입력 2019.06.25 (14:51) 수정 2019.06.25 (16:45)

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[Anchor Lead]

U.S. President Donald Trump will pay a two-day visit to South Korea this weekend, and a summit between the two leaders will be held on June 30th. Attention is being drawn to what the South Korea-U.S. summit will discuss in particular, as it follows the G20 summit in Japan. The South Korean government also announced that the U.S. president is considering visiting the DMZ during his visit.


President Moon Jae-in and U.S. President Donald Trump will sit down together for a summit in Seoul this weekend. The presidential office Cheong Wa Dae officially announced that Trump will arrive in South Korea on June 29 and hold a summit meeting with Moon the following day. The upcoming summit comes 80 days after the two leaders held their previous bilateral meeting in Washington in April. It is also Moon's eighth summit with the U.S. leader since he took office in May 2017.

[Soundbite] KO MIN-JUNG(PRESIDENTIAL SPOKESWOMAN) : "The two leaders will discuss in depth ways to boost bilateral cooperation and to bring permanent peace to the Korean Peninsula through North Korea's complete denuclearization."

Keen attention is being paid to the timing of the summit, as it will follow the G20 summit in Osaka, which takes place from June 28 to 29. A series of meetings between key countries are also scheduled to be held on the sidelines of the official event. The Seoul summit is expected to give Moon and Trump an opportunity to discuss ways to restart stalled denuclearization talks with North Korea after better understanding what the North wants through Chinese President Xi Jinping, who visited Pyongyang last week. Trump's possible visit to the Demilitarized Zone is also grabbing attention. A South Korean government official said that the U.S. president is considering making a visit to the inter-Korean border area. Trump had planned to visit the Demilitarized Zone during his first trip to South Korea in November 2017. However, he canceled the plan due to unfavorable weather conditions. If the visit is realized this time, he will be the first U.S. president to do so since the Moon Jae-in government came into power.

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    • 입력 2019-06-25 14:52:57
    • 수정2019-06-25 16:45:56
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

U.S. President Donald Trump will pay a two-day visit to South Korea this weekend, and a summit between the two leaders will be held on June 30th. Attention is being drawn to what the South Korea-U.S. summit will discuss in particular, as it follows the G20 summit in Japan. The South Korean government also announced that the U.S. president is considering visiting the DMZ during his visit.


President Moon Jae-in and U.S. President Donald Trump will sit down together for a summit in Seoul this weekend. The presidential office Cheong Wa Dae officially announced that Trump will arrive in South Korea on June 29 and hold a summit meeting with Moon the following day. The upcoming summit comes 80 days after the two leaders held their previous bilateral meeting in Washington in April. It is also Moon's eighth summit with the U.S. leader since he took office in May 2017.

[Soundbite] KO MIN-JUNG(PRESIDENTIAL SPOKESWOMAN) : "The two leaders will discuss in depth ways to boost bilateral cooperation and to bring permanent peace to the Korean Peninsula through North Korea's complete denuclearization."

Keen attention is being paid to the timing of the summit, as it will follow the G20 summit in Osaka, which takes place from June 28 to 29. A series of meetings between key countries are also scheduled to be held on the sidelines of the official event. The Seoul summit is expected to give Moon and Trump an opportunity to discuss ways to restart stalled denuclearization talks with North Korea after better understanding what the North wants through Chinese President Xi Jinping, who visited Pyongyang last week. Trump's possible visit to the Demilitarized Zone is also grabbing attention. A South Korean government official said that the U.S. president is considering making a visit to the inter-Korean border area. Trump had planned to visit the Demilitarized Zone during his first trip to South Korea in November 2017. However, he canceled the plan due to unfavorable weather conditions. If the visit is realized this time, he will be the first U.S. president to do so since the Moon Jae-in government came into power.

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