입력 2020.02.27 (15:17) 수정 2020.02.27 (16:45)

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[Anchor Lead]

More and more people are visiting selective medical centers to take a test for COVID-19. The long queues at the medical centers indicate that you should wait a long time while being exposed to sources of infection. A local government has introduced a brilliant solution to this problem: drive-through coronavirus tests. Here is more.


​A selective medical center... People concerned about COVID-19 infection are in their cars. What sets this center apart from others is this: Visitors don't need to disembark from their vehicles to take a test. They can go through all medical procedures, from initial inquiries to examinations by doctors, while staying in their cars.

[Soundbite] "So it wasn't high fever? (It was 37.7 or 8 degrees.) You are an assistant nurse. (I work at a care home.) O.K. go ahead and take the test."

Once doctors determine the need for tests, their specimen need to be collected. But even for this process they don't need to step out of their vehicles. The biggest benefit of these drive-through tests is reduced risk of person-to-person infections, which greatly increases when crowds of suspected patients gather in the same space.

[Soundbite] KIM AHN-HYUN(DEOKYANG COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER) : "With only car windows open, the new method needs less exposure and ensures greater safety. The test site is open and spacious. No ventilation is needed after tests."

Another benefit: the method eliminates the need for disinfecting the area after each test. This considerably slashes the time needed to conduct tests.

[Soundbite] LEE JAE-JUN(GOYANG MAYOR) : "Under the current system, it takes quite a long time to receive tests at selective medical centers. It's very inconvenient for visitors. We worked hard to find a more convenient way and came up with this idea."

Drive-through COVID-19 tests are being operated by Goyang in Gyeonggi-do Province and Sejong City as well as Yeungnam University Hospital. More local governments are planning to introduce this speedy, less-risky system.

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    • 입력 2020-02-27 15:18:10
    • 수정2020-02-27 16:45:21
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

More and more people are visiting selective medical centers to take a test for COVID-19. The long queues at the medical centers indicate that you should wait a long time while being exposed to sources of infection. A local government has introduced a brilliant solution to this problem: drive-through coronavirus tests. Here is more.


​A selective medical center... People concerned about COVID-19 infection are in their cars. What sets this center apart from others is this: Visitors don't need to disembark from their vehicles to take a test. They can go through all medical procedures, from initial inquiries to examinations by doctors, while staying in their cars.

[Soundbite] "So it wasn't high fever? (It was 37.7 or 8 degrees.) You are an assistant nurse. (I work at a care home.) O.K. go ahead and take the test."

Once doctors determine the need for tests, their specimen need to be collected. But even for this process they don't need to step out of their vehicles. The biggest benefit of these drive-through tests is reduced risk of person-to-person infections, which greatly increases when crowds of suspected patients gather in the same space.

[Soundbite] KIM AHN-HYUN(DEOKYANG COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER) : "With only car windows open, the new method needs less exposure and ensures greater safety. The test site is open and spacious. No ventilation is needed after tests."

Another benefit: the method eliminates the need for disinfecting the area after each test. This considerably slashes the time needed to conduct tests.

[Soundbite] LEE JAE-JUN(GOYANG MAYOR) : "Under the current system, it takes quite a long time to receive tests at selective medical centers. It's very inconvenient for visitors. We worked hard to find a more convenient way and came up with this idea."

Drive-through COVID-19 tests are being operated by Goyang in Gyeonggi-do Province and Sejong City as well as Yeungnam University Hospital. More local governments are planning to introduce this speedy, less-risky system.

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