입력 2021.10.18 (15:09) 수정 2021.10.18 (16:46)

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브라우저에서만 사용하실 수 있습니다.

[Anchor Lead]

A set of new distancing measures was implemented today as the gradual normalization plan is to begin early next month. Some measures have been loosened, allowing up to eight people in a private gathering in the capital region. Disease control authorities emphasized that the next two weeks are the last chance Korea has to contain the surge before Koreans gradually go back to their pre-pandemic lives.


The next two weeks will be the last time Koreans have to adhere to select distancing rules before the nation gradually returns to normal. The measures will remain in level 4 for the capital region. Level 3 for the rest of the country. But they will change for fully vaccinated people. Up to eight people, including four fully vaccinated individuals, are allowed in a private gathering in the Seoul region, while a maximum of ten people, which includes up to six fully vaccinated individuals, can gather in the non-capital regions. Business hours at public and multipurpose facilities are extended. Study facilities in Seoul and surrounding areas are allowed to stay open until midnight. Restaurants and coffee shops in other regions are allowed to operate until midnight as well. Up to 250 guests, which includes 201 fully vaccinated individuals, can attend a wedding regardless of food service. Children started returning to childcare centers as the closure order for these facilities in Seoul was terminated. The government emphasized the spread hasn’t been contained completely although disease control measures have been relaxed for vaccinated individuals. Authorities asked some local governments which have already announced an extension of operating hours for entertainment businesses to follow the central government’s rules applied nationwide.

[Soundbite] Kwon Deok-chul(Minister of Health and Welfare) : "The remaining two weeks are expected to be very important in our efforts to gradually return to normal. Along with all the people, I really hope we can start returning to normal lives next month."

The government plans to return to normal lives in phases, starting November 1st, if vaccines are administered without a hitch and the daily virus tally, the number of serious cases as well as the death rate are maintained at stable levels.

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    • 입력 2021-10-18 15:09:23
    • 수정2021-10-18 16:46:17
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

A set of new distancing measures was implemented today as the gradual normalization plan is to begin early next month. Some measures have been loosened, allowing up to eight people in a private gathering in the capital region. Disease control authorities emphasized that the next two weeks are the last chance Korea has to contain the surge before Koreans gradually go back to their pre-pandemic lives.


The next two weeks will be the last time Koreans have to adhere to select distancing rules before the nation gradually returns to normal. The measures will remain in level 4 for the capital region. Level 3 for the rest of the country. But they will change for fully vaccinated people. Up to eight people, including four fully vaccinated individuals, are allowed in a private gathering in the Seoul region, while a maximum of ten people, which includes up to six fully vaccinated individuals, can gather in the non-capital regions. Business hours at public and multipurpose facilities are extended. Study facilities in Seoul and surrounding areas are allowed to stay open until midnight. Restaurants and coffee shops in other regions are allowed to operate until midnight as well. Up to 250 guests, which includes 201 fully vaccinated individuals, can attend a wedding regardless of food service. Children started returning to childcare centers as the closure order for these facilities in Seoul was terminated. The government emphasized the spread hasn’t been contained completely although disease control measures have been relaxed for vaccinated individuals. Authorities asked some local governments which have already announced an extension of operating hours for entertainment businesses to follow the central government’s rules applied nationwide.

[Soundbite] Kwon Deok-chul(Minister of Health and Welfare) : "The remaining two weeks are expected to be very important in our efforts to gradually return to normal. Along with all the people, I really hope we can start returning to normal lives next month."

The government plans to return to normal lives in phases, starting November 1st, if vaccines are administered without a hitch and the daily virus tally, the number of serious cases as well as the death rate are maintained at stable levels.

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