입력 2020.02.13 (15:10) 수정 2020.02.13 (16:45)

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브라우저에서만 사용하실 수 있습니다.

[Anchor Lead]

The World Health Organization says there are no confirmed cases of Covid-19 in North Korea yet. The WHO told KBS that it had received that information directly from the North Korean government. Meanwhile North recently disclosed images of high-ranking officials wearing protective facemasks for the first time, to show that it's doing its utmost to prevent the virus from permeating the country.


The North Korean office of the World Health Organization based in Pyongyang has told KBS that there are no confirmed cases of Covid-19 in North Korea yet. In an email sent to KBS regarding the presence of the virus in the North, the WHO said it had received no reports of confirmed cases from the North's Ministry of Health so far. Sources say it's the first time the organization mentioned the presence of any confirmed cases in the North. However, observers say the statement lacks credibility, as the WHO simply conveyed the stance of North Korean authorities. North Korea keeps stressing that it has zero confirmed cases of the virus so far. The WHO added it has been providing personal protective equipment and experimental drugs to the North at the latter's request. The North Korean media has expanded its coverage of the global virus outbreak to urge the public to take extra precautions. It provides daily updates on the numbers of infections and deaths caused by Covid-19, as well as breaking news from overseas.

[Soundbite] (KOREAN CENTRAL TV(FEB. 12)) : "On February 11 the Chinese medical experts said that the incubation period of Covid-19 can be as long as 24 days instead of the previously known 14 days."

North Korea has disclosed a photo of its premier, Kim Jae-ryong, wearing a protective facemask, and is stepping up quarantine measures by mandating the public to wear facemasks at Pyongyang Station.

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    • 입력 2020-02-13 15:13:10
    • 수정2020-02-13 16:45:29
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

The World Health Organization says there are no confirmed cases of Covid-19 in North Korea yet. The WHO told KBS that it had received that information directly from the North Korean government. Meanwhile North recently disclosed images of high-ranking officials wearing protective facemasks for the first time, to show that it's doing its utmost to prevent the virus from permeating the country.


The North Korean office of the World Health Organization based in Pyongyang has told KBS that there are no confirmed cases of Covid-19 in North Korea yet. In an email sent to KBS regarding the presence of the virus in the North, the WHO said it had received no reports of confirmed cases from the North's Ministry of Health so far. Sources say it's the first time the organization mentioned the presence of any confirmed cases in the North. However, observers say the statement lacks credibility, as the WHO simply conveyed the stance of North Korean authorities. North Korea keeps stressing that it has zero confirmed cases of the virus so far. The WHO added it has been providing personal protective equipment and experimental drugs to the North at the latter's request. The North Korean media has expanded its coverage of the global virus outbreak to urge the public to take extra precautions. It provides daily updates on the numbers of infections and deaths caused by Covid-19, as well as breaking news from overseas.

[Soundbite] (KOREAN CENTRAL TV(FEB. 12)) : "On February 11 the Chinese medical experts said that the incubation period of Covid-19 can be as long as 24 days instead of the previously known 14 days."

North Korea has disclosed a photo of its premier, Kim Jae-ryong, wearing a protective facemask, and is stepping up quarantine measures by mandating the public to wear facemasks at Pyongyang Station.

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