입력 2021.04.13 (15:25) 수정 2021.04.13 (16:45)

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브라우저에서만 사용하실 수 있습니다.

[Anchor Lead]

Despite disputes over privacy violations, surveillance cameras are being used for various purposes from cracking down on illegal parking to preventing accidents. Artificial intelligence has made surveillance cameras even smarter and better in responding to emergencies.


A strange man is spotted in a quiet, secluded alley early in the morning. He tries to open the door of parked cars and once he's located an unlocked one, he goes through the personal belongings inside. Police caught the thief red-handed, as he was captured in a 24/7 surveillance camera operated by the local government .

[Soundbite] Na Mi-na(Chungju security camera contol center) : "I experience heavy eye fatigue. I also suffer from discomfort in the shoulders, since I monitor the system using a computer mouse."

Surveillance cameras are being widely used to prevent crimes and accidents. As the first city in Chungcheongbuk-do Province, Chungju has applied artificial intelligence to its surveillance camera control system. The artificial intelligence is taught about various movements in people through security camera footages. For instance, when spotting someone collapsing or climbing over a wall, it automatically informs controllers of the emergencies. It can also detect fire and smoke to help quickly respond to a blaze.

[Soundbite] Ahn Chang-sook(Chungju City Gov't) : "In response to changes in society, we are working to develop a surveillance system that can also selectively detect scooter riders or vehicles carrying illegal waste."

Some 80 cities and counties nationwide are operating artificial intelligence-based security camera systems. With the application of a cutting-edge technology, surveillance cameras are evolving to meet various security needs.

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    • 입력 2021-04-13 15:25:03
    • 수정2021-04-13 16:45:37
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Despite disputes over privacy violations, surveillance cameras are being used for various purposes from cracking down on illegal parking to preventing accidents. Artificial intelligence has made surveillance cameras even smarter and better in responding to emergencies.


A strange man is spotted in a quiet, secluded alley early in the morning. He tries to open the door of parked cars and once he's located an unlocked one, he goes through the personal belongings inside. Police caught the thief red-handed, as he was captured in a 24/7 surveillance camera operated by the local government .

[Soundbite] Na Mi-na(Chungju security camera contol center) : "I experience heavy eye fatigue. I also suffer from discomfort in the shoulders, since I monitor the system using a computer mouse."

Surveillance cameras are being widely used to prevent crimes and accidents. As the first city in Chungcheongbuk-do Province, Chungju has applied artificial intelligence to its surveillance camera control system. The artificial intelligence is taught about various movements in people through security camera footages. For instance, when spotting someone collapsing or climbing over a wall, it automatically informs controllers of the emergencies. It can also detect fire and smoke to help quickly respond to a blaze.

[Soundbite] Ahn Chang-sook(Chungju City Gov't) : "In response to changes in society, we are working to develop a surveillance system that can also selectively detect scooter riders or vehicles carrying illegal waste."

Some 80 cities and counties nationwide are operating artificial intelligence-based security camera systems. With the application of a cutting-edge technology, surveillance cameras are evolving to meet various security needs.

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