입력 2021.08.23 (15:24) 수정 2021.08.23 (16:46)

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[Anchor Lead]

Unionized healthcare workers Monday held a press conference in front of Seoul city hall, highlighting the excessive workload of nurses working at COVID-19 wards. They called for a meeting with Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon and insisted that he has never responded to nurses’ meeting requests since his election in April. The union also demanded that the Seoul Health Foundation reveal standards on hiring COVID-19 ward nurses, which it devised at the request of the Seoul city government.

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    • 입력 2021-08-23 15:24:14
    • 수정2021-08-23 16:46:16
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Unionized healthcare workers Monday held a press conference in front of Seoul city hall, highlighting the excessive workload of nurses working at COVID-19 wards. They called for a meeting with Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon and insisted that he has never responded to nurses’ meeting requests since his election in April. The union also demanded that the Seoul Health Foundation reveal standards on hiring COVID-19 ward nurses, which it devised at the request of the Seoul city government.

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