입력 2019.06.17 (15:03) 수정 2019.06.17 (16:51)

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브라우저에서만 사용하실 수 있습니다.

[Anchor Lead]

Team Korea was the star of an amazing feat, finishing second in the FIFA Under-20 World Cup. The final match was held past midnight, but countless Koreans were cheering for the team home and abroad to show support for these incredible young footballers. Here's a look at the sights of jubilation.


The street is packed with people dressed in red. They jump up in thunderous cheers as the Korean team scores the first goal. Loud cheers replace the nail-biting tension in this theater. Even the diners at a restaurant become one as they watch the game.

[Soundbite] KIM HYEONG-JUN(SEOUL RESIDENT) : "We will cheer them on with all our hearts!"

[Soundbite] KIM SEON-GYEONG & JOO YE-RIN(GYEONGGI-DO RESIDENTS) : "We love the Korean team. It's okay to lose, but just don't get hurt."

Restaurants grew hectic as people stayed up until late at night to watch the game. According to one delivery application business, it notched 1.5 million accumulated orders right before the final started, setting a record for the number of orders placed in a single day.

[Soundbite] "Wow, the chicken is here!"

There were also 1.5 times more orders for fried chicken than usual.

[Soundbite] LEE JEONG-HO(SEOUL RESIDENT) : "Chicken is perfect for football! We will enjoy this chicken and root for our team. I hope the players will hear our shouts and play their best."

Eateries were filled to the max, an overdue but welcome boom for the industry, as people's feverish support for the team continued until the early morning hours.

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    • 입력 2019-06-17 15:04:58
    • 수정2019-06-17 16:51:59
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Team Korea was the star of an amazing feat, finishing second in the FIFA Under-20 World Cup. The final match was held past midnight, but countless Koreans were cheering for the team home and abroad to show support for these incredible young footballers. Here's a look at the sights of jubilation.


The street is packed with people dressed in red. They jump up in thunderous cheers as the Korean team scores the first goal. Loud cheers replace the nail-biting tension in this theater. Even the diners at a restaurant become one as they watch the game.

[Soundbite] KIM HYEONG-JUN(SEOUL RESIDENT) : "We will cheer them on with all our hearts!"

[Soundbite] KIM SEON-GYEONG & JOO YE-RIN(GYEONGGI-DO RESIDENTS) : "We love the Korean team. It's okay to lose, but just don't get hurt."

Restaurants grew hectic as people stayed up until late at night to watch the game. According to one delivery application business, it notched 1.5 million accumulated orders right before the final started, setting a record for the number of orders placed in a single day.

[Soundbite] "Wow, the chicken is here!"

There were also 1.5 times more orders for fried chicken than usual.

[Soundbite] LEE JEONG-HO(SEOUL RESIDENT) : "Chicken is perfect for football! We will enjoy this chicken and root for our team. I hope the players will hear our shouts and play their best."

Eateries were filled to the max, an overdue but welcome boom for the industry, as people's feverish support for the team continued until the early morning hours.

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