입력 2021.08.17 (15:40) 수정 2021.08.17 (16:50)

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[Anchor Lead]

Prices of other items are also soaring. Surging LPG prices are another source of concern for taxi drivers and small business owners. LPG is expected to continue the upward trend for the time being, placing a greater burden on low-income earners who have already been suffering from a financial blow dealt by the pandemic.


Lines of empty taxis are waiting for customers. As demand has dropped since the pandemic began, taxi drivers sometimes spend more than an hour before receiving a single passenger. Some of the taxis are seen keeping the engine or air conditioner off in order to save on gas consumption.

[Soundbite] Lee Sang-woo(Taxi Driver) : "All taxi drivers are suffering. Gas prices have jumped and we have to turn on the air conditioner in the summer. It is extremely tough."

Small restaurants are also bearing the financial toll of the coronavirus crisis. Their losses are growing further due to rising prices of LPG, which is the main fuel used in the kitchen.

[Soundbite] Lee Soon-nam(Restaurant Owner) : "I sell five or six bowls of food a day. But gas prices are soaring. In addition to the expensive gas, I have to pay rent. Life is quite tough."

Prices of butane and propane gas have recently hit a seven-year high. percent year on year, while profane gas, used in restaurants, jumped 43 percent, compared to a year ago. It is because Dubai crude oil prices have climbed from some 40 U.S. dollars per barrel in 2020 to top 70 dollars, with ocean freight charges rising more than four folds over the past year. Market experts predict that LPG prices will likely continue to rise for a while. Across the nation, some 4.2 million stores and houses use LPG and nearly two million vehicles run on the gas. Higher LPG prices are adding to the difficulties facing low-income earners who are already struggling amid the pandemic.

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    • 입력 2021-08-17 15:40:06
    • 수정2021-08-17 16:50:28
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Prices of other items are also soaring. Surging LPG prices are another source of concern for taxi drivers and small business owners. LPG is expected to continue the upward trend for the time being, placing a greater burden on low-income earners who have already been suffering from a financial blow dealt by the pandemic.


Lines of empty taxis are waiting for customers. As demand has dropped since the pandemic began, taxi drivers sometimes spend more than an hour before receiving a single passenger. Some of the taxis are seen keeping the engine or air conditioner off in order to save on gas consumption.

[Soundbite] Lee Sang-woo(Taxi Driver) : "All taxi drivers are suffering. Gas prices have jumped and we have to turn on the air conditioner in the summer. It is extremely tough."

Small restaurants are also bearing the financial toll of the coronavirus crisis. Their losses are growing further due to rising prices of LPG, which is the main fuel used in the kitchen.

[Soundbite] Lee Soon-nam(Restaurant Owner) : "I sell five or six bowls of food a day. But gas prices are soaring. In addition to the expensive gas, I have to pay rent. Life is quite tough."

Prices of butane and propane gas have recently hit a seven-year high. percent year on year, while profane gas, used in restaurants, jumped 43 percent, compared to a year ago. It is because Dubai crude oil prices have climbed from some 40 U.S. dollars per barrel in 2020 to top 70 dollars, with ocean freight charges rising more than four folds over the past year. Market experts predict that LPG prices will likely continue to rise for a while. Across the nation, some 4.2 million stores and houses use LPG and nearly two million vehicles run on the gas. Higher LPG prices are adding to the difficulties facing low-income earners who are already struggling amid the pandemic.

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