입력 2021.06.16 (15:30) 수정 2021.06.16 (16:46)

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[Anchor Lead]

Finalized details of a new social distancing scheme to take effect from next month will be unveiled this weekend. Crowd capacity at outdoor sports venues was increased from this week. Let's go to Jamsil Baseball Stadium to get a glimpse of the atmosphere of the first match following the eased rules.


Friends and family have come out to watch a baseball game. Wearing masks, they are seated two seats apart from each other. Under level 2 distancing, sports fans can be accepted at 30 percent capacity, and up to 50 percent under level 1.5. Jamsil stadium has 24-thousand seats in t total, so 7,200 spectators are allowed.

[Soundbite] In Dan-bi(Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi-do Prov.) : "Until now, I purchased cancelled seats because there were no tickets. But today, I successfully made a reservation."

[Soundbite] Woo Jeong-hyeon(Gangnam-gu District, Seoul) : "The fun of cheering is doing it together with friends. It’s different these days since we’re sitting apart. I hope the pandemic ends and things return to normal."

Capacity has increased but safey rules remain in place. Chanting and loud cheering are not allowed. Changing seats is also banned. Eating food inside the arena is still prohibited. Changes at sports games are just the beginning. A new set of social distancing guidelines will take effect from July 5. The government will announced the details this Sunday. Under the revised rules, the current five-tier system will change to four levels, while the cap on private gatherings will also be eased. Business hours for public-use facilities will be extended while suspensions of certain entertainment establishments are expected to be partially lifted.

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    • 입력 2021-06-16 15:30:15
    • 수정2021-06-16 16:46:12
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Finalized details of a new social distancing scheme to take effect from next month will be unveiled this weekend. Crowd capacity at outdoor sports venues was increased from this week. Let's go to Jamsil Baseball Stadium to get a glimpse of the atmosphere of the first match following the eased rules.


Friends and family have come out to watch a baseball game. Wearing masks, they are seated two seats apart from each other. Under level 2 distancing, sports fans can be accepted at 30 percent capacity, and up to 50 percent under level 1.5. Jamsil stadium has 24-thousand seats in t total, so 7,200 spectators are allowed.

[Soundbite] In Dan-bi(Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi-do Prov.) : "Until now, I purchased cancelled seats because there were no tickets. But today, I successfully made a reservation."

[Soundbite] Woo Jeong-hyeon(Gangnam-gu District, Seoul) : "The fun of cheering is doing it together with friends. It’s different these days since we’re sitting apart. I hope the pandemic ends and things return to normal."

Capacity has increased but safey rules remain in place. Chanting and loud cheering are not allowed. Changing seats is also banned. Eating food inside the arena is still prohibited. Changes at sports games are just the beginning. A new set of social distancing guidelines will take effect from July 5. The government will announced the details this Sunday. Under the revised rules, the current five-tier system will change to four levels, while the cap on private gatherings will also be eased. Business hours for public-use facilities will be extended while suspensions of certain entertainment establishments are expected to be partially lifted.

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