입력 2021.08.31 (15:20) 수정 2021.08.31 (17:01)

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[Anchor Lead]

Fewer people have been going out for drinks due to strict social distancing rules. The chauffeur service is one of the businesses hit hard by the change. With level-four rules in effect for two months, struggling chauffeurs in Seoul are calling for measures that guarantee them a living and job security.


Chauffeurs complain that they hardly receive one call a day, as night-time gatherings have decreased due to tougher social distancing rules.

[Soundbite] Kim Joo-hwan(Chauffeurs' Union) : "We have been holding out by cutting back on expenses for children’s education and eating out or canceling insurance contracts. With level 4 distancing rules in effect, our earnings have plummeted seriously."

Despite the plunge in demand, they still have to pay commissions and insurance premiums to their agencies.

[Soundbite] Lee Chang-bae (Chauffeurs' Union) : "We have to pay 20% of our earnings as commission and that is too much under the current situation. We asked Kakao Mobility for negotiations but they rejected it."

According to a 2020 survey conducted by the labor ministry, two out of ten chauffeurs saw their earnings drop by over 80 percent. More than half of them fall into the bottom 20 percent income bracket. In January, the Seoul city government drew up measures to support essential workers. But chauffeurs say nothing has changed. In order for chauffeurs to receive financial support, the Seoul city government first needs to hold a labor committee meeting and designate their business as an essential service. But such a committee has not been formed.

[Soundbite] Han Ji-hoon (Chauffeur) : "Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon promised to devise various measures to support essential workers. However, his promise has not been kept even when substitute drivers are put at risk."

The only support the city government currently provides to chauffeurs is protective masks and anti-virus items.

[Soundbite] Lee Chang-geun(Seoul City Gov’t Spokesperson) : "We will hold a committee meeting and provide support to substitute drivers in accordance with the law on supporting essential workers."

There are about 40,000 chauffeurs in Seoul. But they are not included in those entitled to emergency relief funds for transportation business workers.

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    • 입력 2021-08-31 15:20:26
    • 수정2021-08-31 17:01:23
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Fewer people have been going out for drinks due to strict social distancing rules. The chauffeur service is one of the businesses hit hard by the change. With level-four rules in effect for two months, struggling chauffeurs in Seoul are calling for measures that guarantee them a living and job security.


Chauffeurs complain that they hardly receive one call a day, as night-time gatherings have decreased due to tougher social distancing rules.

[Soundbite] Kim Joo-hwan(Chauffeurs' Union) : "We have been holding out by cutting back on expenses for children’s education and eating out or canceling insurance contracts. With level 4 distancing rules in effect, our earnings have plummeted seriously."

Despite the plunge in demand, they still have to pay commissions and insurance premiums to their agencies.

[Soundbite] Lee Chang-bae (Chauffeurs' Union) : "We have to pay 20% of our earnings as commission and that is too much under the current situation. We asked Kakao Mobility for negotiations but they rejected it."

According to a 2020 survey conducted by the labor ministry, two out of ten chauffeurs saw their earnings drop by over 80 percent. More than half of them fall into the bottom 20 percent income bracket. In January, the Seoul city government drew up measures to support essential workers. But chauffeurs say nothing has changed. In order for chauffeurs to receive financial support, the Seoul city government first needs to hold a labor committee meeting and designate their business as an essential service. But such a committee has not been formed.

[Soundbite] Han Ji-hoon (Chauffeur) : "Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon promised to devise various measures to support essential workers. However, his promise has not been kept even when substitute drivers are put at risk."

The only support the city government currently provides to chauffeurs is protective masks and anti-virus items.

[Soundbite] Lee Chang-geun(Seoul City Gov’t Spokesperson) : "We will hold a committee meeting and provide support to substitute drivers in accordance with the law on supporting essential workers."

There are about 40,000 chauffeurs in Seoul. But they are not included in those entitled to emergency relief funds for transportation business workers.

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