입력 2020.02.19 (15:13) 수정 2020.02.19 (16:45)

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[Anchor Lead]

Despite the recent snow in Korea, greenhouses are filled with spring-like conditions. We now take you to a peach orchard where peach blossoms are in full bloom.


A greenhouse at the foot of a snow-covered mountain... A peach orchard of some 100 trees is blanketed in pink. Bees fly busily over the branches full of colorful blossoms. Although it's still chilly outside, the temperature in this orchard is 22 degrees Celsius. You can feel the spring conditions inside.

[Soundbite] KIM YEON-SOOK(YEONGDONG RESIDENT) : "Up until yesterday it snowed and it was still winter, but here it feels like spring because of the flowers."

Heated with electric heaters and covered with a double layer of plastic sheets, this greenhouse stays warm even in winter. Peach blossoms began to bloom here early this month.

[Soundbite] PARK JUNG-KI(OWNER OF PEACH ORCHARD) : "Because this winter was warmer than in previous years, I was able to save fuel and my trees are blooming well."

The first peaches grown in this orchard are usually shipped out in May, about 40 days earlier than those cultivated outdoors. They can be sold for a higher price reaching up to 10,000 won apiece.

[Soundbite] PARK HWAN-KYU(YEONGDONG AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY EXTENSION CENTER) : "Peaches shipped out in early or mid-May can be sold for a much higher price because peaches cultivated in other areas are not ready to be shipped yet."

Although it's still cold outside because of the belated snow, peach blossoms in greenhouses are heralding the arrival of spring.

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    • 입력 2020-02-19 15:14:00
    • 수정2020-02-19 16:45:53
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Despite the recent snow in Korea, greenhouses are filled with spring-like conditions. We now take you to a peach orchard where peach blossoms are in full bloom.


A greenhouse at the foot of a snow-covered mountain... A peach orchard of some 100 trees is blanketed in pink. Bees fly busily over the branches full of colorful blossoms. Although it's still chilly outside, the temperature in this orchard is 22 degrees Celsius. You can feel the spring conditions inside.

[Soundbite] KIM YEON-SOOK(YEONGDONG RESIDENT) : "Up until yesterday it snowed and it was still winter, but here it feels like spring because of the flowers."

Heated with electric heaters and covered with a double layer of plastic sheets, this greenhouse stays warm even in winter. Peach blossoms began to bloom here early this month.

[Soundbite] PARK JUNG-KI(OWNER OF PEACH ORCHARD) : "Because this winter was warmer than in previous years, I was able to save fuel and my trees are blooming well."

The first peaches grown in this orchard are usually shipped out in May, about 40 days earlier than those cultivated outdoors. They can be sold for a higher price reaching up to 10,000 won apiece.

[Soundbite] PARK HWAN-KYU(YEONGDONG AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY EXTENSION CENTER) : "Peaches shipped out in early or mid-May can be sold for a much higher price because peaches cultivated in other areas are not ready to be shipped yet."

Although it's still cold outside because of the belated snow, peach blossoms in greenhouses are heralding the arrival of spring.

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