입력 2021.03.19 (15:33) 수정 2021.03.19 (16:45)

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[Anchor Lead]

South Korea reports another case of blood clots found in a man in his 20s who received the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. Authorities say a connection to the vaccine is still being investigated and reiterated that inoculations will continue as planned.


A man in his 20s, a first responder, received an AstraZeneca shot on March 10. After experiencing headache, drop in temperature and vomiting, he visited the hospital. An MRI scan of the brain and other tests found blood clots.

[Soundbite] Park Yeong-jun(KDCA) : "The patient is stabilized after checking into the hospital and receiving treatment."

Whether the individual had underlying conditions is being examined and a possible causal link between the symptom and vaccination will also be looked into. Health authorities note that so far no similar adverse reactions have been reported among people who received the same vaccine at the same center. Earlier, blood clots were found during an autopsy of a patient who died after getting an AstraZeneca jab, but officials tentatively concluded the death was not linked to the vaccine. As no cases yet confirm the vaccine is causing the blood clots, South Korean authorities will continue the vaccine roll-out as planned. They explained that some European countries are suspending roll-out as a precautionary measure and this does not mean there is a connection between the events. The KDCA chief told parliament that blood clot is a common disease that’s also been reported among those who received the Pfizer vaccine. Authorities say the death toll could further rise once vaccinations begin on senior citizens and promised a transparent review of cases and to disclose the findings.

[Soundbite] Kwon Jun-wook(Central Disease Control HQs) : "We recall the experience of last autumn’s flu vaccine season. There can still be more cases of deaths following vaccination that are unrelated to the inoculation."

Meanwhile, residents and patients aged 65 and up at nursing hospitals and elderly care facilities can begin receiving AstraZeneca jabs next week.

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    • 입력 2021-03-19 15:33:05
    • 수정2021-03-19 16:45:04
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

South Korea reports another case of blood clots found in a man in his 20s who received the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. Authorities say a connection to the vaccine is still being investigated and reiterated that inoculations will continue as planned.


A man in his 20s, a first responder, received an AstraZeneca shot on March 10. After experiencing headache, drop in temperature and vomiting, he visited the hospital. An MRI scan of the brain and other tests found blood clots.

[Soundbite] Park Yeong-jun(KDCA) : "The patient is stabilized after checking into the hospital and receiving treatment."

Whether the individual had underlying conditions is being examined and a possible causal link between the symptom and vaccination will also be looked into. Health authorities note that so far no similar adverse reactions have been reported among people who received the same vaccine at the same center. Earlier, blood clots were found during an autopsy of a patient who died after getting an AstraZeneca jab, but officials tentatively concluded the death was not linked to the vaccine. As no cases yet confirm the vaccine is causing the blood clots, South Korean authorities will continue the vaccine roll-out as planned. They explained that some European countries are suspending roll-out as a precautionary measure and this does not mean there is a connection between the events. The KDCA chief told parliament that blood clot is a common disease that’s also been reported among those who received the Pfizer vaccine. Authorities say the death toll could further rise once vaccinations begin on senior citizens and promised a transparent review of cases and to disclose the findings.

[Soundbite] Kwon Jun-wook(Central Disease Control HQs) : "We recall the experience of last autumn’s flu vaccine season. There can still be more cases of deaths following vaccination that are unrelated to the inoculation."

Meanwhile, residents and patients aged 65 and up at nursing hospitals and elderly care facilities can begin receiving AstraZeneca jabs next week.

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