입력 2021.02.03 (15:29) 수정 2021.02.03 (16:50)

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브라우저에서만 사용하실 수 있습니다.

[Anchor Lead]

Level 2.5 restrictions are currently in place in the greater Seoul area. Gatherings of five or more people are banned, and businesses must close at 9 p.m. A poll has been conducted to find out what the public thinks about the current social distancing measures.


The public was asked how effective the current restrictions have been in containing the third wave of COVID-19. About 81 percent of the respondents said they were effective enough. However, almost as many said they felt fatigued due to social distancing. More than half of the respondents said the restrictions were effective in preventing the spread of the coronavirus. Three out of four people evaluated positively the gathering ban on five or more people. More than 70 percent said the gathering ban on public facilities and the closure of businesses at 9 p.m. helped reduce infections. However, about half of those polled said family gatherings must be allowed despite the gathering ban on five or more people. More than half of the polled said the restrictions are not fair to everyone.

[Soundbite] Hwang Seung-sik(Prof., Seoul National University) : "The public agrees on the effectiveness of the measures. However, it seems to be split on fairness, meaning the government should pay more attention to this aspect."

Eight out of ten respondents said the government must compensate small businesses that were shuttered or restricted during the pandemic. However, only about 22 percent said they are willing to pay more taxes to help small businesses. More than half said they do not want to pay more. Three out of four respondents called for restricting individual activities rather than imposing restrictions on facilities. Most of the polled agree that strict measures are needed to discourage violations of safety rules rather than just urging the public to comply. Nearly 45 percent said the current fine levied on violators is too low. The poll was conducted by the Ministry of Health and Welfare online and through mobile devices on a thousand adults nationwide in late January.

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    • 입력 2021-02-03 15:29:44
    • 수정2021-02-03 16:50:41
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Level 2.5 restrictions are currently in place in the greater Seoul area. Gatherings of five or more people are banned, and businesses must close at 9 p.m. A poll has been conducted to find out what the public thinks about the current social distancing measures.


The public was asked how effective the current restrictions have been in containing the third wave of COVID-19. About 81 percent of the respondents said they were effective enough. However, almost as many said they felt fatigued due to social distancing. More than half of the respondents said the restrictions were effective in preventing the spread of the coronavirus. Three out of four people evaluated positively the gathering ban on five or more people. More than 70 percent said the gathering ban on public facilities and the closure of businesses at 9 p.m. helped reduce infections. However, about half of those polled said family gatherings must be allowed despite the gathering ban on five or more people. More than half of the polled said the restrictions are not fair to everyone.

[Soundbite] Hwang Seung-sik(Prof., Seoul National University) : "The public agrees on the effectiveness of the measures. However, it seems to be split on fairness, meaning the government should pay more attention to this aspect."

Eight out of ten respondents said the government must compensate small businesses that were shuttered or restricted during the pandemic. However, only about 22 percent said they are willing to pay more taxes to help small businesses. More than half said they do not want to pay more. Three out of four respondents called for restricting individual activities rather than imposing restrictions on facilities. Most of the polled agree that strict measures are needed to discourage violations of safety rules rather than just urging the public to comply. Nearly 45 percent said the current fine levied on violators is too low. The poll was conducted by the Ministry of Health and Welfare online and through mobile devices on a thousand adults nationwide in late January.

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