyang-gi, Kim Sae-ron and Jung Da-bin, all born in 2000, have passed university admissions and become would-be college students. According to their respective management agencies, Kim Hyang-gi and Jung have made the final cut through rolling admissions to enter Hanyang University's theater and film department while Kim Sae-ron will be studying the same major at Chung Ang University. All three are veteran actresses with as many as 13 years of acting experience, as they debuted at an early age. Kim Hyang-gi for example starred in the Korean blockbuster series "Along with the Gods." The three have performed beyond the normal realm of a child actor. Hearing news of their university acceptance, netizens are first surprised that they are already 20 years old. Fans also expressed wishes for even better days in their acting career as they enter adulthood. Singer Jung Soo-ra will host a dinner show to commemorate 35 years since her debut. According to industry sources, the concerts will take place in Seoul on two days, November 30th and December first, under the title "Beautiful Day." Jung produced numerous hit songs over the years that were loved by the Korean public including "Ah! Republic of Korea" that came out in 1983 as well as "Delight" and "I to You," to name a few. She has steadily continued her activities but a solo stage such as the upcoming dinner show would be the first in ten years. The agency organizing the concert said tickets have sold out soon after reservations began. It attributed the sellout to the significance of her 35th debut anniversary and expectations of a solo performance. Jung also expressed plans to unveil her full range of musical spectrum through the dinner show.

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  • Entertainment News
    • 입력 2018-11-12 15:13:11
    • 수정2018-11-12 15:23:20
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Young actresses have successfully gained university entry this year through rolling admissions. Every year, news of celebrities' college entrance drew controversy over favoritism but this year, congratulations dominate the reaction. This and more on today's entertainment news


Actresses Kim Hyang-gi, Kim Sae-ron and Jung Da-bin, all born in 2000, have passed university admissions and become would-be college students. According to their respective management agencies, Kim Hyang-gi and Jung have made the final cut through rolling admissions to enter Hanyang University's theater and film department while Kim Sae-ron will be studying the same major at Chung Ang University. All three are veteran actresses with as many as 13 years of acting experience, as they debuted at an early age. Kim Hyang-gi for example starred in the Korean blockbuster series "Along with the Gods." The three have performed beyond the normal realm of a child actor. Hearing news of their university acceptance, netizens are first surprised that they are already 20 years old. Fans also expressed wishes for even better days in their acting career as they enter adulthood. Singer Jung Soo-ra will host a dinner show to commemorate 35 years since her debut. According to industry sources, the concerts will take place in Seoul on two days, November 30th and December first, under the title "Beautiful Day." Jung produced numerous hit songs over the years that were loved by the Korean public including "Ah! Republic of Korea" that came out in 1983 as well as "Delight" and "I to You," to name a few. She has steadily continued her activities but a solo stage such as the upcoming dinner show would be the first in ten years. The agency organizing the concert said tickets have sold out soon after reservations began. It attributed the sellout to the significance of her 35th debut anniversary and expectations of a solo performance. Jung also expressed plans to unveil her full range of musical spectrum through the dinner show.

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