입력 2021.05.11 (15:16) 수정 2021.05.11 (16:46)

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[Anchor Lead]

Calls to resolve climate and environmental issues are growing. Some citizens are actively doing their part in everyday life to help overcome the climate crisis.


Groups of people gathered at a parking lot of a park. From adults to students and little children, their ages and appearances vary. But all of them are holding garbage bags and tongs. They are here for plogging, an activity combining jogging and picking up litter on the street. Usually, they participate in individual volunteer work in their neighborhoods. Once a month, they gather at popular parks or outdoor spots to clean up trash together.

[Soundbite] Park Chang-ho(Namyangju, Gyeonggi-do Prov.) : "My family decided to participate in this activity to help protect the environment."

Elementary school students concentrate on coloring wooden frogs. Using the frogs they made by themselves, the children learn about the efforts needed to protect the amphibians. This is an environment education class organized by some 240 civic groups in Goyang, Gyeonggi-do Province, From elementary students to adults, anyone can take the class to learn about the importance of carbon reductions and ways to overcome the climate crisis.

[Soundbite] Sim Eun-young(Citizens' Coalition for Carbon Neutrality) : "People can get familiar with environmental issues and terms through education. We are approaching the issue in an easier way while answering questions about climate change."

A lecture room at a library is filled with people. It is a class on making eco-friendly detergents. With growing public interest in environmental issues, it now has become one of the most popular classes.

[Soundbite] Cha Hyo-soon(Namyangju, Gyeonggi-do Prov.) : "I will use it at home or give it to other people. I want to help our children grow in a good environment."

Citizens are working together to overcome the climate crisis. More and more people are practicing these small efforts to protect the environment.

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    • 입력 2021-05-11 15:16:16
    • 수정2021-05-11 16:46:42
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Calls to resolve climate and environmental issues are growing. Some citizens are actively doing their part in everyday life to help overcome the climate crisis.


Groups of people gathered at a parking lot of a park. From adults to students and little children, their ages and appearances vary. But all of them are holding garbage bags and tongs. They are here for plogging, an activity combining jogging and picking up litter on the street. Usually, they participate in individual volunteer work in their neighborhoods. Once a month, they gather at popular parks or outdoor spots to clean up trash together.

[Soundbite] Park Chang-ho(Namyangju, Gyeonggi-do Prov.) : "My family decided to participate in this activity to help protect the environment."

Elementary school students concentrate on coloring wooden frogs. Using the frogs they made by themselves, the children learn about the efforts needed to protect the amphibians. This is an environment education class organized by some 240 civic groups in Goyang, Gyeonggi-do Province, From elementary students to adults, anyone can take the class to learn about the importance of carbon reductions and ways to overcome the climate crisis.

[Soundbite] Sim Eun-young(Citizens' Coalition for Carbon Neutrality) : "People can get familiar with environmental issues and terms through education. We are approaching the issue in an easier way while answering questions about climate change."

A lecture room at a library is filled with people. It is a class on making eco-friendly detergents. With growing public interest in environmental issues, it now has become one of the most popular classes.

[Soundbite] Cha Hyo-soon(Namyangju, Gyeonggi-do Prov.) : "I will use it at home or give it to other people. I want to help our children grow in a good environment."

Citizens are working together to overcome the climate crisis. More and more people are practicing these small efforts to protect the environment.

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