입력 2020.10.15 (15:12) 수정 2020.10.15 (16:45)

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[Anchor Lead]

The Population and Housing Census for the year 2020 started today. The extensive data on the Korean population, households, and homes are used for making key policies. The first national census was conducted almost a hundred years ago, but this year's survey method will be a little different from previous years' due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


These large sculptures and paintings displayed at Seoul Station portray the various lifestyles of Korean people. They signal the start of the Population and Housing Census, a survey on the current population, households and housing situations in Korea. The first national census dates back almost a century, to 1925.

[Soundbite] DAEHAN NEWS(SEP. 5, 1970) : "A survey taker will visit each household and ask questions. Please answer them truthfully."

The census gathered a wide range of information, such as the size of a household, how family members commute to work or school, their religion and even literacy. Survey questions have been modified over time to keep up with social changes. New questions were added in this year's survey as well.

[Soundbite] CHOI YEON-OK(SURVEY MANAGEMENT BUREAU, STATISTICS KOREA) : "New items include single-person household, how long they have been living alone, pets, and potable water."

Survey takers used to visit each home to get answers for 70 questions. But the COVID-19 pandemic has changed this year's survey method. Statistics Korea has adopted the mobile census for the first time and plans to boost the percentage of online surveys. Respondents can take part by using QR codes on their mobile phones. The government is even giving out snacks as part of efforts to publicize the census. The Population and Housing Census will target 4.5 million households in Korea. It's on from October 15th until November 18th. The data collected will be used for various national statistics and key national policies, such as the policies related to single-person households, low birthrate and aging.

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    • 입력 2020-10-15 15:12:24
    • 수정2020-10-15 16:45:13
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

The Population and Housing Census for the year 2020 started today. The extensive data on the Korean population, households, and homes are used for making key policies. The first national census was conducted almost a hundred years ago, but this year's survey method will be a little different from previous years' due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


These large sculptures and paintings displayed at Seoul Station portray the various lifestyles of Korean people. They signal the start of the Population and Housing Census, a survey on the current population, households and housing situations in Korea. The first national census dates back almost a century, to 1925.

[Soundbite] DAEHAN NEWS(SEP. 5, 1970) : "A survey taker will visit each household and ask questions. Please answer them truthfully."

The census gathered a wide range of information, such as the size of a household, how family members commute to work or school, their religion and even literacy. Survey questions have been modified over time to keep up with social changes. New questions were added in this year's survey as well.

[Soundbite] CHOI YEON-OK(SURVEY MANAGEMENT BUREAU, STATISTICS KOREA) : "New items include single-person household, how long they have been living alone, pets, and potable water."

Survey takers used to visit each home to get answers for 70 questions. But the COVID-19 pandemic has changed this year's survey method. Statistics Korea has adopted the mobile census for the first time and plans to boost the percentage of online surveys. Respondents can take part by using QR codes on their mobile phones. The government is even giving out snacks as part of efforts to publicize the census. The Population and Housing Census will target 4.5 million households in Korea. It's on from October 15th until November 18th. The data collected will be used for various national statistics and key national policies, such as the policies related to single-person households, low birthrate and aging.

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