입력 2019.05.22 (15:07) 수정 2019.05.22 (16:45)

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[Anchor Lead]

Photos of student freedom fighter Ryu Gwan-sun that appear to have been taken during her school days have been unveiled for the first time in a century. The photos capture a younger Ryu before she joined the independence movement, and are believed to carry great historical value in shedding light on her life events.


A girl sporting the traditional Korean attire hanbok in the backdrop of spring flowers… She is as young as her peers. Ewha Womans University said these are the photos of the famed student independence activist Ryu Gwan-sun unveiled for the first time in 100 years. They were among the 16-hundred photos kept in storage at the university archives.

[Soundbite] KIM SONG-EE(ARCHIVES RESEARCHER) : "There are eight albums dating to 1886, when the school was founded, and until 1945, just before Korea's independence. The photos were found in the first and fourth albums."

One photo is presumed to have been taken some time between 1915 and 1916 right after she entered Ewha School and the other is believed to be during her high school years in 1918. One photo shows her senior Kim Bok-hee who also took part in the independence movement against Japan's colonial rule. Comparing the new photos to the earlier known image of Ryu from her graduation yearbook, experts say they are not much different.

[Soundbite] LEE JEONG-EUN(President, 1919 Independence Movement Memorial Society) : "The eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth and chin are aligned almost in a straight line. The forehead and the shape of the face are also similar."

The latest pictures provide a clear look of her original appearance in contrast to the photo taken during imprisonment when her face was swollen due to torture. Experts believe they carry great historical value as they help shed light on Ryu's whereabouts in her earlier life.

[Soundbite] IM MYEONG-SUN(HISTORIAN) : "The photos hold great value. They indicate that Ryu only attended Ewha School and didn't go to Gongju Yeongmyeong School after the spring of 1916."

A total of six photos have so far been found of the student freedom fighter. Ewha Womans University will display the two newly discovered photos to the public for 4 days until May 24th.

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    • 입력 2019-05-22 15:11:25
    • 수정2019-05-22 16:45:53
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Photos of student freedom fighter Ryu Gwan-sun that appear to have been taken during her school days have been unveiled for the first time in a century. The photos capture a younger Ryu before she joined the independence movement, and are believed to carry great historical value in shedding light on her life events.


A girl sporting the traditional Korean attire hanbok in the backdrop of spring flowers… She is as young as her peers. Ewha Womans University said these are the photos of the famed student independence activist Ryu Gwan-sun unveiled for the first time in 100 years. They were among the 16-hundred photos kept in storage at the university archives.

[Soundbite] KIM SONG-EE(ARCHIVES RESEARCHER) : "There are eight albums dating to 1886, when the school was founded, and until 1945, just before Korea's independence. The photos were found in the first and fourth albums."

One photo is presumed to have been taken some time between 1915 and 1916 right after she entered Ewha School and the other is believed to be during her high school years in 1918. One photo shows her senior Kim Bok-hee who also took part in the independence movement against Japan's colonial rule. Comparing the new photos to the earlier known image of Ryu from her graduation yearbook, experts say they are not much different.

[Soundbite] LEE JEONG-EUN(President, 1919 Independence Movement Memorial Society) : "The eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth and chin are aligned almost in a straight line. The forehead and the shape of the face are also similar."

The latest pictures provide a clear look of her original appearance in contrast to the photo taken during imprisonment when her face was swollen due to torture. Experts believe they carry great historical value as they help shed light on Ryu's whereabouts in her earlier life.

[Soundbite] IM MYEONG-SUN(HISTORIAN) : "The photos hold great value. They indicate that Ryu only attended Ewha School and didn't go to Gongju Yeongmyeong School after the spring of 1916."

A total of six photos have so far been found of the student freedom fighter. Ewha Womans University will display the two newly discovered photos to the public for 4 days until May 24th.

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