입력 2021.05.17 (15:17) 수정 2021.05.17 (16:46)

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[Anchor Lead]

Finance Minister Hong Nam-ki says concerns over inflationary pressure in the U.S. are growing again and the government will continue discussions with the U.S. to address the issue. During an economic ministers' meeting on Monday, the government said the keys of the Biden administration's economic principles are increasing government spending, raising taxes and nurturing core industries. It pointed that the U.S.' greater government spending could increase liquidity in the market and propel concerns about inflation and interest rate hikes. The government said it will closely monitor the financial and foreign exchange markets at home and abroad. It then promised to take market stabilization measures when market volatility increases.
The wife of Belgian ambassador to South Korea Peter Lescouhier is likely to avoid assault charges and punishment due to diplomatic immunity. According to Yongsan Police Station on Sunday, the ambassador's wife sent a notice last Friday, saying she would not to waiver her immunity under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. As a result, police will close the case in accordance with routine procedures. The ambassador's wife is accused of slapping two workers at a clothing store in Yongan, Seoul, in early April. She was booked and questioned by Korean police early this month.

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    • 입력 2021-05-17 15:17:18
    • 수정2021-05-17 16:46:31
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Finance Minister Hong Nam-ki says concerns over inflationary pressure in the U.S. are growing again and the government will continue discussions with the U.S. to address the issue. During an economic ministers' meeting on Monday, the government said the keys of the Biden administration's economic principles are increasing government spending, raising taxes and nurturing core industries. It pointed that the U.S.' greater government spending could increase liquidity in the market and propel concerns about inflation and interest rate hikes. The government said it will closely monitor the financial and foreign exchange markets at home and abroad. It then promised to take market stabilization measures when market volatility increases.
The wife of Belgian ambassador to South Korea Peter Lescouhier is likely to avoid assault charges and punishment due to diplomatic immunity. According to Yongsan Police Station on Sunday, the ambassador's wife sent a notice last Friday, saying she would not to waiver her immunity under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. As a result, police will close the case in accordance with routine procedures. The ambassador's wife is accused of slapping two workers at a clothing store in Yongan, Seoul, in early April. She was booked and questioned by Korean police early this month.

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