입력 2021.09.23 (15:09) 수정 2021.09.23 (16:46)

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[Anchor Lead]

New Covid-19 cases in Korea recorded 1,716 for Thursday. Cases in the greater Seoul area now account for 76 percent of all cases. The outbreak could spread across the nation due to increased travel on holidays.


In just one day, 31 more coronavirus cases were confirmed at Garak Market in Seoul, one of the latest hotspots of COVID-19. The total number of cases at the market has surpassed 400 since the first infection was detected in late August. 1,716 new cases were reported for Thursday because of outbreaks at traditional markets on holidays. This means the spread is still rampant since the number of tests was reduced by about 30 percent during that period. Daily tally in the greater Seoul area averaged 1,384 last week, up more than 12 percent on-week and the highest level thus far. Concerns are rising that the surge could spread nationwide due to increased travel during Chuseok. Last week, travel in the country increased more than 5 percent compared to the week prior.

[Soundbite] Kang Do-tae(Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures HQs) : "Travel in the greater Seoul area increased this week as it did last week. The outbreak could spread to other regions. Rapid testing is imperative to prevent that."

The average daily number of local coronavirus cases rose more than 4 percent last week. The virus reproduction rate also rose to 1.03. The rate has surpassed 1 in the greater Seoul area, but it remains at 0.9 in other regions. The infection rate is 5.5 cases per 100,000 people in their 20s and 5.2 cases per 100,000 people in their 30s. The virus reproduction rate is going up in all age groups except for those in their 50s. Authorities urge the public to get tested before returning from holidays even if they don't have any symptoms.

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    • 입력 2021-09-23 15:09:14
    • 수정2021-09-23 16:46:32
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

New Covid-19 cases in Korea recorded 1,716 for Thursday. Cases in the greater Seoul area now account for 76 percent of all cases. The outbreak could spread across the nation due to increased travel on holidays.


In just one day, 31 more coronavirus cases were confirmed at Garak Market in Seoul, one of the latest hotspots of COVID-19. The total number of cases at the market has surpassed 400 since the first infection was detected in late August. 1,716 new cases were reported for Thursday because of outbreaks at traditional markets on holidays. This means the spread is still rampant since the number of tests was reduced by about 30 percent during that period. Daily tally in the greater Seoul area averaged 1,384 last week, up more than 12 percent on-week and the highest level thus far. Concerns are rising that the surge could spread nationwide due to increased travel during Chuseok. Last week, travel in the country increased more than 5 percent compared to the week prior.

[Soundbite] Kang Do-tae(Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures HQs) : "Travel in the greater Seoul area increased this week as it did last week. The outbreak could spread to other regions. Rapid testing is imperative to prevent that."

The average daily number of local coronavirus cases rose more than 4 percent last week. The virus reproduction rate also rose to 1.03. The rate has surpassed 1 in the greater Seoul area, but it remains at 0.9 in other regions. The infection rate is 5.5 cases per 100,000 people in their 20s and 5.2 cases per 100,000 people in their 30s. The virus reproduction rate is going up in all age groups except for those in their 50s. Authorities urge the public to get tested before returning from holidays even if they don't have any symptoms.

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