입력 2020.04.10 (15:21) 수정 2020.04.10 (16:45)

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[Anchor Lead]

New daily COVID-19 infections in South Korea have dipped below 40 for the first time in 49 days. But cases where recovered patients are being rediagnosed are increasing, while the fatality rate is nearing 2%. Authorities call for strict social distancing to completely cut off possible transmission routes.


​Korea reported only 39 new cases of COVID-19 on Thursday. Of this total, four came from the hardest-hit city of Daegu where at the peak of the outbreak, the daily number of confirmed patients once even reached 657. Health authorities say it's the result of everyone's efforts but warn against complacency saying it's not the time to lower our guards.

[Soundbite] JEONG EUN-KYEONG(DIRECTOR-GENERAL, KCDC) : "We are on alert believing this may be a period of "quiet transmission." We must guard against large scale infections within local communities."

Meanwhile COVID-19 deaths have risen to 207 many of whom had underlying medical conditions. The fatality rate stands at 1.96% and currently 80 patients are in critical condition. For patients 80 and older infected with the disease, over 21% or about one out of five have passed away. Oversight of patients who have recovered and released from quarantine has also become more important. This is because 75 recovered and released patients have again tested positive. Reactivation of the virus, of which the cause is unknown, has also been reported overseas including China.

[Soundbite] PROF. LEE HYUK-MIN(YONSEI UNIV. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE) : "Reactivation of the virus is believed to be due to a combination of causes including virus' traits and other factors that affect patients' immunity."

There have also been cases where recovered patients who show no symptoms end up testing positive. Some local governments are conducting tests on all patients who made recoveries. The rising number of imported cases coming from abroad is also a concern. Infections from overseas accounted for half of all new cases during the past 2 weeks.

[Soundbite] KIM GANG-LIP(VICE HEALTH MINISTER) : "It's important to prevent people who just arrived in the country from infecting others during their incubation period."

Authorities urge citizens to refrain from outdoor activities as much as possible, noting that if social distancing loosens up, large scale infections can reoccur at any time.

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    • 입력 2020-04-10 15:25:32
    • 수정2020-04-10 16:45:07
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

New daily COVID-19 infections in South Korea have dipped below 40 for the first time in 49 days. But cases where recovered patients are being rediagnosed are increasing, while the fatality rate is nearing 2%. Authorities call for strict social distancing to completely cut off possible transmission routes.


​Korea reported only 39 new cases of COVID-19 on Thursday. Of this total, four came from the hardest-hit city of Daegu where at the peak of the outbreak, the daily number of confirmed patients once even reached 657. Health authorities say it's the result of everyone's efforts but warn against complacency saying it's not the time to lower our guards.

[Soundbite] JEONG EUN-KYEONG(DIRECTOR-GENERAL, KCDC) : "We are on alert believing this may be a period of "quiet transmission." We must guard against large scale infections within local communities."

Meanwhile COVID-19 deaths have risen to 207 many of whom had underlying medical conditions. The fatality rate stands at 1.96% and currently 80 patients are in critical condition. For patients 80 and older infected with the disease, over 21% or about one out of five have passed away. Oversight of patients who have recovered and released from quarantine has also become more important. This is because 75 recovered and released patients have again tested positive. Reactivation of the virus, of which the cause is unknown, has also been reported overseas including China.

[Soundbite] PROF. LEE HYUK-MIN(YONSEI UNIV. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE) : "Reactivation of the virus is believed to be due to a combination of causes including virus' traits and other factors that affect patients' immunity."

There have also been cases where recovered patients who show no symptoms end up testing positive. Some local governments are conducting tests on all patients who made recoveries. The rising number of imported cases coming from abroad is also a concern. Infections from overseas accounted for half of all new cases during the past 2 weeks.

[Soundbite] KIM GANG-LIP(VICE HEALTH MINISTER) : "It's important to prevent people who just arrived in the country from infecting others during their incubation period."

Authorities urge citizens to refrain from outdoor activities as much as possible, noting that if social distancing loosens up, large scale infections can reoccur at any time.

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