입력 2021.02.03 (15:29) 수정 2021.02.03 (16:50)

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[Anchor Lead]

Iran says it will release most of the crew of a seized South Korean tanker who have been detained for nearly a month. Tehran says the release is on humanitarian grounds but the oil tanker and its captain will still be held.


Most crew members of MT Hankuk Chemi which was seized by Tehran in the Strait of Hormuz on January 4 will be released. Iran’s foreign ministry said Tuesday it will allow the crew to return home on humanitarian grounds at the request of the South Korean government. But a ministry spokesperson said the vessel and its captain will still be in custody as judicial procedures regarding maritime pollution charges are still under way. Iran’s announcement came after Vice Foreign Minister Choi Jong-kun held phone talks with his Iranian counterpart Abbas Araghchi on Tuesday. According to Seoul’s foreign ministry, the two agreed to restore favorable bilateral relations by resolving the issue of Iranian funds being held in South Korean banks under US sanctions. This reassurance appears to have provided grounds for the release of the crew members. Following the decision, Seoul is discussing details of the repatriation of the four South Korean and 15 foreign sailors with the tanker's operator. However essential personnel need to stay behind for the maintenance of the vessel which is currently docked at port. The petrochemical goods inside the tanker also need to be managed.

[Soundbite] (Shipping Firm Official (phone interview)) : "At least 13 crew members must stay on board for evacuation procedures during contingencies such as a typhoon or other dangers."

Also, 11 Burmese sailors will have a tough time returning home for now as Myanmar’s airport has been shut down amid a military coup.

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    • 입력 2021-02-03 15:29:43
    • 수정2021-02-03 16:50:41
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Iran says it will release most of the crew of a seized South Korean tanker who have been detained for nearly a month. Tehran says the release is on humanitarian grounds but the oil tanker and its captain will still be held.


Most crew members of MT Hankuk Chemi which was seized by Tehran in the Strait of Hormuz on January 4 will be released. Iran’s foreign ministry said Tuesday it will allow the crew to return home on humanitarian grounds at the request of the South Korean government. But a ministry spokesperson said the vessel and its captain will still be in custody as judicial procedures regarding maritime pollution charges are still under way. Iran’s announcement came after Vice Foreign Minister Choi Jong-kun held phone talks with his Iranian counterpart Abbas Araghchi on Tuesday. According to Seoul’s foreign ministry, the two agreed to restore favorable bilateral relations by resolving the issue of Iranian funds being held in South Korean banks under US sanctions. This reassurance appears to have provided grounds for the release of the crew members. Following the decision, Seoul is discussing details of the repatriation of the four South Korean and 15 foreign sailors with the tanker's operator. However essential personnel need to stay behind for the maintenance of the vessel which is currently docked at port. The petrochemical goods inside the tanker also need to be managed.

[Soundbite] (Shipping Firm Official (phone interview)) : "At least 13 crew members must stay on board for evacuation procedures during contingencies such as a typhoon or other dangers."

Also, 11 Burmese sailors will have a tough time returning home for now as Myanmar’s airport has been shut down amid a military coup.

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