입력 2021.10.06 (15:47) 수정 2021.10.06 (16:46)

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[Anchor Lead]

COVID-19 infections slightly fell due to fewer tests during the holiday weekend but the number is back up again on Wednesday. 2,028 cases were reported throughout Tuesday, 453 up from the previous 24 hours. The government is expanding treatment at home for COVID-19 patients for a gradual return to normal life and a new system will be established in the coming days to this aim.


A public health center employee rings up a patient isolated at home to check up on symptoms.

[Soundbite] Lee Hee-seon(Nurse) : "Hello, we're calling from the public health clinic. We’d like to check your temperature. Are you experiencing any discomfort?"

Due to the rising number of home-care patients, the center added two more workers, but still, difficulties remain in providing swift response to emergency situations or night time situations.

[Soundbite] Kim Yeong-dae(Public Health Center Infectious Disease Unit) : "The biggest challenge is providing immediate access to medical institutes at night or during emergencies. Patients need facilities where they can receive temporary treatment while waiting for available hospital beds."

In Seoul alone, some 17-hundred coronavirus patients are being treated at home. The government plans to set up a system that expands home-treatment witin this week.

[Soundbite] Kim Boo-kyum(Prime Minister) : "With the rising vaccination rate, the healthcare system should be revamped to prepare for a return to normal life."

The overall caseload must come down in order to shift to a gradual return to daily life but the outbreak is not letting up. Last week, the average daily tally was 2,490, up 461 from the week prior. It marks a 21% increase for the capital region and 28% for noncapital areas. Despite variables such as the upcoming holiday weekend and the autumn foliage season, authorities believe if the case number is stably managed for 2 weeks, quarantine measures can be eased for the fully vaccinated.

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    • 입력 2021-10-06 15:47:24
    • 수정2021-10-06 16:46:22
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

COVID-19 infections slightly fell due to fewer tests during the holiday weekend but the number is back up again on Wednesday. 2,028 cases were reported throughout Tuesday, 453 up from the previous 24 hours. The government is expanding treatment at home for COVID-19 patients for a gradual return to normal life and a new system will be established in the coming days to this aim.


A public health center employee rings up a patient isolated at home to check up on symptoms.

[Soundbite] Lee Hee-seon(Nurse) : "Hello, we're calling from the public health clinic. We’d like to check your temperature. Are you experiencing any discomfort?"

Due to the rising number of home-care patients, the center added two more workers, but still, difficulties remain in providing swift response to emergency situations or night time situations.

[Soundbite] Kim Yeong-dae(Public Health Center Infectious Disease Unit) : "The biggest challenge is providing immediate access to medical institutes at night or during emergencies. Patients need facilities where they can receive temporary treatment while waiting for available hospital beds."

In Seoul alone, some 17-hundred coronavirus patients are being treated at home. The government plans to set up a system that expands home-treatment witin this week.

[Soundbite] Kim Boo-kyum(Prime Minister) : "With the rising vaccination rate, the healthcare system should be revamped to prepare for a return to normal life."

The overall caseload must come down in order to shift to a gradual return to daily life but the outbreak is not letting up. Last week, the average daily tally was 2,490, up 461 from the week prior. It marks a 21% increase for the capital region and 28% for noncapital areas. Despite variables such as the upcoming holiday weekend and the autumn foliage season, authorities believe if the case number is stably managed for 2 weeks, quarantine measures can be eased for the fully vaccinated.

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