입력 2020.11.18 (15:33) 수정 2020.11.18 (16:46)

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[Anchor Lead]

Plans to expand Gimhae International Airport have virtually been scrapped. The committee assessing the project's feasibilty has concluded that it needed to be reviewed from scratch, and the government has accepted the decision.


After eleven months of deliberation, the committee reviewing the plan to expand Gimhae International Airport has concluded that the project needs a fundamental review. This effectively scraps the project, four years after it was announced.

[Soundbite] KIM SOO-SAM(HEAD OF REVIEW COMMITTEE) : "The new Gimhae airport plan needs substantial supplementation in many areas and remains insufficient in dealing with future changes."

The committee pointed out serious flaws in carrying out the project. To build a new runway, the surrounding mountain peaks would have to be removed. But the land ministry had not discussed the matter with the Busan City government in advance.

[Soundbite] "A fundamental review is needed of the physical and environmental aspects, including nearby mountains, and budget."

The committee also cited difficulties in responding to future changes such as the airport's possible further expansion. It concluded that expanding Gimhae Airport further in the future to meet the growing demand would be challenging. Shortly after the announcement, Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun instructed relevant ministries to carry out the construction of a new airport in the southeastern region as planned. The project is to be overseen by the land ministry. The ministry appeared to be opposed to the decision at first but eventually accepted it and pledged to devise follow-up measures. The review committee said it did not take into account pressure from political circles and the Busan-Gyeongnam area.

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    • 입력 2020-11-18 15:33:57
    • 수정2020-11-18 16:46:21
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Plans to expand Gimhae International Airport have virtually been scrapped. The committee assessing the project's feasibilty has concluded that it needed to be reviewed from scratch, and the government has accepted the decision.


After eleven months of deliberation, the committee reviewing the plan to expand Gimhae International Airport has concluded that the project needs a fundamental review. This effectively scraps the project, four years after it was announced.

[Soundbite] KIM SOO-SAM(HEAD OF REVIEW COMMITTEE) : "The new Gimhae airport plan needs substantial supplementation in many areas and remains insufficient in dealing with future changes."

The committee pointed out serious flaws in carrying out the project. To build a new runway, the surrounding mountain peaks would have to be removed. But the land ministry had not discussed the matter with the Busan City government in advance.

[Soundbite] "A fundamental review is needed of the physical and environmental aspects, including nearby mountains, and budget."

The committee also cited difficulties in responding to future changes such as the airport's possible further expansion. It concluded that expanding Gimhae Airport further in the future to meet the growing demand would be challenging. Shortly after the announcement, Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun instructed relevant ministries to carry out the construction of a new airport in the southeastern region as planned. The project is to be overseen by the land ministry. The ministry appeared to be opposed to the decision at first but eventually accepted it and pledged to devise follow-up measures. The review committee said it did not take into account pressure from political circles and the Busan-Gyeongnam area.

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